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Truskavets – where to eat?

Healthy and tasty food is the key to any quality rest. When travelling to tourist locations, you always want to fill your trip with maximum variety. This also applies to food outlets, which are an important element of the tourist infrastructure.

The extremely popular tourist centre and balneological resort of Truskavets offers holidaymakers a wide range of restaurants, cafes and other food outlets that cater to all possible culinary preferences.

Temperature in Truskavets now

6.1o C   |   43.0o F

The best restaurants and cafes in Truskavets

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The vast majority of Truskavets’ food outlets are focused on traditional Ukrainian and local cuisine. Among them, the most popular establishments are Shukhlyada, Boikivska Svitlytsia, Senator, SAS, Marko, Zlagoda, Zgadka, Alkor, Veranda, Kleynod, Green Park, Gendel Plyats, ‘Butcher Bread and Meat, Babylon, Bilyi Dvorik, Kozatskyi Khutor, Premier, Stara Brovarnya, Trembita and Sosnovyi Bir. All of these establishments have a cosy atmosphere, comfortable interiors, delicious food and top-notch service. Prices for traditional Ukrainian and local cuisine in Truskavets restaurants are quite affordable.

If you prefer traditional European cuisine, you should visit such Truskavets restaurants as AWE, Bellini’s Piano Bar & Grill, Kluberg, Ya i TI and Theodora. All of these establishments are distinguished by their modern interiors, high-quality service and delicious dishes, each of which is a true culinary masterpiece. Even tourists from EU countries note the high level of service in these restaurants, leaving rave reviews about their visits.

Italian cuisine is extremely popular among both Ukrainian and foreign tourists in Truskavets. First and foremost, we are talking about the Lion’s Yard pizzeria and the restaurants Giardino Italiano, Assaggi, Dolce Vita and L’escale. Even the Italians who visited Truskavets noted that local chefs cook Italian pizza and pasta tastier than at home.

If you like exotic food, you should visit Truskavets restaurants with oriental cuisine, such as Chaykhana Damirkhan, Tandoor, Sultan and Baku Lights. Oriental hospitality and unsurpassed taste of dishes in these establishments will make your holiday unforgettable.

For tourists who like fast food, Burger Club is a great place to eat in Truskavets. This is a great place for a quick and tasty snack for tourists who have an extremely busy schedule of excursions. Burger Club allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and recharge your batteries for exploring all the sights of Truskavets and the surrounding area.

For coffee lovers, Truskavets has many excellent cafes. The most popular among them are Raymund Coffee, Confiseriу, Chocolate, Old Town, Lviv Chocolate Workshop, Biscuit, Lviv coffee and Italiano. Delicious coffee and sweet cakes in Truskavets will make your morning bright and cheerful.

For those who like to combine hunger satisfaction with drinking alcoholic beverages, a great place in Truskavets is the local bars Burgomistr Craft Beer & Food, Gusto eco bar bistro, Mirage, Marta, Legend and the Rivers Cafe Bar. The local craft beer is especially tasty.

At the end of your acquaintance with Truskavets’ dining options, you should visit the Fisherman’s House restaurant. This is a great place to relax and go fishing in the lap of nature. And the taste of local fish dishes is simply incredible.

Cafes and restaurants in Truskavets on the map

Tours and excursions from Truskavets

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Where to stay in Truskavets?

Truskavets offers the most comfortable conditions for travellers. Among the interesting options:

Our catalogue of housing in Truskavets will help you choose the best place to stay in this resort.


Курортно-готельний комплекс «Свитязь»
25 Sukhovolya St., Truskavets
+380 ....
from 1780₴/day

Cottages and manors

Котедж «Перлина Трускавця»
9 Stepan Bandera St., Truskavets
+380 ....
from 6700₴/day

The most interesting places near the resort of Truskavets

Коростівська вузькоколійка
The history of the Korostiv narrow-gauge railway dates back to 1888, when its construction began. The main line was completed
Дельфінарій «Оскар» у Трускавці
Families with children who come on holiday to Truskavets should definitely visit the Oscar Dolphinarium, which is the only such
Парк «Підгір'я» в Трускавці
A great place for a walk in Truskavets is the Pidhirya Dendrological Park with its various plantings, paved paths, zoo,
Вілла Клюберга у Трускавці
The Kluberg Villa was built in Truskavets back in 1907 on the initiative of a local resident, Mayer Kluberg. This
Римо-католицький костел Успіння Пресвятої Діви Марії у Трускавці
The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Truskavets is a shrine that is a
Музей народного художника України Михайла Біласа
The Museum of the National Painter of Ukraine Mykhailo Bilas is located in the centre of Truskavets in the former
Чани Трускавець
The incredibly powerful healing effect of the Truskavets resort should definitely be multiplied by visiting the local vats. Thanks to
Музей Омеляна Стоцького
The Omelyan Stotsky Museum is a small building on the territory of the Skhidnytsia Karpaty sanatorium. In the museum, you
Курортний парк «Адамівка» у Трускавці
Adamivka (formerly known as Resort Park) is a park-monument of landscape art of national importance in Ukraine. It is located
Музей-краївка «Історія Трускавця»
The Truskavets History Museum is a municipal historical and local history museum in Truskavets (Lviv region, Ukraine), where everyone can
Скелі Довбуша
The rock and cave complex Dovbush's Rocks is located 7.7 km from the central part of Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region, in
Водоспад Кам'янка
Kamyansky Vodopad (also known as Kamyanetsky Vodopad, Kamyanka) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians, within the Skole Beskydy massif.

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