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Надсилайте актуальну інформацію та отримуйте більше цільових клієнтів. Ми розмістимо ваш об’єкт у нашому каталозі та покажемо поруч із локаціями, а також у загальному каталозі, це безкоштовно!

Ski resort Solochyn

The village of Solochyn Mukachevo district of Transcarpathian region, winter is not only a great time to improve your health with healing mineral waters, but also a great place for skiing.

There are three ski slopes of beginner and intermediate difficulty (48° 36′ 1″ N, 22° 57′ 23″ E). People who come to the area to undergo treatment in healthcare facilities in the area often ski here. Not far from the ski slopes of Solochyn, there are well-known Transcarpathian sanatoriums “Kvitka Polonyny” and “Kryshtaleve Dzherelo”.

Гірськолижний курорт Солочин

Brief overview

🗺 Location N48°36′01″ E22°57′23″
🏔 Number of extracts 1 boom lift
🚠 Multilift 2 (300 and 400 m)
🏔 Mountain height 860 m
🎿 Number of tracks 3
⛰ Total length of tracks About 1 km
⬇⬆ Height difference More than 200 m
↔ Drop width 50 meters
🔵⚫ Difficulty level Initial, middle
⛰ Ratrak processing Yes
🧭 Distance from the center of Solochyn Near
🚙 Road for Auto, on foot
🏕 Stop with the tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Solochyn
☕ Cafes and shops Solochyn

The temperature in Solochyn now:

-0.7o C   |   30.7o F

Winter rest in the village of Solochyn

The ski slopes in Solochyn are located between the Krekhaya and Tesanyk mountains. The slopes are 1000 metres long and 50 metres wide. The height difference is over 200 metres. All three trails lead to a mountain with a height of 860 m. They are equipped with one 500-metre-long drag lift and 2 multi-lifts 300 and 400 metres long. The slopes are groomed using a snow groomer.

On the map

Map of ski slopes in Solochyn

Карта гірськолижних спусків Солочина

Map of attractions in Solochyn

What to do and have fun with besides skiing?

Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral
Кузня-музей «Гамора»
In the village of Lysychovo, Khust district, there is the only functioning water forge-museum in Europe, Hamora, on the Lysychanka
Кирило-Мефодіївський жіночий монастир
Cyril and Methodius Women's Monastery of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate is a monastery of the UOC of the

Excursions to interesting locations nearby

Where to stay?

With a detailed overview of the best accommodation options in Solochin can be found on the relevant pages of our website:

Садиба «Європа» у Солочині
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 750₴/night
Садиба "Августин" у Солочині
Solochyn village, 2A
+380 ....
from 750₴/night
Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270, p. Solochyn
+380 ....
from 650₴/night
Садиба «У Еріки»
Solochyn village, 266
+380 ....
from 350₴/night
Готель «У Макса»
Solochyn village, 290
+380 ....
from 450 ₴/day
Санаторій «Кришталеве Джерело»
Solochyn village, 1V
+380 ....
from 1550 ₴/day
Санаторій «Квітка Полонини»
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day

Where to eat?

Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270/270a, village Solochyn
+380 ....
Cafe Elen
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Піцерія «Комора»
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....

How to get to Solochyn village?

Solochyn is relatively close to the main tourist centres of Transcarpathia. Mukachevo is 35 km away, and Svalyava is 8.5 km away.

The best way to get to Solochyn is to take a train to Svalyava, and then take a minibus or taxi to the village. You can also drive your own car along the Kyiv-Chop highway through the village of Polyana.

🧡 A ski holiday in Solochyn will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

Detailed weather