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Little-known places in the Carpathians

Блакитна лагуна
An attractive place where you can swim and reach the Blue Lagoon without any problems on foot.
The village of Lumshory is located on the territory of the former Perechyn district of Transcarpathia (now part of the
Voivodyno resort is interesting at all times of the year. Since the resort is located right in the mountains and
Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя
Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only
Церква святого Миколая в селі Чорноголова
The church in Chornoholova shows the influence of stone church architecture on wooden church architecture. The Church of St Nicholas
Кузня-музей «Гамора»
In the village of Lysychovo, Khust district, there is the only functioning water forge-museum in Europe, Hamora, on the Lysychanka
Музей леквару в селі Ботар
The lekvar museum with a tasting room is located in the village of Botar, Beregovo district. This is one of
Дідо-дуб у селі Стужиця
The grandfather oak tree grows on a hill near the church in the village of Stuzhytsia, Velykyi Bereznyi district (
Скелі закоханих у селі Костилівка Рахівського району
The cliff-rock or Lovers' Rocks above the village of Kostylivka in the Rakhiv district of Transcarpathian region is a Ukrainian
Обавський камінь
The Obava stone is a unique natural monument of the Mukachevo district of the Zakarpattia region. It is the crater
Михайлівська церква у Сваляві
The Church of Archangel Michael (Svalyava) is a Lemki church in the Bystry suburb of the city of Svalyava (Bystryanska
Печера тамплієрів у Виноградові
The Templar Cave, locally known as the Sea Eye, is located on the top of the Black Mountain in Vynohradiv.

Little-known Transcarpathian locations on the map

Resorts near places unknown to the general public