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Cottages and estates near Dyida

Dyida village is located near the city Berehove. Rest here is wonderful because tourists return home refreshed and full of strength for new work achievements. A wonderful resort is located here, which is famous for all of Transcarpathia.

Котеджі та садиби біля Дийди

Manor and cottages near the resort of Dyida

Tourists come here mainly for swimming in the lake. But in addition to relaxing by the water, there is something to do here. Therefore, renting a cottage becomes a more convenient type of accommodation than any other type of overnight stay. Travelers are given the opportunity to stay on the daily option so as not to spend extra money.

In addition, vacationers must see the thermal waters in Beregovo and Kosyno, as well as go on an excursion to local monuments ‘Yatok You can’t visit here without seeing the remains of the 11th-century castle and the 14th-century church. That’s why vacationers need to rent a house in Didovo, so that, taking their time, they can get to know all the interesting locations that this area can offer.

Before going here, you should study in detail the information offered by the Go-To.Rest site. Here you can find information about any destinations in Transcarpathia with recommendations from local experts. A huge benefit of the resource is that it offers advice on finding a good homestead to live in, the best places to eat and the most interesting locations for educational tours.

Садиба «Смерекова хата»
вул. Дачна, 77, с. Дийда , Берегівський район
+380 ....
Садиба “Хатинка Галинка”, Косонь
вул. Кошута, с. Косонь, Берегівський район
+380 ....
Садиба «Хатинка Іштвана», Косонь
вул. Барабаш 32, с. Косонь, , Берегівський район
+380 ....

All accommodation options on the map

Rest in Dyida

The village is located near the border with Hungary at an altitude of more than 0.1 km above sea level.

To the east of the village spread the unique in its beauty Lake Didovo, which arose on the site of a flooded sand quarry. Now a well-organized beach is open here. Therefore, many vacationers are looking for cottages (Dyida) in order to spend their vacation here as best as possible.

It is very easy to get to the village. You can get here by almost any type of transport, because the Beregovo-Chop highway runs nearby. Therefore, this town always welcomes many tourists, who become especially numerous in the warm season. Most of them are trying to rent a cottage on Didovo Lake.

Such a vacation is the best accommodation option, although it costs a little more than a hotel. But it is he who allows you to have a great time with your company or family in comfortable conditions. The most convenient type of accommodation is a daily rental, which helps to independently allocate the time of your stay here.

Such an option will be a wonderful romantic gift for newlyweds or couples who have decided to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Cottages on the lake are especially popular in Dyida village. Our catalog presents various options at the most attractive prices, which are sure to appeal to any person.

Temperature in Dyida village now:

15.0o C   |   59.0o F

Tours and excursions

What else to see near Dyida

Leisure for adults and children

Other interesting places