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Turya Polyana

Turya Polyana village is located in Uzhgorod district of Transcarpathian region in a picturesque corner of the Carpathians. The picturesque mountain rivers Shypot and Zvur (Zvor), which is a tributary of the Turya River, merge here. The purity of the water in these rivers has created favourable conditions for the development of trout farming, and the rapidity of the flow has created a mini-hydroelectric power station. There are several waterfalls on the outskirts of the village, including the famous mighty Voyevodyn. A large part of the surrounding forests is under state protection, as many Red Data Book species of flora and fauna have been preserved here. The picturesque mountains and meadows around the village of Turya Polyana are a great place for hiking and photo shoots. In addition, this area is a real paradise for mushroom pickers. Taking into account all the above factors, Turya Polyana is a great holiday option for green tourism lovers.

Тур'я Поляна

The origin of the village name Turya Polyana

The village of Turya Polyana was first mentioned in historical sources back in 1548. Most researchers believe that it was founded as far back as the 15th century. Throughout its long history, this village was referred to in the sources under the names “Polanya”, “Polyena”, “Polsana”, “Poliena”. Immediately after its foundation, it was a part of the possessions of the Nevytska Castle Dominion. As for the origin of the village’s name, the word Polyana means a settlement located on a meadow in the middle of the forests. And Turya comes from the ancient majestic bulls of the turs, which have become extinct. Researchers believe that it was the turs that gave the name to the rivers Turya and Turitsa (Turychka). There is even a version that the banks of the Turya were mostly inhabited by males, and the Turytsia (Turychka) by female turs.

Temperature in Turya Polyana village now:

12.5o C   |   54.5o F

Map of attractions of Turya Polyana

What to see in the village of Turya Polyana?

Храм святого архистратига Михаїла 1832 року (Тур'я Поляна)

Church of St Michael the Archangel, 1832

The first church in the village of Turya Polyana was wooden. Historical sources mention it back in 1751. At that time, an episcopal visitation took place in the village. The document states that at that time the wooden church of St Michael the Archangel was in good condition, had two bells and was decorated with new icons. This wooden shrine has not survived to this day.

However, in the village of Turya Polyana, there is a stone church of St Michael the Archangel built in 1832. It is a typical Transcarpathian brick church with buttresses on the southern and northern facades. The interior of the church is very similar to the church in Turya-Bystrya.

The iconostasis and the altar have most likely been preserved unchanged since the construction of St Michael’s Church, and the icons were painted later, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The wall paintings of the church were repainted in 1988 during the last restoration.

In front of the church there is a single-tiered wooden frame bell tower, which was probably built in the 1930s, as evidenced by the date of manufacture of two larger bells at the Uzhgorod company Akord. The smallest bell is the oldest, having been cast in 1758.

Етнографічний музей-хата в селі Тур'я Поляна

Ethnographic museum-hut in the village of Turya Polyana

To learn more about the history and traditional way of life of the villagers of Turya Polyana, you should definitely visit the local ethnographic museum. It is located in the premises of the local school. The museum is arranged as an old hut with haylofts, a living room and a hall. The museum exhibits include clothes, shoes, embroideries, icons, wall plates, banknotes, school documents, cradles, various household items and ancient furniture, etc. A simple village history teacher gives excellent tours of this museum.

Старі чеські мости в урочищі Шипот

Old Czech bridges in the Shypot tract

For fans of post-apocalyptic photo shoots, there are old abandoned Czech bridges near the village of Turya Polyana. There are 7 of them. They are located in the Shipot tract and lead to the foot of the Polonyna Runa. They were built in the 1920s and 1930s on the Shypotyk River, which is a right tributary of the Shypot River. At that time, a narrow-gauge railway was used to transport timber. The bridges are made of stone and iron. The stone bridges are especially picturesque, as they are made in the form of an arch.

Міні-ГЕС Шипот 2

Another picturesque object in the village of Turya Polyana is the newly built mini-HPP Shypit 2 in 2014. It was designed according to the Italian model and was able to successfully fit this energy facility into the natural landscape.

водоспад Воєводин

Uzhgorod district of Transcarpathian region has many natural locations worthy of attention. In this regard, the Voyevodyn waterfall deserves special attention. Despite its picturesque beauty and power, it is not yet as famous as the famous Transcarpathian waterfall Shypit. Shypot greater popularity is due to many factors: both its media exposure and the simplicity of the hiking route. To get to the Voyevodyn waterfall from the village of Turya Polyana, you have to walk a 12 km long route. But after overcoming all the obstacles, the effect of contemplating the picturesque waterfall is simply incredible.

Водоспад Юнтур

Another interesting waterfall near the village of Turya Polyana is Yuntur. This waterfall ranks first in Transcarpathia in terms of inaccessibility. It is located 12 km away from Turya Polyana in the middle of the picturesque Carpathian Mountains at an altitude of 1040 metres above sea level.

Tourists discovered this hard-to-reach waterfall relatively recently – in the 1970s. They named it Yuntur, which means “Young Tourist”.

The height of the main cascade of the waterfall is 8 metres, then the water cascades down another 20 metres.

Finding the Yuntur waterfall is a real quest for the most hardy and resourceful.

Гідрант з сірководневою водою

Another interesting location in the village of Turya Polyana is a hydrant with mineral hydrogen sulphide water. It is located in the Shypot tract. This water has a very strong smell of rotten eggs and a specific taste.

It is worth remembering that such water can be consumed for drinking only in small quantities. It has a powerful therapeutic effect, and if you drink it in excess, the effect will be the opposite. Tourists and mushroom pickers often like to quench their thirst with this hydrogen sulphide water in Turya Polyana. Most tourists take at least one bottle of this water home with them.

In addition to drinking, hydrogen sulphide water is used for taking therapeutic baths.

Орнітологічний заказник “Соколові скелі”

A very picturesque natural monument near the village of Turya Polyana is the aforementioned unique ornithological reserve Sokolovi Skeli. It was founded in 1978 on the territory of forests near the Shypit River. The total area of the protected area is 606 hectares.

This place impresses with its picturesqueness and beauty. Among the cosy 200-year-old coniferous and beech forests in the north-eastern part of the reserve, there are mighty vertical cliffs where many rare Red Book birds of prey nest. Here, on the rocks, you can see white-tailed eagles, golden eagles, pygmy eagles, vultures, snake-eaters, peregrine falcons, owls, sparrow owls, etc.

Тур’є-Полянський заказник

Another noteworthy natural attraction on the outskirts of Turya Polyana is the Turya Polyana Nature Reserve. It is located on the northern outskirts of the village and is a general zoological reserve of national importance. It was founded in 1985. The area of this picturesque protected area is 2163 hectares. The local beech forest is protected by the state, which is complemented by spruce, sycamore, ash, oak and birch trees. This cosy forest is home to many rare fauna. Here you can find red deer, European chamois, roe deer, wild pigs, grey hares, forest viviparous, badgers, forest and stone martens. In addition, there are forest cats and black storks, which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

What else to do in the village of Turya Polyana?

The village of Turya Polyana offers many opportunities for various types of recreation. The most popular activities in this village include horseback riding on Hutsul horses, fishing, visiting baths and saunas, bathing in a vat and beach holidays on the shores of a mountain lake.

Horse riding in Turya Polyana

Кінні прогулянки в Тур'я Поляні

Horses in the manor “Shepit hir”

In the village of Turya Polyana, there is a unique equestrian centre at the manor “Shepit hir” in the Shypot tract. Everyone has the opportunity to ride horses, communicate with these wonderful animals, and for beginners – to get their first riding lessons. Walking on Hutsul horses in the surrounding mountains will be remembered for a lifetime.

Полонинське фермерське господарство

Polonyna Farm

Another location related to horses near Turya Polyana, which is worth a visit, is farm «Polonynа Farm». The farm is actively engaged in breeding work with the Hutsul horse breed and regularly organises horseback riding trips to the mountains. The farm itself is located in an extremely picturesque place in the middle of the Preluky tract at an altitude of 930 metres above sea level. This place is as far away from civilisation as possible. There is no electricity and no mobile phone connection. This allows tourists to fully immerse themselves in the world of Carpathian nature and explore it in the company of smart and proud Hutsul horses. The farm has no modern means of civilisation such as electricity, mobile communication, etc. This allows you to fully experience the nature of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Fishing in Turya Polyana

The village of Turya Polyana has plenty of great fishing spots thanks to its clean mountain rivers and streams. The most popular locations for fishermen are the Dovhyi Stream Lake near the private manor “Turyansky Dvir” and the trout farm ” Shypot”.

The Shypot trout farm has been actively breeding rainbow and golden trout since the late 1950s. This large fish farm has more than 30 trout pools. The water is supplied from a mountain river and is constantly filtered, with an artificial waterfall serving as a natural filter.

Trout farming on an industrial scale in the village of Turya Polyana began in the days of Austria-Hungary, which is confirmed by the remains of ancient stone fishponds discovered by chance during excavation work.

Trout farm “Shypot”

Spa treatments and beach holidays in the village of Turya Polyana

The village of Turya Polyana has enough locations for a great spa holiday. There are baths and saunas for tourists, as well as extremely healthy vats. The most popular location in this regard is the Turyansky Dvir resort hotel. For 1 hour in a vat here you will have to pay 1000 UAH, the second hour will cost another 500 UAH. A bath in this complex costs UAH 1200 for 2 hours and UAH 1500 for 3 hours.

Чан в курортному готелі “Турянський двір”

Vat in the resort hotel “Turyansky Dvir”

Address: 72 Gagarina Street, Turya Polyana village.


  • 1 hour in the vat costs 1000 UAH, each subsequent hour – 500 UAH;
  • two hours in the bath – 1200 UAH, 3 hours – 1500 UAH.
Озеро “Довгий струмок”

Near the hotel is the Long Stream Lake. It is an ideal place for swimming in the scorching heat. It is a great thrill to dive into the waters of the lake after steaming in the bath or bathing in the vat. An artificial sandy beach with sun loungers and VIP areas for 50 people is at guests’ disposal at the Turyansky Dvir Hotel.

Hiking in the mountains in the village of Turya Polyana

The village of Turya Polyana is a great place for hiking in the mountains. In addition to the locations we have already mentioned, you should definitely visit the charming Polonyna Runa (Rivna) (the highest point is 1,480 metres above sea level) with Mount Menchul (1,294 metres above sea level) and Mount Runa-Play (1,227 metres above sea level), as well as Mount Gostra (two peaks are 1,404 and 1,405 metres above sea level) located to the east of the above valley).

Polonyna Runa (Rivna)

The Carpathian meadows are the best place to contemplate the beauty of mountain landscapes. The word polonyna in the Old Slavonic language referred to mountain plains above the forest boundary. Our meadows are analogous to alpine meadows. Local residents have long grazed animals here and harvested hay for their cattle for the winter.

Polonyna Runa is considered one of the largest meadows in the Carpathians. It stretches over a vast expanse of 15 km and is the westernmost and lowest part of the Polonynsky ridge. Its huge, almost flat peak is a great place for hiking in the Carpathians and a unique observation deck offering incredible views of the surrounding mountains and meadows. The highest points of the Runa meadow are Mount Rivna (1482 m), Mount Runa-Play (1227 m) and Mount Menchul (1494 m).

You should climb Runa Polonyna on foot in good, clear weather. Along the way, you should make stops from time to time to rest and admire the incredible scenery around you. Polonyna Runa is also accessible to people with reduced mobility. You can get to its top by car on an old concrete road. In Soviet times, this road led to the Bars radar station, which was an object of strategic importance. The fact is that it was from this station that a coded signal was used to communicate with the countries of the Warsaw Pact (a kind of anti-NATO in Soviet times). At the time of independence, all valuable equipment was stolen from the former radar station. Memorial steles commemorating the partisans of the Second World War have been preserved near the station.

In summer and autumn, Polonyna Runa is a real paradise for berry and mushroom pickers. Thousands of local residents are engaged in this trade, which becomes a great additional income for their families. For tourists, picking berries and mushrooms in Polonyna Runa is a real holiday. To visit the best places for picking berries and especially mushrooms, it is worth using the services of local guides and tour guides who will show you the best routes for quiet hunting.

Гора Гостра (Остра)

An impressive adventure for tourists is the ascent of Mount Ostra. It is located on the very border of the Uzhgorod and Mukachevo districts of the Transcarpathian region on the north-western side of the Polonynsky ridge.

The mountain itself has two peaks, 1404 and 1405 metres above sea level. The distance between them is about 1 kilometre. On the slopes of Mount Ostra, there are dense forests. Closer to the top, instead of forests, there is a meadow. These are great places to pick blueberries and even raspberries.

In spring, Mount Ostra often changes its colour.

The most interesting locations nearby

Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral
Гора Гостра (Остра)
An impressive adventure for tourists is the ascent of Ostra Mountain. It is located on the very border of Uzhgorod
Озеро «Довгий струмок» у Тур'я Поляні
Near the Turyansky Dvir (Turya Polyana) complex is the Long Stream Lake. This is an ideal place to swim in
Тур’є-Полянський заказник
The Turya Polyana Reserve is located on the northern outskirts of the village of Turya Polyana and is a general
Орнітологічний заказник «Соколові скелі»
A very picturesque natural monument near Turya Polyana is the unique ornithological reserve Sokolovi Skeli, founded in 1978 in the
Гідрант з сірководневою водою у с. Тур'я Поляна
An interesting location in the village of Turya Polyana is a hydrant with mineral hydrogen sulphide water. It is located
Водоспад Юнтур
Another interesting waterfall near the village of Turya Polyana, in addition to the Voyevodyn waterfall, is Yuntur. This waterfall ranks
Міні-ГЕС Шипіт 2
One of the most picturesque and scenic objects in the village of Turya Polyana is the newly built mini-HPP Shypit
Музей млинарства
In the village of Turya Remeta, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, a Roman Catholic church from 1885 has been preserved. Nearby
Церква святих Петра і Павла (Уклин)
In the village, the wooden church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul has been preserved. It was built in
Хата-музей «Лемковская садиба»
This unique house-museum was created in 1985 in the village of Zarichevo. Perechinsky region. It reflects the life and way
Блакитна лагуна
An attractive place where you can swim and reach the Blue Lagoon without any problems on foot.
Водоспад Воєводин
The most powerful Transcarpathian waterfall is Voyevodyn, which is located 12 kilometres north of the village of Turya Polyana in
Полонина Руна
If the weather allows, be sure to make a climb to the rune (Rivne). During one day you can conquer
Лавандова гора
Since 2020, Lavender Mountain (Perechyn) has been opened in Zakarpattia for all those who want to see this natural wonder.

Tours and excursions

voivodship waterfall
1 day (10 hours)
From 600 ₴

Where to stay in Turya Polyana village?

In and around the village of Turya Polyana you can find good options for accommodation at very reasonable prices and with a high level of service and comfort. Our catalogue contains hotels and private manors (cottages), that we recommend for visiting.

Also, good accommodation options can be found among the offers of private sector in and around the village of Turya Polyana. You can save a lot of money on food here, as most of the cottages that are rented out to tourists have their own kitchens where you can cook your own food.

Hotels in and around Turya Polyana

Міні-готель «Світ сонця» у с. Полянська Гута
Polyanska Guta village, 117
+380 ....
from 2300₴/day

Housing in the private sector of Turya Polyana village

Садиба «Шепіт гір»
Shypit tract, Turya Polyana
+380 ....
from 350₴/day
Приватна садиба «Турянський Двір»
72 Gagarina St., Turya Polyana
+380 ....
from 1500₴/day

Where to eat?

In and around the village of Turya Polyana, there are a sufficient number of good food outlets to suit different tastes and budgets. The vast majority of them are located in hotels and recreation centres. The most famous restaurant in Turya Polyana is the restaurant-kolyba “U Petrovycha”, which operates at the resort hotel “Turyansky Dvir”. This wonderful restaurant serves delicious Transcarpathian and Hungarian cuisine from natural local products. The restaurant has a wonderful terrace, located on the very shore of the lake and has 60 seats, with comfortable gazebos nearby.

A little more than 6 km away from Turya Polyana in the village of Poroshkovo there is a wonderful restaurant “Chef Uchkuduk”. It harmoniously combines stylish atmosphere and exquisite cuisine. When preparing dishes, they try to use local high-quality fresh products as much as possible, and the level of skill of the chefs is simply incredible. The place is perfect for organising family celebrations, corporate events and relaxing with friends. Prices in this restaurant are very affordable.

No posts found.

How to get to Turya Polyana village?

Most tourists come to Turya Polyana by public transport. For this purpose, they first get to Uzhgorod or Perechyn by train, and from there they take buses or taxis to Turya Polyana itself. Trains from Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia, Kamianets-Podilskyi, and Kovel arrive at the Uzhgorod railway station daily. In Uzhgorod, you should catch a bus at the so-called Perechyn Bus Station, which is located in the very centre of the city at the foot of Uzhgorod Castle.

However, the most convenient way to get to the village of Turya Polyana is to use your own car. If you are travelling from Kyiv, you should choose the Kyiv-Chop highway. After reaching Svalyava, you should turn right towards Holubyne, Solochyn, Polyana, and after 30 kilometres you will see the village of Turya Polyana. Travelling to Turya Polyana in your own car past the picturesque Carpathian Mountains leaves only pleasant impressions and memories.

Detailed weather