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Mineral waters of Kosiv

The city of Kosiv and Kosiv district is an excellent location for healing with healing mineral and spring waters. There are 4 springs in the city itself:

  1. “Krynchysta”.
  2. “Churkalo”.
  3. “Popid Kamen”.
  4. “hydrogen sulphide”
Мінеральні води Косівщини

Map of attractions in Kosiv

The temperature in Kosiv is now:

-0.2o C   |   31.6o F

Most famous Kosiv springs

Kosiv springs are extremely popular in summer. As a result of global warming, water in local wells disappears at this time. Therefore, spring water becomes a real salvation for hundreds of local residents. Another reason for the popularity of Kosiv springs is the extraordinary softness of their water. The fact is that in Kosiv and the Kosiv region, the water is mostly very hard and has a chalky sediment that is harmful to the kidneys.

Косівське джерело “Кринчиста”

Kosiv spring “Krynchysta”

The Krynchysta spring is considered the most famous and popular in Kosiv.

There is an old legend associated with this spring. It tells the story of a forester’s daughter. An extremely beautiful forester fell in love at first sight with a local boy who was walking along a forest path. But the handsome tall boy refused to reciprocate her love because his heart was already taken. He sharply replied to the forester that his beloved had a heart, but she did not. After that, the forester’s daughter asked the earth to take her unfortunate lover to her. The earth swallowed the beautiful forester into its jungle, and she still continues to shed bitter tears, from which the healing mineral spring Krynchysta appeared.

The fact is that the young man called the forest itself kryn. The locals used to call white lilies kryn. It is believed that water from this spring will help you find true love. The water even contains gold. According to another version, the name of the spring is an abbreviation of the name “Chysta Krynytsia”.

It is quite easy to get to Krynchysta. You should start from Druzhby Street in Kosiv. This spring is located near the Golitsa ridge at an altitude of 500 metres. Local residents built a chapel near the spring at their own expense. On the route to the spring, there are comfortable benches for resting. The road along the forest paths to Krynchysta is extremely picturesque. Framed by mighty beeches, hornbeams, birches, oaks, spruces, pines and larch trees, this path forms a picturesque green corridor. A walk along it, even on the hottest days, allows you to enjoy the coolness of shady trees with fresh forest air.

Джерело “Під Голицею” (“Чуркало”)

Source: Pid Holytsia (“Churkalo”)

This mineral spring is also located under the Holytsia ridge. To get to it, you should also start your journey from Druzhby Street. You should look for the newly built orange multi-storey building. In 2022, the route to this spring was marked in blue. The road to the spring “Pid Holytsia”, or as it is also called “Churkalo”, runs past the picturesque Kosiv ponds, which are one of the favourite photo zones for tourists. Then the path passes next to the “forest church” with a bell. Along the way, you can admire the incredible view of the city of Kosiv with its City (Castle) Mountain and the neighbouring settlements of Smodnya and Staryi Kosiv.

Next to the spring, there is a green chapel and an original wooden bench where you can relax and enjoy the taste of cold spring water.

The chapel of the Mother of God next to the spring was built by Moskalivka resident Ivan Baraniuk in 2014, and its consecration and renovation was carried out thanks to the efforts of the Hutsulshchyna National Park employees.

Around this spring there is a picturesque beech forest, which is a great place to pick mushrooms.

The spring “Pid Holytsia” (“Churkalo”) is not as well known as “Krynchysta”. Even the people of Kosiv are often unaware of its existence. But its water tastes just as good, and the absence of crowds of tourists makes it a calm and pleasant place to visit.

Косівське Срібне джерело «Попід камінь»

Kosiv Silver Spring “Popid Kamen”

Another interesting spring in Kosiv is the “Popid Kamen”. It is located under Mount Chemlash, near the top of Sopka, in a picturesque high stone canyon. You should go to it from Lisova Street. The water in this spring is very tasty and always cold. However, even in the most severe frosts, this spring never freezes. This spring is also called “silver” because its water has a high content of this noble metal.

There is a table and a place for a fire next to the spring. Tourists like to organise picnics here. The picturesque beech forest around the spring is a great place to pick mushrooms.

Косівське сірководневе джерело

Kosiv hydrogen sulphide spring

A wonderful mineral water spring is located near the top of Mount Sopka (Zinyakov Verkh, Stizhky). The water is of the hydrogen sulphide type and has numerous healing properties. The route to the hydrogen sulphide water is more difficult and longer compared to other Kosiv springs. You should start this route from Nad Hukom Street, next to the Karpatski Zori sanatorium.

The trail to the spring is marked with white and green markings and goes uphill almost all the time. On the way to the hydrogen sulphide spring, you should stop from time to time to take a break to gain strength and admire the beautiful views of the surrounding villages, Mount Ostryi and the highest point of Kosiv – Mount Mykhalkiv.

When you get to the spring itself, you can take a break using the table and benches located nearby.

There is a chapel above the spring itself, which, together with the water, was consecrated in autumn 1996 by the late priest Dmytro Blyzniuk. Thanks to the efforts of the employees of the nearby Karpatski Zori sanatorium, the path to the spring was made easier by throwing a convenient bridge over the steep cliff.

The hydrogen sulphide spring in Kosiv is a natural monument and is under state protection, as the relevant stand informs tourists.

The water from the hydrogen sulphide spring has a characteristic taste of rotten eggs. This water is recommended for the prevention and treatment of stomach diseases or simply to improve appetite. You can use glass, earthenware or plastic containers to store the spring water, but in no case should you use metal containers. Kosiv hydrogen sulphide water can be stored for no more than 20 days. It is recommended to drink this water slowly, in small sips, before and after meals. This water is especially useful for the treatment of hypo- and hyperacid gastritis, colitis, and gastric ulcers.

Accommodation in Kosovo

More information about accommodation options in Kosiv can be found on the relevant pages of our website:

Санаторій «Косів»
4 Sanatorium Lane, Smodna
+380 ....
Санаторії міста Косів та його околиць
Kosiv, 15A Nad Hukom str.
+380 ....
from 1100₴/day
Котедж «На замковій горі» в Косові
35 Stefanyka St., Kosiv
+380 ....
from 1800 ₴/night

Where to eat?

Ресторан «Водограй» (Косів)
2 Ivan Franko Street, Kosiv, Ivano-Frankivsk region
+380 ....

The most interesting places in Kosiv

Музей-садиба Патріарха Київського та всієї Руси-України Володимира в с. Хімчин
The museum-manor of Patriarch Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine is one of the most important sacred institutions of the
Сироварня «Росохата»
A wonderful cheese dairy is located in the Polonyna Rosokhata near the village of Sheshory, 19 km from Kosiv. The
Сироварня «Далекі Гори»
The fantastic Daleki Hory cheese factory is located 25 km from Kosiv in the village of Snidavka. It opened its
Садиба еко-ферма «Дивосвіт»
A rather interesting tourist location on the outskirts of Kosiv is the Sanduliak family eco-farm Dyvosvit. This format of private
Гуцульська сироварня в селі Яворів
A great location for gastronomic tourism in the vicinity of Kosiv is the Hutsul Cheese Factory eco-farm in the village
Косівське міське Банське озеро
One of the most popular summer holiday destinations in the Kosiv region is Banske Lake. This reservoir is located next
Косівська гора Острий (Гострий)
When going for a hike in the mountains in the vicinity of Kosiv, you should first of all visit the
Водоспад «Косівський Гук»
The most popular waterfall in Kosiv is the Kosiv Huk. This picturesque small multi-cascade waterfall with a height of 2.5
Косівський водоспад «Шум»
The Kosiv waterfall Shum is an example of the creative influence of the elements. After each flood, this waterfall only
Косівські «Таємничі водоспади»
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Чани Косова
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Косівський (Смоднянський) сувенірний ринок
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Домашній музей жіночих прикрас у Косові
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Музей родини Малявських в Косові
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Родинний музей кераміки Василя Стрипка (Косів)
The Vasyl Strypko Museum of Ceramics was established in 1990. It is located in the artist's private manor in Kosiv.
Приватний музей-садиба гуцульського мистецтва родини Корнелюків
The private ethnographic museum in Kosiv is located in the manor of the famous family of craftsmen, the Kornelyuk. To
Музей родини Стринадюк «KOKA» у Косові
This magnificent private museum opened its doors to visitors in 2017. It was founded by the famous master carver Mykola
Косівський музей сакрального мистецтва
The Museum of Sacred Art in Kosiv opened its doors to visitors in 2016. This private museum was founded in
Музей визвольної боротьби (Косів)
The museum of patriotic orientation was founded on 11.03.1999 in Kosiv. Since 2006, it has been a branch of the
Музей Косівського Державного інституту прикладного та декоративного мистецтва
Initially, the museum was created for educational purposes. Nowadays, the unique Museum of the Kosiv State Institute of Applied and
Музей народної творчості з колекції Михайла Струтинського
The museum is a real paradise for connoisseurs of Hutsul antiquities. It is located in the premises of the local
Косівський музей народного мистецтва та побуту Гуцульщини
The museum was founded in 1969 by the Kolomyia Museum of Folk Art of Hutsul and Pokuttya named after Y.
Пам’ятник Тарасу Шевченку 1914 року (Косів)
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Косівське єврейське кладовище
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Костел Матері Божої Святого Розарію (Косів)
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Церква Святого Василія Великого в Косові
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Монастирська церква Різдва Івана Хрестителя у Косові
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