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Sanatorium “Kvitka Polonyny”

Solochyn village, Mukachevo district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine View on map
Not Rated from 0 review
100% of guests recommend


The “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium is located in the village of Solochyn, Transcarpathian region. This is one of the most popular resorts in Ukraine, where thousands of tourists from all over the country spend their vacations.

✔ Rest in the “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium

The treatment and prevention facility is located near the city of Svalyava, on the territory of the former Svalyava, and now expanded Mukachevo district, which facilitates the task of approaching it and organizing various tours or excursions. Therefore, the cost of a ticket to the sanatorium “Kvitka Poloniny” will not seem excessive to anyone.

The health resort is built near the Pini River in the midst of magnificent mountains and meadows. On its territory there is a beautifully arranged natural park of 15 hectares with an arboretum, lakes and tulip plantations. Therefore, it is not surprising that reviews about rest here are simply full of admiration.

The “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium has been operating since 1965. Now its building is beautifully arranged and renovated, and the medical facility is distinguished by excellent equipment and a large set of health-improving procedures.

Advantages and unique features of the complex:

  • The sanatorium is equipped with a water park with waterfalls, a jacuzzi and an indoor heated pool.
  • The newest methods of prevention of various diseases are used here.
  • Patients are treated with 3 types of mineral water (“Luzhanska 4”, “Luzhanska 7” and “Polyana Kvasova”), which comes from a well on the territory of the resort.
  • LPU has its own Hutsul horse stud, which allows hippotherapy sessions to be held here.
  • Vacationers are provided with consultations by leading doctors of Ukraine.
  • Prices for tickets are very moderate.

🩺 Treatment in the “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium

The treatment base of the resort includes baths and showers, hippotherapy, cryosauna, ozokerite therapy, a salt cave, as well as other important departments and procedures.

Mineral springs

Mineral springs in the Kvitka poloniny sanatorium For those vacationing in “Kvitts Poloniny”, treatment is carried out using 3 types of mineral water directly from the springs.

It helps restore health to patients with:

  • gastroduodenitis;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bowel dysfunctions;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the urinary sphere;
  • nervous diseases;
  • hepatic problems;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastric ulcer, etc.


Contraindications to staying here are helminthiasis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

💳 “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium: prices in 2024

A ticket to the “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium in 2024 costs UAH 770-1,070. per day depending on the selected room category.

  • The price includes the following medical services:
    intestinal irrigation with mineral water;
  • Exercise;
  • microclysms with extracts of medicinal plants;
  • mineral carbon dioxide baths;
  • ozokeritotherapy;
  • reception of mineral water “Luzhanska-4”, “Luzhanska-7” and “Polyana Kvasova”;
  • psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy, etc.

Dental treatment and prosthetics at the Kvitka poloniny sanatoriumFor a separate fee, we offer:

  1. Hydrolaser procedures.
  2. Charcot shower.
  3. Cosmetology services.
  4. Manual therapy.
  5. Recovery with the help of leeches.
  6. Underwater massage.
  7. Solarium.
  8. Dental treatment and prosthetics.
  9. Conifer baths, etc.

More detailed information can be found on the sanatorium’s website.

🥗 Infrastructure of the complex

The infrastructure of the sanatorium primarily includes an indoor swimming pool located in the “Constellation” building and medical departments.

Meals are served in the dining room. Guests are also offered a cozy cafe and restaurant.

“Kvitka Poloniny” sanatorium offers its guests a library, a hairdresser and a gym. They spend time in the pool hall or on the sports grounds, having rented equipment from the rental office.

The health resort also has a parking lot, a pharmacy, an ATM and shops.

Accommodation in the sanatorium: room fund

The health center is located in 2 buildings: “Constellation” and the four-story “Kvittsa Poloniny” with rooms of different class levels. The contacts listed on the sanatorium website will help vacationers make a choice.

There are well-organized rooms of different class levels: “Standard” (shower, furniture, TV, refrigerator), “Improved” (ironing board and kettle are additionally added), “Semi-luxury” (bathtub, sofa), “Luxury” (air conditioner, dishes, safe, iron, bathrobes), “Luxury apartments” (2 TVs), “Attic” (balcony).

The five-story “Constellation” is located in a modern building with air conditioning, elevators, excellent rooms and a restaurant. Everywhere there is a TV, hairdryer, refrigerator and electric kettle.

“Suite” with an area of ​​almost 50 sq.m. equipped with a bathroom, a living room, two TVs, a sofa, a bedroom with comfortable beds, cutlery, a clothes dryer and an iron with an ironing board.

The “Luxury apartments” option also includes a balcony, two loggias, an office, upholstered furniture and bathrobes.

Both buildings are united into a single entity. Those who visited the sanatorium “Kvitka Poloniny” leave excellent reviews about it.

Where to stay in the private sector

Those who wish are also offered to stay in the private sector located nearby, finding a suitable option on the page where it is indicated how much a certain type of housing

Апарт-готель «Polyana Aqua Resort» у Поляні
9 Kurortna Street, Polyana village
+380 ....
from 700₴/night
Готельно-оздоровчий комплекс  «Fantasia»
33A Evropeyska St., Polyana village
+380 ....
from 1510₴/night
Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270, p. Solochyn
+380 ....
from 650₴/night
Готельний комплекс «Славутич Закарпаття»
St. Kurortna, 1, village Polyana
+380 ....
from 535₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Долина»
with. Polyana, str. Kurortna, 10
+380 ....
from 2070 ₴/day
Санаторій «Кришталеве Джерело»
Solochyn village, 1V
+380 ....
from 1550 ₴/day
Санаторій «Квітка Полонини»
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day
Готель «Срібний Водограй»
St. Kurortna, 27, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 1700 ₴/day
Готель "Сольва"
Polyana, sanatorium "Sunny Zakarpattia", 7
+380 ....
from 1900 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячний»
Polyana, str. Kurortna, 3A
+380 ....
from 1080 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Поляна»
Soniachne Zakarpattia 6, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 940 ₴/day
Санаторій «Поляна»
St. Dukhnovycha, 104, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 882 ₴/day

Where to eat deliciously

Tourists in “Polonyna Flower” are offered a three-course meal from a menu consisting of the best dishes of European, Transcarpathian and Ukrainian cuisine. A diet using treatment tables No. 1-5 is prescribed by specialists and is presented in a “buffet” style. The “Constellation” complex offers vacationers real restaurant service.

Some holidaymakers buy vouchers, choosing medical procedures with meals and the private sector near the Polonyna Flower.

Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270/270a, village Solochyn
+380 ....
Ресторан «Лілея»
2A Kurortno-bichna St., Polyana village
+380 ....
Кав'ярня «Non Solo»
St. Kurortna, 1A, village Polyana
+380 ....
Cafe Elen
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Піцерія «Комора»
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Koliba над Потоком
with. Polyana, str. Diskovetska, 115
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Катерина»
Sonyachna Street, 55B, Polyana Street Sonyachna, 55B, Polyana
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Квеле Поляна»
Dukhnovycha Street, 112b, Polyana
+380 ....

⛲ What to do and where to go

Numerous entertainment options are provided here, including a swimming pool, an ice rink and several sports fields. Vacationers walk in the park, ride in a carriage, climb mountains or go horseback riding.

Lovers of a more relaxed vacation prefer fishing or refreshing themselves on the beach.

Those who choose spiritual food are assigned a large library fund and cognitive local history.

For children, there are playgrounds and a playroom with a babysitter.

In the evening, vacationers can enjoy going to a beauty salon, having fun at the evening animation program, listening to a concert or dancing.

Excursions and tours

“Kvitka Polonyna” sanatorium, located near the city of Svalyava, offers tourists to go on excursions by ordering them at the appropriate office.

From here it is also convenient to go on excursions to all corners of Transcarpathia with its unique nature and rich history.

It is absolutely necessary for everyone to visit the Uzhan Valley, take a tour to the geyser in Kolochava, go to Voivodeship to the waterfall or to Lake Synevyr.

In addition to the procedures offered in the sanatorium, you should use the Lumshor baths, and romantics are assigned an excursion to the castle of love “St. Miklos”, located in the village of Chinadievo.

Lovers of antiquity should see Uzhgorod with its monuments of architecture, history and antiquity.

The most interesting places

Near the resort there are a lot of the most interesting sights. Every traveler must see:

  1. Mount Bus.
  2. Cyril-Methodiev Monastery.
  3. Mikhail Church of the 16th century
  4. The grave of a Hungarian knight of the 9th century.
  5. Obava stone.
  6. Marta-Margarita Island on the Latoritsa River.
  7. Synyak tract.
  8. Temple of the Exaltation of the Virgin Mary, etc.
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Церква святих Петра і Павла (Уклин)
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🗺 How to get to the “Kvitka Polonyny” sanatorium

It is also necessary to tell those who are going to the “Kvitka Poloniny” sanatorium how to get there.

An electric train runs through the village of Svalyava from Lviv to Mukachevo and Uzhhorod. It is convenient to get from the station to Solochyn by minibus, taxi or order an individual transfer.

There are airports in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Uzhhorod, from where it is easy to get to the place where the Kvitka Poloniny resort is located.

By car, you need to choose the highway E-50 Lviv-Uzhgorod or M06 Kyiv-Chop and go to the city of Svalyava, where it is quite easy to find a sanatorium.

On the map

📢 Reviews about the prophylactic

Rest in Svaliva, “Polonina flower”, will not leave anyone indifferent. Reviews about him differ in real admiration. People write that they had a wonderful time surrounded by the Carpathian mountains and forests. And the proximity of the city brought travelers closer to all the benefits of civilization.

Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of relaxing in a wonderful health resort. It welcomes vacationers at any time of the year and therefore has a full range of entertainment and amenities for both summer and winter.

What is treated in the "Kvitka Polonyny" sanatorium?
The treatment and prevention institution invites patients with gastroduodenitis, gynecological diseases, dysbacteriosis, intestinal pathologies, disorders of the urinary system, nervous disorders, etc.
The cost of a ticket to the "Kvitka Polonyny" sanatorium
For those who are going to rest in the sanatorium "Kvitka Poloniny", the prices of 2024 will not seem inflated. A ticket here costs 770-1070 UAH. per day depending on the selected room category.
Sanatorium "Polonyna Flower": how to get there?
An electric train runs from Lviv to Mukachevo and Uzhhorod through the village of Svalyava. From the station, it is easy to get to the place by minibus, taxi or order an individual transfer by calling the phone number indicated on the website of the medical and preventive institution. There are airports in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Uzhgorod, from where you need to go to the village of Solochyn. By car, you need to choose highway E-50 Lviv-Uzhgorod or M06 Kyiv-Chop and drive it to the city of Svalyava, from where it is quite easy to get to the place.

Hotel Facilities

Air conditioning
Family rooms
Flat screen TV
Free parking
Internet - Wifi
Near the river
Spa & sauna
Swimming pool
Taxi and transfer
Transfer to the airport
View of the mountains
Washing machine and dryer
Show All

Hotel Theme



Поруч Голубине
Поруч Поляна
Поруч Свалява


Check In from 1:00 pm
Check Out until 11:00 p.m


Luxury apartments


x1 double bed, sofa



2-room 2-person room “Lux”


x1 double bed, sofa



1-room 2-person mansard


x2 single beds, sofa



1-room apartment for 3 people


x3 single beds



from ₴ 0 /night



Member Since 2020

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