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Ski complex Velykyi in the village of Kalyny

Kalyny village, Tyachiv district, Transcarpathian region, is located in the Teresva river valley, 36 km from the district centre of Tyachiv and 25 km from the Teresva railway station. The origin of the village’s name is shrouded in legend. Old-timers say that once upon a time, a surprisingly beautiful girl named Kalyna lived here. The opryshky who spotted her liked her so much that they couldn’t decide who she would marry. At a meeting, the cruel opryshky decided that no one should kill Kalyna, and they planted a viburnum bush on her grave in memory of her.

Гірськолижний комплекс «Великий» в селі Калини

Description of the ski complex “Velykyi”

The Velykyi Ski Resort (coordinates 48.139444°, 23.866944°) is a relatively new ski resort located in the village. The resort’s good location attracts many tourists.

In summer, the Velykyi complex is popular as a children’s health resort and hiking centre.

The temperature in Kalyny village now:

-6.4o C   |   20.4o F

Description of the slopes

🗺 Resort location N48°07′03″ E23°53′43″
🎿 Number of tracks 4
🏔 Total length of tracks 4.5 km
🚡 Elevators 2 ski lifts and a snow tube lift
❄ Artificial snow Yes
🏔 Ratrak processing Yes
🧭 Distance from Tyachiv 36 km
🚙 Road for Auto, on foot
🏡 Housing nearby Tyachiv
☕ Cafes and shops Tyachiv
🌍 Address 76 Michurina Street, Kalyny village, Tyachiv district, Transcarpathian region

Four slopes and a snow tube are located on the peaks of Dovyi Hrun and Yafunkuvata. The total length of the slopes is 4.5 km. There are two drag lifts, a snow tube lift, a snow groomer and an artificial snowmaking system using snow cannons.

On the map

Map of the slopes of the Velykyi resort

Карта спусків курорту "Великий"

Map of attractions

Rest and excursions

Most interesting places nearby

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The exact age of the monastery is unknown. Researchers believe that the monastery was founded in the pre-Mongol period. There
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Tours and excursions

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Most interesting accommodation options

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Where to eat nearby?

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How do I get to Velykyi Ski Resort?

The Velykyi Complex can be reached by train to Mukachevo, Uzhhorod or Teresva stations, and then by minibus or taxi to the village of Kalyny.

You can drive your own car along the highway through Rakhiv to Ust-Chorna or by taking the road from Tyachiv in the direction of Dubove.

🧡 A ski holiday in the village of Kalyny will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!