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Ski complex Velykyi in the village of Kalyny

The Velykyi ski resort, located in the village of Kalyny, is relatively new. The resort’s good location attracts many tourists. In summer, the complex is popular as a children’s health resort and hiking centre.

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Ski resort Mizhhirya

In winter, Mizhhirya becomes extremely popular among tourists who enjoy skiing. It is for such travellers that Mizhhirya has 2 well-known ski resorts – Alliance and Kamyanka.

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Ski resort Solochyn

The village of Solochyn, Mukachevo District, Transcarpathian region, attracts visitors in winter not only with the opportunity to improve their health with healing mineral waters, but also with excellent skiing facilities.

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Ski resort Yasinya

The village of Yasinya in Rakhiv district becomes a real mecca for skiers in winter. This wonderful corner of Transcarpathia is located at an altitude of 650m above sea level between the Svydovets and Chornohora ranges, not far from the heart of the Carpathians – Mount Hoverla.

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Ruins of Bronetskyi Castle

In Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on a mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukha, there are ruins of a medieval castle built in 1273. Only a few large stones and the remains of ramparts have survived to this day.

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