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The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Nyzhniy Studenyi

According to the Bible, in the spring of 7 April, the archangel Gabriel brought the good news that the Virgin Mary would give birth to the Son of God. That is why the church in the village of Nyzhniy Studenyi was named the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Nyzhniy Studenyi

The village of Nyzhniy Studenyi in Khust district of Transcarpathian region was first mentioned in documents in the XVI century. But it was only in the spring of 1820 that a church was built in the village.

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Hotels in Verkhovyna

Hotels in Verkhovyna Cottage, Tourist complex Recreation complex “Magurka Rest Place” 2A Chornovola St., Verkhovyna +380 .... +38 (067) 125 30 46 from 1800₴/night All accommodation options on the map Home Content [toc] Rest in the village of Verkhovyna The heart of the Carpathians - Verkhovyna I Secrets and legends, Pysanka stone, Ternoshorska Lada, Hutsulshchyna [...]
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Private sector in Verkhovyna

Housing in the private sector of Verkhovyna Cottage, Tourist complex Recreation complex “Magurka Rest Place” 2A Chornovola St., Verkhovyna +380 .... +38 (067) 125 30 46 from 1800₴/night All accommodation options on the map Home Content [toc] Rest in the village of Verkhovyna Incredible Carpathians - Verkhovyna The temperature in Verkhovyna is now: 1.8o C [...]
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Manors and cottages in Verkhovyna

Cottages and manors in Verkhovyna Cottage, Tourist complex Recreation complex “Magurka Rest Place” 2A Chornovola St., Verkhovyna +380 .... +38 (067) 125 30 46 from 1800₴/night All accommodation options on the map Home Content [toc] Rest in the village of Verkhovyna Great Hutsul swing | Entertainment in Verkhovyna | Carpathians The temperature in Verkhovyna is [...]
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