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Rest in Mukachevo: hotels and private accommodation

Mukachevo is one of the tourist leaders in Ukraine with great recreational potential. Travellers from all over the world come here to see this pearl of history and culture, whose territory is so well developed that the flow of visitors to the city does not stop in summer or winter.

Відпочинок в Мукачево: готелі та приватне житло

Where to stay in Mukachevo?

Rest in Mukachevo involves a variety of destinations and types of tourism. But in order to enjoy your trip to the fullest, you need to choose the best type of accommodation for your trip. Someone wants to find a room, someone needs a whole house, while others want to stay in a luxury hotel.

On our service, you can find the best accommodation offers for the most demanding travellers to suit every taste and budget.

Best hotels in Mukachevo

Every traveller decides for himself where to stay in Mukachevo. Not everyone wants to live in an apartment, someone wants to enjoy European service. On our website, we offer you to choose the best accommodation options. The catalogue contains both expensive and low-budget hotels. There are more than 100 different hotel options in the city, so the choice is quite large.

It is easy to use the resource, as there are convenient filters.

For those who want to enjoy walking around the city, we recommend an excellent option – Chervona Gora. The wonderful Star Premier Hotel is designed for those who prefer to relax with amenities, and it is also located in the central part of the city, as is the small, cosy Ferdinand Hotel.

Хостел «Солензара», Мукачево
62 Soborna St., 1A, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 400₴/night
Готель Кайзервальд Карпати
Karpaty, 1B (Schönborn Castle)
+380 ....

from 1300₴/night
Готель «Аполлон» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 11B Partizanska str.
+380 ....

from 800₴/night
Готель «Дельфін» у Мукачеві
Mukachevo, 1A Uzhhorodska str.
+380 ....

from 900₴/night
Хостел «Vokzal» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 1 Vokzalna str.
+380 ....

from 280₴/night
Готель «L&M» у Мукачеві
8 Michurina St., Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 855₴/night
Готель «Червона Гора» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 1A Chervona Gora St.
+380 ....

from 600₴/night
Санаторій Карпати
Karpaty, 1, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....

from 990₴/day
VIP hostel, Mukachevo
street Peace 66, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 500 ₴/night
Hotel "Ferdinand", Mukachevo
Mukachevo, University street 58A
+380 ....

from 1750 ₴/night
Star Hotel, Mukachevo
Sq. Cyril and Methodius, 10-12, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 790 ₴/night

Rent of apartments and rooms

Renting accommodation in Mukachevo from private individuals is profitable because the prices are lower. The tourist performs the basic maintenance himself, which saves money on paying for services he does not need. The multi-room option allows you to stay with amenities and relax after excursions, regardless of neighbours or other family members.

An apartment or room will be a great option for a family or student company. It also allows you to save money, as the traveller takes care of cooking or dining in cosy cafes.

Private housing – houses, cottages

In addition to apartments, holiday homes, boarding houses, luxury hotels or sanatoriums, tourists are invited to the private sector. The number of offers here is really huge. Therefore, even the most discerning tastes will be able to find something suitable in terms of price and level of convenience.

For others, a considerable advantage is that many people want to rent an apartment in Mukachevo. It is enough to visit our website and a lot of the most interesting and inexpensive options will be available for you to explore.

Будиночки Secret Place в Сусково
Suskovo village, 283
+380 ....
from 3000 ₴/day
Chalet Family у Сусково
Suskovo village, 300
+380 ....
from 1200 ₴/night
Садиба «Ранчо у Віктора» в Мукачево
101 Krylova St., Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 600₴/night
Апартаменти «Domovik» у Мукачево
Mukachevo, 5/69 Valenberga str.
+380 ....

from 400₴/night
Lux Guest Hous Мukachevo
st. Sechenov, 3, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 2400₴/day
Садиба «Смерекова хата» у Синяку
Sinyak village
+380 ....

from 460₴/night
Котеджний комплекс «Білочка»
the village of Lisarnya
+380 ....

from 1400₴/night
Домашня садиба у Мукачево
St. Turyanitsy, 1, Mukachevo
+380 ....

from 500₴/night
Садиба «Лісова пісня»
Sinyak village, 69
+380 ....
from 400₴/day

Rest in sanatoriums and recreation centres

But not everyone wants to rent an apartment in Mukachevo, someone wants to stay for a longer period of time for treatment or to get to know the city better.

Our catalogue contains a selection of the best options available:

  • recreation centres;
  • boarding houses;
  • dispensaries;
  • sanatoriums etc.

There are options for individual or family accommodation with treatment or just full recreational facilities.

Tourists are invited to the Domashna Sadyba, the Forest House and other equally attractive establishments. It is very easy to book a room in a sanatorium in Mukachevo. The search for the required offer is available on our service, which offers only the best and most favourable accommodation options.

With our search, travelling becomes a real pleasure, the memories of which will remain in your heart and mind for a long time.

The best site for choosing accommodation for tourists in Mukachevo

On our service you can find the best accommodation offers for every taste and budget for the most demanding travellers.

Here are the best accommodation:

Our resource presents the best hotels in Mukachevo on a map with nearby locations. There are not many offers, but these are exactly the places we have personally tried on our own.

All accommodation options on the map

What to do in Mukachevo?

Mukachevo offers tourists a large number of destinations for a variety of leisure activities. This region is so rich in historical monuments, positive emotions and natural beauty that even the most indifferent person will be interested in them.

It offers:

  1. Active rest.
  2. Parties and nightlife in the best clubs of the city.
  3. Gastronomic tours.
  4. Wellness programmes.
  5. Hiking.
  6. Ecotourism, etc.

It is unlikely that you will be able to see everything in 1-2 days, so it is better to rent accommodation in advance. The best hotels in Mukachevo or a cosy private sector will make your stay in the city especially comfortable.

The temperature in Mukachevo now:

13.9o C   |   57.0o F

The most interesting places near Mukachevo

Міні-скульптура «Кельт» в Мукачеві
The mini-sculpture "Celt" was installed in Mukachevo on 17 March 2015. Its author is Mykhailo Kolodko. The mini-sculpture was a
Свято-Дмитрівська церква
In the villages of the Mukachevo district, as well as in other plain villages of the region, almost no wooden
Міні-скульптура Ференц Ракоці ІІ
The mini-sculpture of the Hungarian national hero Ferenc Rakoczy II was installed on October 24, 2015. It became the second
Міні-скульптура Ілона Зріні та Імре Текелі
On 18.05.2016, the 3rd mini-sculpture in Mukachevo was inaugurated in the city. It was dedicated to Ilona Zrini, the heroine
Невицький замок
Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, "by coincidence" also an evil
Дегустаційний зал «Медовий дім»
In 2010, the Honey House tasting hall was opened by the family of beekeepers Ludmila and Viktor Peresta as part
Покровський чоловічий монастир
The Pokrovsky Monastery is located in the village of Rakoshino, Mukachevo District, Zakarpattia Oblast, not far from the city of
Замок «Сент-Міклош» (Чинадіївський)
The austere Chynadiyevo castle with two corner towers, with meter-thick walls and mysterious dungeons, was built in the 14th century
Палац графів Шенборнів (замок Берегвар)
In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as
Свято-Миколаївський жіночий монастир
The St Nicholas Women's Monastery of Mukachevo of the UOC-MP is an Orthodox monastery on Chernecha Hill in Mukachevo (
Кафедральний собор Святого Мартіна
On the coat of arms of the second largest city in Transcarpathia, there is an image of St. Martin, who
Замок Паланок
Palanok Castle, the main historical landmark of Mukachevo, can be seen just a few kilometers from the city. An extinct
Палац князів Ракоці (Білий дім)
The Palace of the Rakoczi Princes (also known as the White House, White Palace) is a former palace of the
Мукачівська Ратуша
Mukachevo Town Hall is a three-story administrative building in the city of Mukachevo (Transcarpathian region). It was built at the
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,

Where can you eat delicious food?

Гриль-паб «Таверна» у Мукачеві
110 Berehivska St., Mukachevo
+380 ....
Ресторан "Козачок"
Chinadievo, str. Dukhnovycha, 106
+380 ....
Restaurant "Decent Gazda"
Mukachevo, street Erdeli, 36A
+380 ....
Bograch Restaurant in Mukachevo
Cyril and Methodius Square 10-12, Mukachevo
+380 ....
Villa Del Re restaurant in Mukachevo
Mukachevo, Soborna Street, 14
+380 ....

Other activities

Винний погріб «Кельтський двір»
14 Pidlovachna Street, Mukachevo
+380 ....
Аквапарк «Карпатія»
St. Dukhnovycha, 89, Mukachevo
+380 ....

How can Go-To.Rest help you?

Our service is useful because we have developed a convenient search engine. It allows you to quickly find the desired housing option in Mukachevo or its surroundings. As a result, tourists can quickly book a room or contact property owners to rent a house or apartment on special terms.

Detailed weather