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Ugolsky Monastery

The exact age of the monastery is unknown, and researchers believe that it was founded in the pre-Mongol period. There is a description of the Ugolsky Monastery (then still a monastery for men) from 1558, when the ambassadors of the Moscow Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible were returning from Constantinople. Medieval diplomats liked the local mineral waters. In 1990, the monastery was revived after the era of Soviet militant atheism. It is now the Assumption Orthodox Convent.

Угольський монастир в селі Угля

Photos and videos of the Ugolsky Monastery in the village of Uhlya

Brief overview

🗺 Location N48°09′06″ E23°36′46″
🔰 First written mention 1558 year
🧭 Distance from Tyachiv 30 km
🚙 Road for Auto and on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Tyachiv
☕ Cafes and shops Tyachiv

A detailed description of the ancient shrine in the village of Uhlya

The Odarev tract, where the church from Kolodne once stood, is located next to the ancient Ugolsky Monastery, the oldest monastery in Transcarpathia. It is just a few kilometres north of Kolodne, near the village of Mala Uholka.

The monks arrived in Transcarpathia with their disciples Cyril and Methodius. The remote mountainous areas of the region were ideal for the monastery and the quiet life of the monks. There is a description of the then male Uholskyi Monastery from 1558, when the ambassadors of the Moscow Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible were returning from Constantinople. The medieval diplomats liked the local mineral waters. In a letter to the tsar, they mentioned three springs near the monastery: sour, sweet and salty.

Today it is the Assumption Orthodox Convent, where the grave of Bishop Dosyfei Feodorovich, who died in 1734 while imprisoned in Khust castle. The Assumption Cathedral of the Ugolsky Monastery was built in 1993.

How to get to the Ugolsky Holy Dormition Monastery?

 Walking route

🔰 Start From the parking lot near the monastery
🚶 Walking distance A walk through the territory of the monastery

On the map

What’s interesting nearby?

The former count’s hunting lodge has been preserved in the village of Mala Uholka (nowadays it houses a village school), and one kilometre downstream of the Mala Uholka River, in the village of Kichereli, an old mill with an old wooden wheel still operates.

Other places of interest

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