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Derenovskaya kupil

Home Content 1. Sanatorium "Derenovskaya kupel" 2. All services in the region 3. A bit of history about the Derenovskaya Font 3. The healing waters of the resort 4. Treatment and SPA programs of the complex 5. Where to stay 5. Where to eat 5. Services and entertainment 6. How to get to Derevinskaya Kupili [...]
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Ski resort “Synyak”

Synyak ski resort is very popular among travelers. It is located in a picturesque corner of Transcarpathia, which captivates with its special atmosphere. The complex offers all kinds of sports entertainment and other services. This settlement is located in the Transcarpathian region near Mukachevo at an altitude of approximately 500 m above sea level.

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Entertainment in Mizhhirya

There are countless opportunities for recreation and excursions in Mizhhirya district. But sooner or later, every traveller will not only want to replenish their cultural luggage, but also have fun. Therefore, it is better to plan in advance how to fill your leisure time.

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Tourist routes in Mizhhirya and its surroundings

Mizhhirya includes numerous tourist routes. Mizhgirya has long established itself as a universally recognized center.

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Unusual excursions around Mizhhiria and its surroundings

This romantic region is located in a mountain valley among truly wonderful landscapes. Tourists from all over the world come here, as you can find recreation centers and well-organized modern ski complexes in nature.

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