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The village of Iza, Khust district, is the most famous center of folk crafts in Zakarpattia region. Tourists will be able to buy real original products and souvenirs from the vine at affordable prices, which are created by the hardworking hands of local craftsmen. On the streets of Iza, masters of wickerwork organize grand exhibitions of all their masterpieces – baskets of all shapes, stunning wicker furniture, lampshades, vases, caskets, houses for animals, glass vessels entwined with vines, children’s bicycles and many other unique things.


In addition to vine products, another feature of the village of Iza is the unique deer farm of Mykhailo Bugash, known throughout Ukraine. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that real reindeer are grown here.

The history of the village of Iza

The first settlements on the territory of Iza appeared as early as the 1st millennium AD. e., which is confirmed by archaeological research of two burial mounds of the III-IV centuries AD. is.

In historical written sources, the first mention of Iza dates back to 1387.

There are several legends about the origin of the name of the village. According to one legend, the name Iza comes from the surname of the first settler Izai, which is still one of the most common in the village.

According to another version, the village got its name from Isabella, the wife of the Khust voivode. It was she who decided to present this village to the residents of Horodylovo, a Khust suburb, who were affected by the flood. Initially, the village had the name “Izabelino”, which over time was transformed into “Iza”.

The most popular legend tells that the name of the village was given by the Hungarian Queen Isabella, who was passing by the village. In winter, she was driving past the village and had to stop because her carriage broke down. Sincere and kind local residents organized her an extremely warm meeting and quickly helped to fix the transport. Impressed by the kindness of the local Transcarpathians, Isabella gave the first part of her name to the village in order to thank them. Since then, the picturesque village in the Carpathians began to be called Iza, and the queen since then signed simply Bella in all documents.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the inhabitants of Iza were dependent on the Khust Dominion, and then had obligations to the feudal lords Zygmunds. Feudal obligations were extremely difficult. Thus, in 1786, more than a third of the inhabitants of Iza died of hunger. It is not surprising that the inhabitants of Iza took an active part in the peasant war of 1514 under the leadership of Györde Doža and other popular demonstrations. Heavy feudal duties were abolished only after the revolution of 1848-1849.

In the village of Iza, the famous Transcarpathian polemicist Mykhailo Andrella (1637-1710) spent the last years of his life.

The wicker industry made the village famous throughout Europe at the end of the 19th century. One of its founders in Iza is considered to be Ivan Kashko, who taught this craft to his two sons, who spread fishing in Iza and the surrounding villages. Since then, there are no potato or wheat plantations visible on the lands of Iza, vines – willow bushes – are grown everywhere here. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out from November to March, during which time the vines should be peeled, dried and boiled. The whole family is engaged in this work. All wickerwork masters in Iza have their secrets, which they keep secret.

After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, the village changed hands until it eventually became part of Czechoslovakia.

And since March 15, 1939, Iza became part of the independent Carpathian Ukraine, but already on March 18 it was occupied by the army of Hortist Hungary. Since 1944, Iza, together with all Transcarpathia, became part of the Ukrainian SSR and experienced all the “joys” of the arrival of Soviet power with forced collectivization, deportations and repressions. Since 1991, the village of Iza has been an integral part of independent Ukraine.

Current temperature in Iza:

14.0o C   |   57.2o F

Map of attractions of Iza

What to see in the village of Iza

Церква св. Миколи Чудотворця і чоловічий монастир

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the men’s monastery

The history of this temple dates back to the end of the bloody First World War. It was at this time in Iza that Hieromonks Oleksiy, Amfilochii and Matvii, who had just returned from Russian captivity, decided to build an Orthodox men’s monastery. The monastery church of St. Nicholas was built during 1920-1921. This wooden church was built on the site of an old church, in which a famous cultural figure of the region, Fr. Ivan Rakovsky. The shape of the church resembles Hutsul five-pillar churches, only the belfry, which rises above the elongated room on the western facade, is unusual. In 1925, cells were built behind the village in the Karpovtlash tract, which became the new site of the monastery, and the Mykolaiv church since then performed the functions of the village church.

Оленяча ферма

Deer farm

On the outskirts of the village of Iza, not far from the village of Lypcha, we have already mentioned the only farm for breeding spotted reindeer in Ukraine. The farm was founded back in 1987, when 32 northern spotted Manchurian deer were brought to Izu from the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR by helicopter. This was done solely for experimental purposes, but the deer have taken root and still delight tourists in Transcarpathia. However, the farm was not founded for tourism, but to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, as valuable medicines with the active substance pantocrin are produced from the horns (antlers) of deer.

They are effectively used for the treatment of overfatigue, neurasthenia, neuroses, as well as for weak heart muscle, hypotension, and to increase work capacity. The farm lands cover about 60 hectares, where 150 deer graze peacefully. Currently, the deer farm in Iza serves more the needs of the tourist industry than the pharmaceutical industry. Entrance to the deer farm is paid, it is open daily from 09.00 to 19.30. Excursions can be arranged by calling 0672491081. You can feed the deer with breadcrumbs, which can be bought directly at the farm.

Сироварня «Бараново»

Cheese factory “Baranovo”

Recently, Iza has become popular not only as a well-known wicker weaving center and the location of a unique reindeer farm, but also as one of the cheese-making centers in Transcarpathia. And all this is thanks to the fact that 10 years ago, the local Lepey family actively engaged in the revival of traditional sheep farming and cheese making. Yurii Lepei calls his cheese factory “Baranovo” a small family farm. The number of his flock of sheep is 500, of which almost 300 give milk every day.

The personal peasant farm “Baranovo” not only provided local residents and guests of Transcarpathia with its tasty and high-quality products, but also made a significant contribution to the preservation and improvement of cheese-making traditions Transcarpathia.

Thanks to natural raw materials, daily hard work, constant improvement of the recipe and high-quality Italian equipment, OSG “Baranovo” cheesemakers achieve excellent results.

Excursions are organized at the “Baranovo” cheese factory, which are especially interesting for children. The visit program includes stories about the history of Transcarpathia and familiarization with all stages of cheese making. In addition, tourists are introduced to the old exhibits of the Museum of folk crafts operating at the cheese factory, which were used for cheese production in ancient times. At the end of the excursion, there is a tasting of the delicious cheese made at the “Baranovo” cheese factory. The price of the tasting is UAH 120. from the person During the tasting, you can taste 8 types of cheese and drink (choice of wine, yogurt, or kefir). The excursion is free for children under 6 years old. In addition, those who wish can attend master classes on wicker weaving, weaving on looms, and cheese-making of budz cheese. Excursion groups are accepted only by prior appointment by calling +380962813916.

Interesting excursions around the village of Iza

In the immediate vicinity of the village of Iza, there are many different options for excursions.

If your goal is to improve your health, you should pay attention to the healing power of local mineral waters. The most famous local mineral springs are Khizhanska, Shayanska, Nartsy and Dragivska.

If you want to see large bodies of water, then very close to the village of Iza is the large Vilshan reservoir and Lipovetske lake, formed in the crater of a volcano. Fans of health improvement in thermal waters should visit the village of Veliatino. In the same village there is an interesting farm where real buffaloes are grown.

Interesting excursions can be organized here for speleology lovers in the caves of the Ugol massif Carpathian Biosphere Reserve.

In the spring, you should visit the “Daffodil Valley, located in the Khust district.

Lovers of historical monuments should visit the unique wooden temples built in the Maramoros Gothic style in the villages of Danilovo, Kraynikovo, Sokyrnytsia, and Oleksandrivka. In addition, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the mysterious ruins of two medieval castles: Khustskyi and Vyshkivskyi.

The most interesting places near the village Iza

Річка Теребля
The Tereblya is a right tributary of the Tysa. The river is over 90 km long. During calm periods, the
Руїни Бронецького замку
In Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on a mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukha, there are ruins of
Вишківський замок
The village of Vyshkovo is home to the remains of a powerful medieval Transcarpathian castle. In historical sources, the fortress
Довжанський замок
In the village of Dovhe, the castle-palace of the magnates Dovhaiv and Teleki has been preserved. It was built on
Приватний музей «Сріберна земля» в Грушово
The amount of antiquities on display in three small rooms would probably be enough for ten halls. Some of the
Угольсько-Широколужанський заповідний масив
Near the villages of Mala Uholka, Velyka Uholka and Uhlya, in the interfluve of the Tereblya and Teresva rivers, the
Угольський монастир в селі Угля
The exact age of the monastery is unknown. Researchers believe that the monastery was founded in the pre-Mongol period. There
Костел святої Єлизавети у Хусті
The Church of St Elizabeth is located in Khust at the crossroads of Constitution and Carpathian Sich streets. The Reformed
Миколаївська церква в селі Сокирниця
In the very centre of Sokyrnytsya, next to the stone Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, tourists
Михайлівська церква в селі Крайниково
At a distance of 2 km to the south of the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, the neighbouring
Руїни замку Нялаб (Королевський замок)
The remains of Nyalab Castle in Korolevo (formerly Kiralhaza), Vynohradiv district, are hard to miss. The hill on which the
Печера тамплієрів у Виноградові
The Templar Cave, locally known as the Sea Eye, is located on the top of the Black Mountain in Vynohradiv.
Ферма-сироварня ОСГ «Бараново» в Ізі
The Baranovo Private Farm honours the true traditions of Transcarpathian cheese-making. Here you will be told about the area, which
Сироварня в Нижньому Селищі
The Selyshche Cheese Factory is primarily a social project that helps the village to gradually develop. Milk is accepted both
Страусина ферма у Хусті
There are many interesting places to visit when travelling in Khust district. One of these locations is the Ostrich Farm,
Буйволина еко-ферма «Райський куточок»
In the village of Gorinchovo, there is a unique buffalo eco-farm and tourist complex "Raiskyi kutochok" - a place where
Пам'ятник «Пинтя Вєлєт» (Пинтя Хоробрий)
Grygor Pyntya (Pyntya the Brave) was born in the Romanian village of Megoazh on 25 February 1670. He came from
Термальні басейни «Теплі води»
The Tepli Vody tourist complex in Velyatyno is a unique and colourful location based on thermal mineral water pools. It
Виноградівський замок Канків
If you walk up the path to the remains of the Kankiv Castle, you will see an incredible panorama of
Міський парк в Хусті
The city park in the city of Khust is located at the foot of the mountain, and on the mountain
Готична церква в селі Данилово
In the small village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, with a population of 1800 inhabitants, there is the tallest
Церква святої Параскеви в селі Олександрівка
Near the church in the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Zakarpattia region, the road turns right, leading past a hill
Реформатський храм
The most elegant church in Tyachiv is a stone Reformed church with a three-tier bell tower. A real clock has
Успенська церква
At the entrance to the village of Novoselytsia, Berehiv District, guests are greeted by the sign "Welcome to Novoselytsia" with
Синагога каббалістів
The variety of colors and the turbulent flow of pedestrians in the center of the city of Khust create a
Хустський замок
Why should you visit the Khust castle? Because this is a place with an interesting and long history. A majestic
Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя
Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

Tours and excursions

In the village of Iza and in the surrounding settlements, there are many interesting options for tourists to stay. There are no classic hotels in Iza itself, but there are options for accommodation in private estates that offer recreation in the style of green tourism. A good option for such a vacation in the village of Iza is the private estate “By the Lake”. It can accommodate 8 people. The estate is equipped with a sports gym, a bathhouse, a gazebo with a barbecue, a beautiful orchard and its own lake for fishing. You can order this estate by calling +380673122020.

If you want to stay in a classic hotel, you should pay attention to the options in the city of Hust, which is very close. The hotel “Premiera” in the city of Khust is not the closest to the village of Iza. This option is loved by tourists with children, as there is a wonderful playground for them, and the restaurant has an unbeatable children’s menu. Prices for rooms in this hotel start from UAH 950. day.

If you want to visit a European-level balneological resort, the best option for such an institution in the Khust region is the “Warm Waters” tourist complex in the village of Velyatino. The main profile of the facility is treatment with mineralized thermal waters, which contribute to improving health, increasing immunity and restoring strength. Prices for accommodation in a room of the manor “Viktoria”, which is located on the territory of the complex, start from UAH 650. per person per day.

Premiere Hotel
St. Lvivska, 124, Khust
+380 ....
from 950₴/night
Садиба «Біля озера»
St. Zarichna, 2, Iza village
+380 ....
from 200₴/night

Where to eat deliciously

Transcarpathia is famous not only for its sights, luxurious nature and healing thermal waters, but also for its exquisite local cuisine with a variety of national dishes.

Good options for eating in the village of Iza are the restaurant “Vodoliy” and the cafe “Maria”. Here, the hospitality of the staff is harmoniously combined with the exquisite taste of excellent Transcarpathian cuisine.

Кафе «Марія»
village of Iza, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан «Водолій»
village of Iza, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....

Where is it located and how to get there

The village of Iza is only 5 kilometers from the city of Khust. You can get here by bus or your own car. You should drive your vehicle along the E40/M06 highway. You should first get to the city of Khust by bus. Khust can also be reached by train. Suburban buses run from Khust to the village of Iza. In principle, if desired, the five-kilometer distance from the city of Khust to the village of Iza can be covered on foot.