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Віктор Шатров

🖋 Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

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Курган Красуні
Not far from the village of Muzhyievo, Berehove district, Transcarpathian region, next to the Verke river, there is a lonely
Метеорит Княгиня
On 09.06.1866, a unique event took place near the village of Kniahynya in Uzhhorod district (Transcarpathia) - a huge meteorite
Річка Теребля
The Tereblya is a right tributary of the Tysa. The river is over 90 km long. During calm periods, the
Озеро Солоне
The area of Solone Lake, which is located on the outskirts of the village of Neresnytsia, is 1 hectare and
Музей-садиба Патріарха Київського та всієї Руси-України Володимира в с. Хімчин
The museum-manor of Patriarch Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine is one of the most important sacred institutions of the
Коростівська вузькоколійка
The history of the Korostiv narrow-gauge railway dates back to 1888, when its construction began. The main line was completed
Руїни Бронецького замку
In Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on a mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukha, there are ruins of
Горянська ротонда
An acquaintance with Uzhhorod would be incomplete without a visit to the famous Horyany Rotunda, which is one of the
Сироварня «Росохата»
A wonderful cheese dairy is located in the Polonyna Rosokhata near the village of Sheshory, 19 km from Kosiv. The
Сироварня «Далекі Гори»
The fantastic Daleki Hory cheese factory is located 25 km from Kosiv in the village of Snidavka. It opened its
Садиба еко-ферма «Дивосвіт»
A rather interesting tourist location on the outskirts of Kosiv is the Sanduliak family eco-farm Dyvosvit. This format of private
Гуцульська сироварня в селі Яворів
A great location for gastronomic tourism in the vicinity of Kosiv is the Hutsul Cheese Factory eco-farm in the village