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Hiking on the Montenegrin ridge

Transcarpathian region, Ukraine
Not Rated


6 days / 5 nights

Tour Type

Specific Tour

Group Size

12 people




Briefly about the hike on the Montenegrin ridge

Thanks to the hike on the Montenegrin ridge you can conquer the highest mountains in Ukraine, including Hoverla, enjoy the beauty of the beautiful high-mountain lakes Nesamovyty and Berbeneskul, as well as visit a unique abandoned observatory «White Elephant» on the top of the Pip Ivan Chornohirsky mountain. You will meet the incredible beauty of sunrise and sunset at an altitude of 2000 metres above sea level, breathe the purest mountain air, pass through the green spruce ocean filled with cool mountain streams during all six days of our trip to Carpathians. We look forward to your joining us on our voyage to the mountains!

Hiking plan on the Montenegrin ridge

Day 1

Ivano-Frankivsk – Kvasy or Lazeshchyna – the foot of Petros

The first day of our trip begins with a group meeting at the Ivano-Frankivsk railway station, the first meeting with the instructor and the distribution of food. After the organisational moments, with backpacks on our shoulders and a smile and joy in our hearts, we take our seats on the bus and head to the start of the voyage. Our six-day journey through the Carpathians will begin in a picturesque mountain Kvasy village. The village became known for its natural source of healing mineral water, which you should definitely try 🙂 Next, we will hike up to the Menchul meadow. Our path will pass through a cosy and beautiful beech forest. Upon reaching the meadow, we will immediately set up a camp there.

On the 1200m-high Menchul meadow, you will be treated to an extraordinary view of the Svydovets massif and its wooded surroundings. Somewhere far below you can see a strand of the Black Tisza River, on the banks of which you can barely see the small huts of the village of Kvasy. At the end of the first day, we take a walk along the meadow and watch the picturesque sunset in a friendly company. During the warm season, you will have the opportunity to buy fresh milk from the shepherds, which will perfectly quench your thirst in the heat.

In total, during the first day we will cover 7 km in length and 750 m in height.

Day 2

Climbing Petros

On the second day we will climb Mount Petros, which is the fourth highest mountain in Ukraine. We will climb from the village of Kvasy along picturesque meadows. After reaching the ridge itself, we will go directly to the top of Mount Petros, while admiring the incredible views of the Carpathians.

On Mount Petros, in clear weather, you can see the entire Montenegrin ridge from a height, including its highest mountain, Hoverla, which is only 9 km away. At the top, we make an incredible photo shoot, breathe in the clean mountain air and, having worked up a good appetite, start eating. It is worth noting that the weather at the top of Petros is extremely changeable and capricious. But don’t worry, we believe that we will be lucky with the weather and the clear warm sun will accompany our voyage. We organise an overnight stay between the Petros and Hoverla mountains. On this bridge, during the season, you can find a whole sea of blueberries.

During the second day, we will cover 13 kilometres, with an altitude difference of 900 metres up and 600 metres down.

Day 3

Legendary Hoverla – Lake Nesamovyte

The third day of our hike is extremely important. On this day we get up very early and go to conquer the highest mountain in Ukraine – Hoverla (2061 m). Slowly climbing through the spruce forest, we will reach the alpine meadows. In general, our path will now pass above the forest zone, which will continue for two more days of our voyage. Looking at Hoverla from Petros, you may think that the highest peak of Ukraine looks like the backbone of a magical giant fish emerging from the mountain waves of the Carpathians. After a short rest, we’ll start the steepest part of the 500-metre climb. In clear, good weather, there are always a lot of people at the top of Hoverla, especially if it’s a weekend. Be sure to take a selfie and a photo session on Hoverla so that we have cool photos as a souvenir 🙂

Continuing our way along the Montenegrin ridge, we will conquer the peaks of Breskul (1911 m), Pozhyzhevska (1822 m), Turkul (1933 m). At the end of the third day of the hike, we will camp under the ridge in a place near the high-mountainous lake Nesamovyte at an altitude of 1750 metres. Before sunset, you can walk to the top of Mount Turkul to see it from the best angle.

During the third day we will cover 9 km with 850 metres of ascent and 630 metres of descent.

Day 4

Rebra – Brebeneskul – Menchul – Dzembronia – Saddle near Smotrych

For everyone who wants to see the birth of a new day, we recommend getting up early, even before sunrise, and instead of doing morning exercises, make a quick climb to the nearest slope 🙂 In good, clear weather, it’s a dream come true for city dwellers to enjoy this fascinating and meditative performance. In the mountains, as a contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city, you can enjoy the peace and quiet and the disc of the Sun slowly rising above the horizon, playfully casting light on the mountain valleys that are foggy and sleeping behind the shadow of the hills. These feelings are incredibly fabulous and pleasant.

Once upon a time, in the 20s and 30s of the last century, the border line between Poland and Czechoslovakia ran through the Chornohora range. On the fourth day of the hike, our journey will start from the 32nd border pillar and reach the 18th. Along the way, we will admire the rocks near Mount Spikes and the blue of the high-mountainous Lake Brebeneskul (1801 m). At the end of the day, before dark, we’ll have to descend a little bit from the ridge and stop at the foot of Mount Smotrych. The place is convenient for a stop, as it is provided with water and flat places to set up tents.

During the fourth day, we will cover a distance of 12 kilometres with an ascent of 700 metres and a descent of 740 metres.

Day 5

Observatory on Mount Pip-Ivan Chornohirsky – Vuhanyi Kamen – Dzembronia

In the morning we will continue our journey by returning to the main ridge. On the fifth day, we will climb the last two-thousand metre peak of our hike – Mount Pip-Ivan Chornohirsky.

It is the mountain that closes the Montenegrin ridge as a formidable mountain guard. On this peak, we will find one of the most famous high mountain locations in Ukraine – the abandoned old Polish observatory “White Elephant”! The name of this building is due to the fact that in winter it looks like a large white elephant due to the snow!

After a short rest, we will begin the descent from the majestic Montenegrin ridge. On the way, we will pass by the rocks of the Eared Stone Mountain. Walking along a spur of this picturesque mountain among a large number of rock formations, we will reach the Dzembronski waterfalls, where you can enjoy a dip in the icy water. Then we will follow a rocky path through an incredibly beautiful spruce forest. Before dark, we will reach the Smotrych meadow. We will set up our tents not far from the shepherds’ summer farm. Here we will have a great opportunity to taste real Hutsul cheese.

On the penultimate day of the hike, we will cover as much as 10 kilometres of the route. The ascent in height will be 450 metres, and the descent will be 850 metres.

Day 6

Dzembronia – Verkhovyna – Yaremche – Ivano-Frankivsk

On the sixth day of our hike, after a good breakfast, we will continue our descent from the mountains to the village of Dzembronia. This path will take 4 kilometres in length with an altitude difference of 500 metres.

In the village of Dzembronia, the transport we had taken on the way was already waiting for us Verkhovyna we will go to the glorious city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Along the way, we will have the opportunity to stop at Yaremche. Here we will have time to admire Probiy waterfall and buy Carpathian souvenirs for friends, relatives and yourself. In Franik we will hold an organised celebration of the finish of the hike, choosing one of the local cafes, where the food is very tasty and not expensive 🙂

Please note

Changes to the programme

The team leader has the right to make changes to the route based on weather conditions, condition and wishes of the group.

Weather conditions

It often rains in the Carpathians during the warm season, including on the territory of our route. Therefore, you should always be prepared for the vagaries of the weather and take a raincoat with you. In addition, strong winds often rise in the mountainous areas and there are sharp temperature changes from heat to significant coolness during the day. Most of the rest stops and stops along the route are at a considerable altitude. Therefore, in the evening and at night it can be quite cool even in the middle of summer. So don’t forget to pack a hat and gloves for your trip!

In addition, do not forget about your health. To avoid problems during the hike, remember that you should not have any diseases that are incompatible with hiking in the mountains.

Equipment required

Dear tourists, when you read our list of equipment, please keep in mind that it is compiled taking into account the fact that we will go on a hike in the summer. If you book a tour in spring or autumn, you should pack more warm clothes. In this case, you should consult with your manager.

If you are going to the mountains for the first time, it is better to borrow equipment from friends or use our rental service in Ivano-Frankivsk. It is after the first hike that you will be able to understand whether the mountains will become your new exciting hobby. And after communicating with experienced tourists and a team leader, you will become more informed about the peculiarities of choosing equipment and learn how to choose it according to your own needs.

When you pack your backpack, keep in mind that at the beginning of your trip in Ivano-Frankivsk the team leader will distribute food for the trip, approximately several kilograms per person. Practice proves that the normal filling of a backpack for a hike lasting from 3 to 6 days is from 12 to 17 kilograms.

More information on what equipment you should take with you on a hike can be found in the video below.

If the tourist’s equipment does not comply with the recommendations on the website, the team leader has the right not to allow him to participate in the hike. This can happen if you take sneakers or rubber boots instead of the recommended hiking boots.

You should take the choice of equipment with maximum responsibility. Your attitude to this important aspect of hiking preparation affects both your personal health and the comfort of the trip for the whole group!

In order to protect against the effects of moisture (rain, snow), the things you pack in your backpack should be placed in plastic bags (including garbage bags).

When packing warm clothes (primarily down) and a sleeping bag, you need to approach this issue as responsibly as possible. When dry, they can keep you warm even in the worst weather.

  • Tent – must be two-layered (with an inner tent and an outer tent), with a tent waterproofness of more than 2000 mm and a floor that has a similar indicator exceeding 5000 mm (or even better, 10,000). If you want to use your own tent, you must send a photo or model to the trekking manager. After receiving this information, he will inform you about the suitability of the tent for this trip. In no case should you bring a fishing or Chinese single-layer tent!
  • Backpack – for a hike, it is optimal to use a frame with a volume of 65 to 80 litres.
  • Sleeping bag you should choose one with a comfort temperature of +2…+5 °C.
  • Rug, mat – When choosing it, you can take the usual classic Izhevsky, but not the thin one used in yoga!
  • Trekking poles – they will provide an opportunity to relieve the knee joints and serve as additional support.
  • Reinkover – is a cape to protect your backpack from precipitation. However, if you have a raincoat, you won’t need a raincoat.
  • Raincoat or poncho. It is essential to be able to use a rain cover. In this case, you should choose a model with dense polyethylene. However, it is better to take two, as any raincoat can tear during intense movements and movements in the mountains. An even better option would be a poncho, which is a rain cape that is worn with a backpack. A poncho will replace a raincoat and a raincoat.
  • Seat – Foam is essential when hiking to keep you warm and dry at rest stops and in camp.
  1. Lightweight headwear – choose a cap, panama hat, buff
  2. A multifunctional headband (buff) is a must-have. It can be used both as a headdress and to protect the neck and ears from the sun.
  3. A hat – in the mountains with their cool microclimate, a hat is a must-have at any time of the year.
  4. Membrane jacket – provides excellent protection against wind and rain. Alternatively, you can also use a windbreaker.
  5. Membrane trousers – worth taking if you have lightweight single-layer trousers.
  6. Fleece. If you really need it, you can take a sweatshirt, but you should take into account the fact that it is heavier.
  7. Lightweight long-sleeved shirt or synthetic raglan. They will provide excellent sun protection and dry quickly.
  8. 2-3 T-shirts. When travelling in the mountains, it is better to wear a synthetic one, and while staying in the camp, a cotton one is a more convenient option.
  9. Trekking trousers for transitions – lightweight and quick-drying.
  10. Shorts.
  11. Socks – 4-5 pairs, it is better not to be stingy and buy trekking socks, but you can also use ordinary ones.
  12. Underwear – several sets.
  13. A set of passive thermal underwear or a raglan with sleeping pants.
  14. A clean T-shirt and shorts/trousers to wear on the way home.
  15. Swimsuit – if possible and if there are places suitable for swimming on the route. Even in their absence, in the summer in the mountains there is almost always an opportunity to sunbathe or wash in spring water.
  16. A lightweight dress is a must-have if you want to take incredible photos #dressinhiking
  17. Flashlights/gaiters/shoe covers are optional, but you should take them if you have them.

It is worth using high trekking boots with thick corrugated soles, and even better, they should be waterproof. In summer, good quality trekking shoes can also be suitable, but this option is more risky because they do not fix the ankle, and therefore you should be very careful.

Lightweight sneakers, crocs or sandals – you should take them as a second pair of shoes so that you have something to walk around the camp in.

  1. MSBK – mug, spoon, bowl, knife. Tableware – do not bring ceramics with you in any case.
  2. Sunglasses.
  3. Sunscreen (optimally 50 SPF).
  4. Hygienic lipstick (men should also take it).
  5. Headlamp.
  6. A 1.5-litre water bottle. You can use a regular mineral water bottle for this purpose
  7. Personal first aid kit.
  8. Hygiene items – soap, shampoo (small jar or bag), toothpaste, toilet paper
  9. Delicacies – you can stock up on nuts, dried goods or sweets to your liking. But do not take too much, because we will feed you well)
  10. A towel should be made of microfibre. It is better to use a lightweight and low-volume
  11. Technology – smartphone, power bank, etc..
  12. Documents and money – be sure to pack in a sealed bag.

Local treats – berries and mushrooms

A huge variety of berries and mushrooms grow in the Carpathians. But don’t rush to pick them. Not all of them are edible, so you should be very careful! Before eating berries or mushrooms, you should always show them to a team leader. He will tell you right away if they are edible. Eating blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cowberries, blueberries and blackberries is very beneficial for the body.

Mushrooms will be very useful for your diet. The best option for this is porcini mushrooms. They should be subjected to sufficient heat treatment. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, we do not recommend indulging in mushrooms while hiking. In any case, be sure to keep your team leader informed about mushroom picking and cooking.


  • The programme includes mandatory additional costs for transfers. Their cost can be checked with the manager, as it depends on the price of fuel and is constantly changing.
  • In addition, there may be optional expenses. Tourists can buy dried porcini mushrooms, souvenirs and dine at the Ten Restaurant or other similar establishments if they wish. The minimum amount of cash you should keep with you is 300 UAH. The maximum depends on your capabilities and plans.



Kvasy village / Lazeshchyna

Menchul Polonyna

Mount Petros

Mount Hoverla

Mount Breskul

Mount Pozhyzhevska

Mount Turkul

Lake Nesamovyte


Lake Brebeneskul


The saddle near Smotrych

Mount Pip Ivan Chornohirsky

White Elephant Observatory

Mount Eared Stone

Dzembronia waterfalls

Polonyna Smotrych

Dzembronia village



Probiy waterfall



  • Meals - hot breakfast with dinner and lunch snack
  • Support for tourists in case of injury during the hike
  • Registration in the control and rescue service
  • Entrance to the reserve and payment to the foresters
  • Group first aid kit
  • Boilers, gas equipment, campfire set
  • Team leader services
  • Consultations before the trip
  • Transfers within the programme (the cost should be checked with a consultant)
  • Equipment rental (tent, backpack, sleeping bag, carimat/mat)
  • Tipping for the team leader (not obligatory, but it will be nice for him/her)
  • Expenses not included in the programme (souvenirs, force majeure, cafes, etc.)


How to go hiking on the Montenegrin ridge?
Decide on the dates of your trip and confirm your order by submitting an application and filling out a questionnaire.

After that, an experienced manager will contact you to provide you with professional advice on the tour and send you the details for payment.

After payment is made, a place is reserved for you!

After receiving confirmation from the manager, you can safely buy tickets.

When you are packing your gear, keep in mind that we have discounts for participants of the tours we organise in a large number of stores.

Upon arrival at your destination, you will be immediately met by a team leader who will organise your holiday at the highest level with the maximum level of positive emotions!
When to buy tickets?
Given the realities of life, it is worth buying tickets in advance. However, don't worry too much about this, as even a week before the start of our trip, you can find free seats on the train. In any case, you should arrive at the Ivano-Frankivsk railway station by 10 am on the first day of our tour. Slight delays are allowed. For the return journey, you should buy tickets for the evening from 8.00 p.m to 10.00 pm In this case, we will still have time for a walk around Ivano-Frankivsk. But don't forget that you should buy tickets only after we confirm your application for participation in the tour. As for the mechanism of purchase, choose at your discretion either the ticket office at the railway station or the online resources of the Ukrzaliznytsia website.
Where does the group meet?
The meeting point for the tour participants is the waiting room at the Ivano-Frankivsk railway station. The meeting time is usually 10 am. We focus on the last tourist to arrive. Approximately 5-7 days before the trip, you will receive an email with the exact meeting time and team leader's contacts. Do not forget to check your mail, including your spam folder!
What are the climate features?
The weather conditions in the Carpathians are extremely variable. So always be prepared for any quirks and surprises. First of all, you should have everything you need to protect yourself from precipitation in the form of rain (a raincoat, a rain cover for your backpack). Secondly, in the evening, especially at altitude, it is quite cool here even in the middle of summer, so don't go walrusing and be sure to bring a jacket, gloves and hat.
What does a set menu consist of?
During the hike, you will have simple but extremely healthy and tasty dishes. First of all, we will eat cereals and soups.

If you are allergic to certain foods, or simply cannot eat them for any reason, be sure to inform the manager so that he can adjust the menu to your needs. Be sure to bring some pocket treats with you, such as nuts or sweets. Also keep in mind that the appetite in the mountains is much better than at home.

The stated menu is indicative. Each team leader has their own specialities, from which tourists have only positive impressions.

We have good news for vegans. We give them a 5% discount on our products.
What are the contraindications for climbing?
In order to take part in a hike, you must be in good health. Therefore, you should not have any diseases that are incompatible with active tourism.
Where can I go for a meal when I arrive in Ivano-Frankivsk?
In Ivano-Frankivsk itself, we recommend that you visit the Ten restaurant. The food here is extremely tasty, huge portions are served, and the prices are affordable. If there are no free seats in 10, you can eat in another pub or restaurant. A cheerful gathering with delicious food and a cool glass of beer will be a great end to a wonderful hike. With this in mind, it is best to buy return tickets in the evening (.8-10pm).
What is the payment procedure?
We limit the number of group members. To book a place, the prepayment is 1500 UAH. The rest is provided personally to the team leader at the meeting.
from ₴ 4 550

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