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Church of St John the Baptist in the village of Kidosh

In the village of Kidosh, there is the Church of St John the Baptist, built in the 14th century on the basis of a 13th-century chapel. In the Middle Ages, the church served not only for prayer but also had a defensive value – it was surrounded by a fence and protected by a moat.

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Church of St Nicholas in the village of Verkhniy Studenyi

The wooden church made of spruce beams, which has been preserved in Verkhniy Studenyi, is the most developed type of Boyko church with multi-stage (arched) tops. The church was built in 1804.

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Ski resort “Beskyd”

The village of Verkhniy Studenyi, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, is located in the middle of the picturesque mountain ranges of the Skolski Beskydy. That is why this famous ski resort is often called “Beskyd”.

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Verkhniy Studenyi

The village of Verkhniy Studenyi in Khust district, Transcarpathian region, is located in the middle of the picturesque mountain ranges of the Skolski Beskydy. It is located between Volovets and Mizhhirya beyond Pylypets at an altitude of 710 m above sea level on the banks of the Studenyi River.

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The village is located near the Runa mountain valley in one of the most picturesque corners of the Carpathians. The village of Likitsary has been known since the 15th century, and it was under this name that it was first mentioned in historical sources.

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