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Hotels in Lazeshchyna

The village of Lazeshchyna is located near the Hoverla and Petros mountains to the southeast of the large settlement of Yasinya. Historically, the name comes from the word “perelaz”, which is a pass between the neighbouring regions of Transcarpathia and Galicia.

Готелі у Лазещині

Hotels in Lazeshchyna

There are excellent hotels in the village, including those with swimming pools. Tourists usually stay in them in order to visit the neighbouring ski resorts on a daily basis.

Therefore, it is better to book a room in advance, as the high level of service and reasonable prices ensure that the hotels have excellent occupancy rates.

Готель «Мисливська вежа»
with. Lazeshchyna, 788, Zakarpattia region.
+380 ....
from 1540₴/night

All accommodation options on the map

Description of the resort Lazeshchyna

The famous ski resorts of Bukovel, Dragobrat and Yablunytsya are located near this place. Therefore, housing here is in great demand, which is constantly increasing thanks to the hospitality of the locals.

The temperature in Lazeshchyna is now:

8.3o C   |   47.0o F

What to do in Lazeshchyna?

Most travellers stay in the village to have convenient access to Bukovel and Dragobrat. But the resort itself has something to see. For example, there is a wooden Hutsul church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, dating back to the 18th century.

In autumn, Lazeshchyna hosts the Hutsul Turnip Festival, dedicated to potatoes. There is no need to be surprised by this name, as these vegetables are called the same in the local dialect.

The event gathers a large number of participants and guests who come here even from abroad. They are given the opportunity to taste amazingly delicious dishes made from this revered product, as well as the opportunity to show off their talents in folk crafts.

Therefore, holidaymakers in Lazeszczyna often need a hotel for a longer period than originally planned.

The most interesting locations nearby

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
This ethnographic museum is located in the village of Tatariv on the territory of the Koruna recreation complex. The museum's
Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
To get a deeper insight into the history and traditional way of life in Tatariv, it is worth visiting the
Гора Костел (Ґорґан)
Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn that is definitely worth a visit is the 1,216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain. It
Гора Рокита Велика
While holidaying in the village of Mykulychyn, you should definitely find time to travel to the top of the mighty
Гора Маковиця
If you intend to climb to the top, which was the scene of fierce battles, the best option near Mykulychyn
Чемегівський каньйон
The extremely picturesque Chemehivskyi Canyon has become a very popular natural location in the village of Mykulychyn. Instagram bloggers and
Водоспад Капливець
The Kaplyvets waterfall is located 5 km from the Mykulychyn railway station. It is located on the territory of the
Нарінецький водоспад
The Narinetskyi single-cascade waterfall is 10 metres high. It is located between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv in a
Велика карпатська гойдалка
On the outskirts of Mykulychyn village, you can ride one of the most famous swings in Ukraine. It is located
Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Микуличині
In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was decided to build a new wooden church in Mykulychyn not far
Чани Лазещина
After skiing, hiking, gastronomic tours or sightseeing, a visit to the healing vats in Lazeshchyna is a great way to
Струківська церква у Ясіні
The name of the Strukivska church in the village of Yasinya comes from the surname of Ivan Struk, a shepherd
Mount Hoverla is located within two Ukrainian regions - Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk, and it is 17 kilometers from the border
Обсерваторія “Білий слон”
From 1936 to 1938, on the initiative of the Polish government, an astronomical observatory was built on Black Mountain (Pip
Озеро Бребенескул
The water in the pond is very cold, despite its shallow depth, which reaches a maximum of 2.8 metres. The
Яблуницький перевал
The grandeur of the Yablunytskyi Pass is impressive. It is one of the most picturesque in Ukraine. It is located
Гора Близниця
The highest mountain in the Svydovets range of the Carpathians is Mount Blyznytsia, which is 1881 metres high. One of

Tours and excursions

Сходження на Говерлу та Петрос
3 days / 2 nights
From 2950 ₴
Похід Чорногірським хребтом
6 days / 5 nights
From 4550 ₴

Where to eat?

Колиба «Злагода»
986 Tsentralna St., Lazeshchyna village, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine, 90633
+380 ....
Ресторан «Корона Карпат»
St. Tsentralna, 1175, p. Lazeshchyna, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90633
+380 ....

How can our service help?

The Go-To.Rest website invites holidaymakers to discover the most interesting information about Transcarpathia. The most experienced experts give useful advice on outdoor activities, finding the most profitable destinations and accommodation in the region.

What is the best way to get to Lazeshchyna?

The convenience of the village’s location lies in the fact that the H 09 highway from Mukachevo to Lviv passes almost directly from here. There is also a passenger railway stop here, where trains from Rakhiv, Kyiv and Lutsk stop. That’s why hotels in Lazeshchyna are never empty.

🧡 An unforgettable rest in the local hotels will remain a warm memory that warms your soul!

Detailed weather