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Tereblya River

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 17.09.2024 at 3:12 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

This right tributary of the Tysa is over 90 kilometres long. During calm periods, the depth of the Tereblya is only 0.7-1.5 metres, and after heavy, prolonged rainfall it can rise to 3-4 metres. The flow rate is just under 20 kilometres per hour. It flows within the Khust and Tyachiv districts of the Transcarpathian region.

Tereblya receives water from Lake Synevyr and from the many streams that flow to it from the Gorgan ridge. Up to the village of Dragovo in Khust district, the Tereblya flows through a narrow valley, sandwiched on both sides by mountains. If you drive along the Tereblya, the picturesque scenery around you compensates for the poor state of the asphalt surface on this section of the road.

Річка Теребля

Brief overview

🗺 Location Transcarpathian region
🌊 Swimming pool Danube
🌅 Basin area 750 km2
↕ Length 91 km
💦 Maximum depth 4 m
💧 Flow rate Up to 20 km/h
🚙 The road for By car, on foot
🏕 Stay with a tent Yes

The origin of the name “Tereblya”

The name of the river is of Turkic origin and means ‘upper or top fish’. This is not surprising for the name of this amazing highland river. Even today, trout are found in large numbers here, and they love clean water enriched with oxygen. In addition to trout, Tereblya boasts grayling, burbot, burbot and other fish species. However, there are no trout in the Vilshany Reservoir – the water is too deep for them, but there are bream, chub and chub. Closer to the village of Bushtyna, where the Tereblya flows into the Tisza, the river becomes less transparent, and pike perch, perch, loach, catfish, pike, chub and ruff appear here.

On the map

What are some interesting locations nearby?

Річка Теребля
The Tereblya is a right tributary of the Tysa. The river is over 90 km long. During calm periods, the
Теребле-Ріцька гідроелектростанція
On the territory of the Khust district of the Transcarpathian region, near the village of Vilshany, a fabulous picture of
Природний заповідник Горгани
"Gorgany" is a nature reserve in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is located in the southwestern part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region,
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя
Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,

Tours and excursions

Озеро Синевир
12 hours
From 800 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.