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Sanatorium “Crystal Spring”

Ukraine, Zakarpattia region, Solochyn village, 1B View on map
Not Rated from 0 review
100% of guests recommend


Every tourist must visit Transcarpathia with its wonderful nature, mild climate and clear air. Especially since this resort area functions all year round, helping people to improve their health and have a good rest.

✔ Description of the sanatorium “Crystal Spring”

The treatment and prevention facility is located in the village of Solochyn, Zakarpattia region, next to the Polyana balneological resort. It is located close to the Svalyava railway station, the Pini mountain river and a luxurious park. In any case, reviews about the rest here are numerous and distinguished by enthusiastic praise.

The sanatorium has the following advantages and unique features:

  • proximity to the pump;
  • a large volume of wellness procedures;
  • possibility of year-round rest;
  • winter vacation on ski slopes;
  • availability of an indoor swimming pool;
  • convenient access to the mineral water of the Polyana resort, etc.

Vacationers in Solochyn at the Crystal Spring are constantly provided with water in convenient proximity to the resort. In addition, the medical and preventive institution is located near the river next to the Svalyava station. From here it is easy to get anywhere to admire the surroundings or go into the city. Many also try to visit the village of Polyana more often with its wonderful medicinal water of the same name.

🩺 Treatment in the sanatorium “Crystal Fountain”

Treatment in the sanatorium “Crystal Spring” is indicated for patients suffering from autoimmune diseases, kidney diseases, bronchitis, sinusitis, gastritis, pathologies of the digestive system, uric acid diathesis, cystitis, endocrine disorders and stomach ulcers.

The sanatorium also treats inflammatory processes of the respiratory system and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, those who have completed a health course at the “Crystal Spring” leave the most favorable reviews about their stay here.

Medical base

Medical base of the Crystal Spring sanatorium The medical base of the resort is based on:

  1. Balneotherapy.
  2. Ozokerite therapy.
  3. Irrigation of mucous membranes with decoctions of local medicinal herbs.
  4. Receipts of mineral waters “Luzhanska 3 and 12”, which in terms of their taste and healing properties resemble “Borjomi”.
  5. Carbonated baths and showers.
  6. Physiotherapy, etc.

For those vacationing at the “Crystal Fountain”, the swimming pool is available in an excellently arranged room, which should also be equated to оздоровчого фактору.


Contraindications to staying in the sanatorium are thyroid diseases, liver diseases, worm infestation, advanced diabetes, exacerbation of enterocolitis, intestinal polyps, esophageal stricture, severe complications after a heart attack, and cirrhosis.

💳 Sanatorium “Crystal Spring”: prices in 2024

The cost of a ticket to the sanatorium “Crystal Spring” will cost 1,200-2,050 UAH. per day, depending on the level of the room.

The price includes the following procedures:

  • hydrolaser and other types of showers;
  • diadynamotherapy;
  • inhalations;
  • Exercise;
  • single-oxygen therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy, etc.

For an additional price, resort guests are offered bischofite, whirlpool, pearl and mineral baths, gynecological irrigation, expert consultations, magnetic therapy, a salt room and ultrasound examinations. It is easy to check their cost by calling the phone number listed on the website of the medical and preventive institution.

🥗 Infrastructure of the complex

The infrastructure of the health center includes:

  1. Animation.
  2. ATM.
  3. Billiards.
  4. Bike rental.
  5. Water hospital.
  6. Children’s playgrounds.
  7. Zones for game sports.
  8. Cafe.
  9. Indoor pool.
  10. Restaurant complex.
  11. Parking lot.
  12. Tennis court, etc.


Here are beautifully arranged and surprisingly comfortable single and double rooms, as well as “Suites” and “Semi-suites”.

The sanatorium offers a modern room base, including traditional room options, to those vacationing in the “Krystal Spring”. They are equipped with a balcony, a bath, air conditioning, a safe, satellite TV, comfortable furniture, a hairdryer, a refrigerator and a kettle.

The semi-suite with an area of ​​30 square meters also provides for additional space, and the Suite with a floor lamp is located on 52 m2.

Vacationers must be provided with hygiene products, towels, dishes and slippers.

Those interested are encouraged to purchase a voucher that covers the cost of food and treatment, and to choose accommodation near the sanatorium. In the private sector near the hotel, there are excellent options for comfortable accommodation for every taste and budget. It is convenient to choose them on the page

Апарт-готель «Polyana Aqua Resort» у Поляні
9 Kurortna Street, Polyana village
+380 ....
from 700₴/night
Готельно-оздоровчий комплекс  «Fantasia»
33A Evropeyska St., Polyana village
+380 ....
from 1510₴/night
Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270, p. Solochyn
+380 ....
from 650₴/night
Готельний комплекс «Славутич Закарпаття»
St. Kurortna, 1, village Polyana
+380 ....
from 535₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Долина»
with. Polyana, str. Kurortna, 10
+380 ....
from 2070 ₴/day
Санаторій «Кришталеве Джерело»
Solochyn village, 1V
+380 ....
from 1550 ₴/day
Санаторій «Квітка Полонини»
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day
Готель «Срібний Водограй»
St. Kurortna, 27, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 1700 ₴/day
Готель "Сольва"
Polyana, sanatorium "Sunny Zakarpattia", 7
+380 ....
from 1900 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячний»
Polyana, str. Kurortna, 3A
+380 ....
from 1080 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Поляна»
Soniachne Zakarpattia 6, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 940 ₴/day
Санаторій «Поляна»
St. Dukhnovycha, 104, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 882 ₴/day


The ticket to “Kryshtalev Dzherelo” (Transcarpathia) also includes three meals with the appointment of a treatment table for each pathology (anticipated diets No. 1, 5, 9, 15). A combination of different options in case of multiple violations is not excluded. If necessary, guests of the medical and preventive institution are provided with a chopped or reinforced five-time ration.

Tourists are offered tasty, healthy and varied food in a cozy dining room. The selection of dishes works according to the ordering system. Only high-quality and natural ingredients without harmful additives are used in their creation.

Near the health center there are many private catering establishments that offer a wide selection of the best Transcarpathian and Ukrainian cuisine. It is easy to find out how much lunch costs in a restaurant or cafe near the profilatory on their web pages.

Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270/270a, village Solochyn
+380 ....
Ресторан «Лілея»
2A Kurortno-bichna St., Polyana village
+380 ....
Кав'ярня «Non Solo»
St. Kurortna, 1A, village Polyana
+380 ....
Cafe Elen
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Піцерія «Комора»
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Koliba над Потоком
with. Polyana, str. Diskovetska, 115
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Катерина»
Sonyachna Street, 55B, Polyana Street Sonyachna, 55B, Polyana
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Квеле Поляна»
Dukhnovycha Street, 112b, Polyana
+380 ....

⛲ Where to go and what to do

Travelers who chose the Crystal Spring sanatorium have fun using the following services:

  • bicycle rental;
  • baths;
  • swimming pool;
  • park zone;
  • sports grounds and centers;
  • trainers;
  • terranecourts;
  • tourist office, etc.

Children will be offered playgrounds and board games here. Adults get involved in skiing and horseback riding, jeep tours, fishing and more.

The most interesting places

For those who came to the “Kryshtaleve Dzherelo” sanatorium, the treatment will not take up all the time allotted for the vacation. Therefore, vacationers will definitely want to have fun.

Therefore, they must visit local attractions, which include cherry blossom alley and daffodil valley, the cities of Mukachevo and Svalyava, the churches of St. Yuri and Martin, Nevytskyi Castle and “Palanok”, Lake “Synevyr”, St. Nicholas Monastery, churches of the Savior.

Чани Свалява
The peculiarity of the location is that Svalyava is considered not only a famous resort, but also a centre of
Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral
Свалявський історичний музей
The museum is located in the centre of the city in the building of the district state administration. The exhibition
Михайлівська церква у Сваляві
The Church of Archangel Michael (Svalyava) is a Lemki church in the Bystry suburb of the city of Svalyava (Bystryanska
Церква святих Петра і Павла (Уклин)
In the village, the wooden church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul has been preserved. It was built in
Обавський камінь
The Obava stone is a unique natural monument of the Mukachevo district of the Zakarpattia region. It is the crater
Кирило-Мефодіївський жіночий монастир
Cyril and Methodius Women's Monastery of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate is a monastery of the UOC of the
Невицький замок
Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, "by coincidence" also an evil
Свято-Миколаївський жіночий монастир
The St Nicholas Women's Monastery of Mukachevo of the UOC-MP is an Orthodox monastery on Chernecha Hill in Mukachevo (
Кафедральний собор Святого Мартіна
On the coat of arms of the second largest city in Transcarpathia, there is an image of St. Martin, who
Замок Паланок
Palanok Castle, the main historical landmark of Mukachevo, can be seen just a few kilometers from the city. An extinct
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Бункер «Лінія Арпада» у Колочаві
During the Second World War, the Hungarian government built a military defense line in the north-eastern Carpathians - the Arpad
Водоспад Воєводин
The most powerful Transcarpathian waterfall is Voyevodyn, which is located 12 kilometres north of the village of Turya Polyana in
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

Excursions and tours

Tourists should definitely go on tours of Transcarpathia with a visit to Borzhava, Voevodyn, Skakalo or Shipit waterfalls, Schönborn Palace, the complex of dungeons of the Arpad line, Uzhhorod and other important sights.

🗺 How to get to the sanatorium “Kryshtaleve Dzherelo”

Getting to the resort is not difficult.

Trains from Kyiv, Uzhhorod and Chop go through Svalyava. And from the station you need to transfer to a minibus, taxi or order an individual transfer. It is also convenient to use the bus that goes to the village of Polyana.

By car, you need to take the M06 Kyiv-Chop highway and drive past Zhytomyr, Lviv or Rivne to the settlement of Nizhny Vorota. From there you need to turn to the road leading to Polyana. It is easy to get more detailed information using the contacts listed on the website of the “Kryshtaleve Dzherelo” medical and preventive institution.

On the map

📢 Reviews about the prophylactic

Reviews about her exceed all possible praise. Vacationers note that the health resort is a real embodiment of Transcarpathian hospitality. Silence, coziness and clean air quickly get rid of any diseases, and mineral waters, relaxation and moderate climate in combination with excellent treatment can work wonders.

The courtesy of the staff of the “Kryshtaleve Dzherelo” sanatorium meets the highest requirements for the quality of guest service, and an individual approach to each patient helps to achieve good results in recovery from various diseases.

In this way, it becomes clear that staying at the resort relieves any tourist from fatigue, lifts his mood and gives him a reserve of strength for a difficult year.

What is treated at the "Kryshtaleve Dzherelo" sanatorium?
Treatment here is indicated for patients suffering from autoimmune pathologies, bronchitis, sinusitis, gastritis, uric acid diathesis, kidney dysfunction, digestive system dysfunction, cystitis, endocrine dysfunctions, and stomach ulcers. The resort also treats inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system and problems with the respiratory system.
The cost of a ticket to the sanatorium "Kryshtaleve Dzherelo"
Those who are going to the sanatorium "Kryshtaleve Dzherelo" will not be disappointed by the prices. The cost of a ticket here in 2022 is UAH 1,200-2,050. per day, depending on the level of the room.
Sanatorium "Krystaleve Jerelo": how to get there?
Getting to the "Crystal Spring" (Solochyn) is not difficult at all. Trains from Kyiv, Uzhgorod and Chop go to the resort area through Svalyava. And from the station, vacationers should transfer to a minibus, taxi or order an individual transfer. It is also convenient to use the bus going to the village of Polyana. By car, you need to exit the M06 Kyiv-Chop highway and drive past Zhytomyr, Lviv or Rivne to the settlement of Nizhny Vorota. From there it is necessary to turn to the road leading to Polyana. More detailed information is easy to get using the contacts indicated on the sanatorium's website.

Hotel Facilities

Air conditioning
Family rooms
Fitness center
Flat screen TV
Free parking
Internet - Wifi
Near the river
Spa & sauna
Swimming pool
Taxi and transfer
Transfer to the airport
View of the mountains
Show All

Hotel Theme



Поруч Поляна
Поруч Свалява


Check In from 00:00
Check Out until 23:00




x1 double bed, sofa



Junior suite


x1 double bed, sofa



Triple (family) room


x1 double bed, sofa



Double room


x1 double bed


Single room


x1 single bed


from ₴ 0 /night



Member Since 2020

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