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After leaving the village of Izky in the Khust district of the Transcarpathian region and crossing the bridge over the Rypinka river, we will reach the picturesque village of Kelechyn.

The first written references to the village of Kelechyn date back to the 15th century. The population of the village is almost 700 people. Although as early as 1881, the population of the village was 860 people. The reason for such population reduction was the events of the tumultuous 20th century with two world wars, Stalinist repressions and the economic crisis of the 1990s.


Interesting history of Kelechyn village

The founders of the village were natives of Halychyna and fleeing peasants from the lowland areas of Transcarpathia. For centuries, the main occupations of local residents were cattle breeding, agriculture and logging. In Soviet times, the collective farm in Kelechyn specialized in growing potatoes.

Kelechyn is famous for the fact that Augustyn Voloshyn, the first president of Carpathian Ukraine, was born in it. There is a memorial plaque in the village dedicated to an outstanding countryman. In addition, there are plans to build a museum dedicated to this personality.

From the historical monuments preserved in the village, it is known that tourists are most attracted to the church of St. Archangel Michael, which was built back in 1895. Ivan Voloshyn, the father of Augustyn Voloshyn, served in it. The grave of Ivan Voloshin has been preserved in the village. Next to it is another historical monument of Kelechyn – a wooden bell tower of the 19th century.

Temperature in Kelechyn now:

-2.5o C   |   27.5o F

The village of Kelechyn and its unique mineral water

Not far from the village there is a unique source of naturally carbonated mineral water “Kelechyn”. This water is used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, gynecological diseases, digestive organs and even radiation sickness. Kelechynsk has no analogues in the world classification of mineral waters. Local residents call the mineral waters of the region “burkut”. A sanatorium is planned to be built on the basis of the unique mineral water in Kelechyn.

Map of sights of Kelechyn village

The best housing options are nearby

Садиба «Райський куточок»
St. Tsentralna, 149, Kelechyn
+380 ....

from 1200₴/night
Міні-готель «Шале на зарінку»
Izky village, 209
+380 ....
from 900 ₴/day
Готель «Роксолана»
Izki, Bertse tract
+380 ....
out from 800 ₴/day
садиба «Ваша Хата»
Pylypets, 177, Khust district
+380 ....
from 484 ₴/day
Еко готель “Ізки”, Міжгір’я
village Izky, Khust district
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/night

Where is a good place to eat nearby?

Кафе «Колиба»
Eco-resort Izky
+380 ....
Ресторан «Магур»
Eco-resort Izky
+380 ....
Кафе «Pit Stop»
Ukraine, Transcarpathian region, Khust district, Pylypets village
+380 ....
ресторан «Аратта»
Ukraine, Transcarpathian region, Khust district, Pylypets village, 343
+380 ....

Tours and excursions

nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴

The most interesting places near the village Kelechyn

Церква святого Миколая в селі Верхній Студений
The wooden church made of spruce beams, which has been preserved in Verkhniy Studenyi, is the most developed type of
Церква Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці в селі Нижній Студений
According to the Bible, in the spring of 7 April, the archangel Gabriel brought the good news that the Virgin
Церква Святого Архангела Михайла в селі Буковець
The church complex was built in 1808, as evidenced by the inscription carved on the door frame. The church is
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral

Detailed weather