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Turya Pasika

The village of Turya Pasika is located in the Uzhhorod district of the Zakarpattia region in a mountainous area. The official year of foundation is 1552, the first mentions of the settlement are dated to it. In the village of Turya Pasika, rest will be to the taste of nature lovers.

Near the village is the Vojevodino tract, where tourists from different countries come. Skiers can go up on the lift, and there are also snow cannons. Avid fishermen will also find something to their liking.

Not far from the village is the Count Schönborn Park. It occupies a huge territory, the entrance to which is decorated with an ancient gate.

Тур'я Пасіка

You can admire the calendar of the Druids, the bridge of the four evangelists, which are decorated with sculptures. There is a lake in the park, next to which is an old mill, still in working order.

In the village, you can visit the Greek-Catholic Church of St. Michael, built in 1810.

The temperature in Turya Pasica now:

8.7o C   |   47.6o F

Map of sights of Turya Pasyka

The best housing options

Elf-cottage в урочищі Воєводино
19 Voyevodyno tract, Turya-Pasika
+380 ....
from 2960₴/night
Комплекс «Воєводино»
Resort "Voevodyno", village Turya-Pasika
+380 ....
from 2232₴

Tours and excursions

Where to eat deliciously

«Лаунж-Бар» (Воєводино)
Turya-Pasika village, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine
+380 ....
Етно-ресторан «Колиба» у Воєводино
"Voyevodino" resort, Turya-Pasika village, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine
+380 ....
Етно-ресторан «Колиба» у Воєводино
"Voevodyno" resort, Turya-Pasika village, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine
+380 ....
Ресторан «Голодна форель»
Voyevodyno resort, Turya-Pasika village, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine
+380 ....
Ресторан «Воєводино»
Voyevodyno resort, Turya-Pasika village, Uzhgorod district, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine
+380 ....

The most interesting places near Turya Pasika

Шелестівська Михайлівська церква в Ужгороді

One of the best examples of Transcarpathian church architecture of the past is the Church of the Archangel Michael of

Чани Поляна

At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral

Гора Гостра (Остра)

An impressive adventure for tourists is the ascent of Ostra Mountain. It is located on the very border of Uzhgorod

Озеро «Довгий струмок» у Тур'я Поляні

Near the Turyansky Dvir (Turya Polyana) complex is the Long Stream Lake. This is an ideal place to swim in

Тур’є-Полянський заказник

The Turya Polyana Reserve is located on the northern outskirts of the village of Turya Polyana and is a general

Орнітологічний заказник «Соколові скелі»

A very picturesque natural monument near Turya Polyana is the unique ornithological reserve Sokolovi Skeli, founded in 1978 in the

Гідрант з сірководневою водою у с. Тур'я Поляна

An interesting location in the village of Turya Polyana is a hydrant with mineral hydrogen sulphide water. It is located

Водоспад Юнтур взимку

Another interesting waterfall near the village of Turya Polyana, in addition to the Voyevodyn waterfall, is Yuntur. This waterfall ranks

Міні-ГЕС Шипіт 2

One of the most picturesque and scenic objects in the village of Turya Polyana is the newly built mini-HPP Shypit

Невицький замок

Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, “by coincidence” also an evil

Казковий замок Берегвар

In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as

Хата-музей «Лемківська садиба»

This unique house-museum was created in 1985 in the village of Zarichevo. Perechinsky region. It reflects the life and way

Блакитна лагуна на Закарпатті

An attractive place where you can swim and reach the Blue Lagoon without any problems on foot.

Водоспад Воєводин

The most powerful Transcarpathian waterfall is Voyevodyn, which is located 12 kilometres north of the village of Turya Polyana in

Voevodyno, bridge

Voivodyno resort is interesting at all times of the year. Since the resort is located right in the mountains and

Detailed weather