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The village of Lazeshchyna in the Rakhiv district of the Transcarpathian region is a true beauty of the Hutsul region. According to legends, it got this name because it was a kind of “crossing” between Galicia and Transcarpathia. Today it is a popular tourist center. In 2016, it even took second place in the “Incredible Villages of Ukraine” contest based on online voting.

In winter, the village attracts lovers of skiing. In the summer, many tourists go from here on various hiking routes to the mountains. Especially popular are trips to Hoverlu and Petros mountains, which are very close to Lazeshchyna. The forests near Lazeshchyna are rich in mushrooms and berries (japanese, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry).


In addition, Lazeshchyna is a real treasure for connoisseurs of Hutsul traditions. Local residents are actively developing folk crafts, actively engaged in embroidery, weaving, bed making, carving and root plastic surgery. Every September, the village hosts the “Hutsul turnip” festival (turnip is called a potato in Rakhiv Oblast), which attracts fans of gastronomic tourism and local traditions. There is a wonderful ethnographic museum nearby in the village of Yasinya. And in the village itself, monuments of wooden church architecture have been preserved.

In general, Lazeshchyna has the following “highlights”:

  1. The village is a kind of gateway between Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
  2. It is one of the most high-altitude villages of Ukraine.
  3. Lazeshchyna is located at the crossroads of tourist routes, so it is a very convenient place for tourists.
  4. Local Hutsul traditions and customs are well preserved in this place.
  5. Authentic monuments of sacred architecture have been preserved in the village.

History of Lazeshchyna

The first mentions of the village of Lazeshchyna are found in written documents in 1555. For a long time, the village was part of the Tysodolinyan District of the Maramoros County of Austria-Hungary.

The village got its name in connection with the existence of a “crossing” between Galicia and Transcarpathia. It is not reliably known whether that “transition” between the two regions was just a figment of popular imagination. According to folk tales, in ancient times, shepherds with their flocks of sheep passed from Galician villages through the forest through the Yablunytsky Pass to Transcarpathian meadows and meadows through “crossings”.

Most of the inhabitants of this picturesque place were peasants who fled from the socio-economic oppression of the lowland areas. During the Kurut uprising of 1703-1711, Lazeshchyna was covered by the activities of the Opryshki detachments of F. Boyk, I. Pinti, and I. Pysklivy.

In the first half of the 18th century, Lazeshchyna was the base of the leader of the Carpathian Opryshk rebels Oleksa Dovbush, who visited this region together with his comrades.

In 1724, near Lazeshchyna in the Stebnyi tract, a dam and sluices were built for timber rafting. Since then, this fishery, together with sheep grazing, has become one of the main occupations of local residents.

Over time, the small village began to grow. People here have always been very religious. In 1827, a wooden church of St. was built in the village. Peter and Paul. And in 1871, the wooden church of the Transfiguration was moved here from the village of Yablunytsia, which is located just beyond the pass in Galicia Lord’s year 1780. Both shrines have been preserved to this day.

The location near the Yablunytsky Pass in peacetime was an additional incentive for development, and during wars it became a real disaster for local residents. Lazeshchyna was at the very epicenter of the battles during the First World War. Already in 1914, a breakthrough of Russian troops was made through it. After the war and the collapse of Austria-Hungary, the village was part of the Hutsul Republic and the West Ukrainian People’s Republic. In those turbulent times, local residents actively fought for the independence of Ukrainian lands.

Unfortunately, soon the territory of Lazeshchyna was occupied by Romanian troops, and in 1919 it became part of Czechoslovakia. In 1939, during a short historical moment, Lazeshchyna became part of Carpathian Ukraine, which was almost immediately occupied by Hungarian troops. From September 24, 1944, the village was under the control of Soviet troops.

During the Second World War, Lazeshchyna became one of the centers of the partisan movement, both communist and pro-Ukrainian.

Since 1991, Lazeshchyna has been an integral part of independent Ukraine. Nowadays, Lazeshchyna has turned into a tourist center with a population of about 4,200 people, which attracts thousands of tourists every year.

The temperature in the village Lazeshchyna now:

12.7o C   |   54.9o F

Lazeshchyna on the map

Nowadays, Lazeshchyna attracts a large number of tourists in winter who are looking for the best Carpathian resort in terms of price and quality.

In Lazeshchyna, anyone can find an optimal place for rest. Someone is looking for hotel rooms, and someone likes a Hutsul hut.

Lazeshchyna, like many other villages in Transcarpathia, is popularly used by skiers and boarders. Housing prices in Lazeshchyna are affordable, and the distance to the famous ski resorts in Dragobrat and Bukovel is insignificant. Dragobrat is only 18 km away, and Bukovel – 20 km.

In addition, Lazeshchyna has a convenient regular transport connection. Highway H 09 runs through the village, connecting Mukachevo with Lviv. There is also a railway that regularly runs the “Rakhiv-Lviv” train.

In Lazeshchyna there is one ski track 500 m long. The height difference on it is only 80 m. The track here is short and gentle, so Lazeshchyna is a good option for beginners. In addition, there is a cable car lift for 350 m.

What to see: sights of Lazeshchyna

Церква Преображення Господнього (Лазещина)

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (1780)

One of the two existing Transcarpathian Hutsul Baptist churches has been preserved in Lazeshchyna. The style in which such churches were built is also called Northern Hutsul or Central.

The five logs of the temple are created by the intersection of two rectangles, which in plan have the appearance of an almost isosceles cross. The top of the church is covered with gabled roofs with small tented gables. Carving samples from 1782-1785 have been preserved in the interior of the church.

The history of the church is interesting. According to the most likely version, the church was built from spruce beams in 1780 in the village of Yablunytsia (now the territory of the Yaremchan Territorial Community of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region). It was transported on a sled in the winter of 1871 to its current location in the Plytovaty tract in the village of Lazeshchyna. In the 1920s, the roof of the central marquee was covered with eternite. On December 22, 1932, the old images of the iconostasis were replaced by new ones.

In 1963, the Soviet authorities turned the church into a museum. In 1971, it was restored together with the two-story spruce belfry. The church resumed its activities on October 14, 1990. To a certain extent, the authenticity of the church was spoiled after the renovation in 1995, when it was covered with sheet metal.

Церква св. Петра і Павла (Лазещина)

Church of St. Peter and Paul (1827)

Another wooden church in the village of Lazeshchyna, dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, was built in 1827. The church belongs to the Hutsul temples of the Middle Hutsul style. In 1856, the new iconostasis of the church was consecrated. Then, for its renovation, 120 households of the village collected 1,000 guilders in silver as voluntary donations. As early as 1907, the church was covered with sheet metal, which significantly violated its authenticity. In 1957, a new foundation was built. The last major renovation of the temple was in 1987. A little later, in 1992, a brick bell tower was built next to the church.

Каплиця у селі Лазещина


The history of the chapel in the village of Lazeshchyna is interesting. According to legend, once there lived a man and a woman in the village who had no children. They vowed to build a chapel if they had a child. When their dream came true, they fulfilled their vow and built a chapel in the village. After the arrival of Soviet power, the chapel was tried to be set on fire, and later, on the instructions of the head of the village, the chapel was dismantled. However, one peasant managed to hide the images and the cross. After the fall of the atheistic Soviet government in 1992, the same preserved cross was installed on the site of the chapel, and a year later the wooden chapel was rebuilt in the form of the destroyed one.

What else is there to have fun in Lazeshchyna?

From Lazeshchyna, you can go on exciting hikes in the mountains, experience various extreme adventures, or visit the most interesting excursions in Transcarpathia. And to quench your hunger and thirst, you should definitely try local dishes and drinks in bars, cafes, koliba or restaurants.

Прогулянки на конях у Лазещині

Walking on horses

Walking through the Carpathians on horseback is an exciting adventure for any age. Horseback riding allows you to restore strength, relax, lift your spirits, and relieve tension and stress.

Such entertainment perfectly distracts from worries, bustle and anxiety, connecting with nature.

Horse riding is recommended to any person for a positive emotional charge and improvement of physical fitness.

Чани, лазні, сауни Лазещини

Vats, baths, saunas

For tourists, water and bath procedures are a real pleasure after a day full of sports activities. Vats are particularly popular. Sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs are added to the water in large containers, which helps to normalise heat exchange processes. In winter, this is important for strengthening the immune system. And steam hardening in a bath or sauna is a sharp catalyst for metabolism, increasing overall tone and blood circulation.

Піші екскурсії та походи в гори Лазещина

Hiking excursions and hiking in the mountains

The Ukrainian Carpathians are medium-altitude mountains. Most of the peaks are below 2,000 meters above sea level, and only 6 of them on the Black Mountain Range exceed this mark, including Hoverla and Petros, which are located near Lazeshchyna. Their height does not reach the conventional snow line and, accordingly, they do not have glaciers. Usually hiking in the Carpathians is carried out from the end of April to the middle of October. But you need to remember that in April-May there is still snow on the tops of the ridges, and in October – the frosts are already beginning.

Due to its good geographical location, it is convenient to climb the peaks of Petros (2022 m) and Hoverla (2061 m) from the village.

The conquest of Mount Petros from Lazeshchyna should start in the Kozmeschyk tract, and from there you should go through the Holovchesk valley. The total duration of the route there and back will be approximately 15 hours.

Climbing Mount Hoverla from Lazeshchyna is also a popular route. It has a length of 16 km from the nearest railway station and a height difference of 1350 m. On the ridge between Lazeshchyna and Kozmeschyk, you should go south to the Gropa valley, and from there to the top.

Фестиваль “Гуцульська ріпа”

“Hutsul turnip” festival

Lazeshchyna is one of the most famous centers of gastronomic tourism. A large number of Hutsul cuisine lovers are attracted by the Hutsul turnip festival, which is held every year in early September. Potatoes are called turnips in the local dialect. Potato dishes are the focus of this festival. The festival is fun and loud, and starts with a ceremonial announcement with a 3-meter long trumpet, and continues with folk dances, traditional music and, of course, delicious Hutsul dishes and homemade alcoholic beverages.

In addition, the festival entertains tourists with master classes on cooking potato dishes, as well as on carving, weaving, embroidery, pottery, wickerwork, blacksmithing, etc. Also, during the festival, competitions in hammer throwing, timed potato peeling, etc. are held.

The most interesting places are nearby

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
This ethnographic museum is located in the village of Tatariv on the territory of the Koruna recreation complex. The museum's
Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
To get a deeper insight into the history and traditional way of life in Tatariv, it is worth visiting the
Гора Костел (Ґорґан)
Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn that is definitely worth a visit is the 1,216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain. It
Гора Рокита Велика
While holidaying in the village of Mykulychyn, you should definitely find time to travel to the top of the mighty
Гора Маковиця
If you intend to climb to the top, which was the scene of fierce battles, the best option near Mykulychyn
Чемегівський каньйон
The extremely picturesque Chemehivskyi Canyon has become a very popular natural location in the village of Mykulychyn. Instagram bloggers and
Водоспад Капливець
The Kaplyvets waterfall is located 5 km from the Mykulychyn railway station. It is located on the territory of the
Нарінецький водоспад
The Narinetskyi single-cascade waterfall is 10 metres high. It is located between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv in a
Велика карпатська гойдалка
On the outskirts of Mykulychyn village, you can ride one of the most famous swings in Ukraine. It is located
Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Микуличині
In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was decided to build a new wooden church in Mykulychyn not far
Чани Лазещина
After skiing, hiking, gastronomic tours or sightseeing, a visit to the healing vats in Lazeshchyna is a great way to
Струківська церква у Ясіні
The name of the Strukivska church in the village of Yasinya comes from the surname of Ivan Struk, a shepherd
Mount Hoverla is located within two Ukrainian regions - Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk, and it is 17 kilometers from the border
Обсерваторія “Білий слон”
From 1936 to 1938, on the initiative of the Polish government, an astronomical observatory was built on Black Mountain (Pip
Озеро Бребенескул
The water in the pond is very cold, despite its shallow depth, which reaches a maximum of 2.8 metres. The
Яблуницький перевал
The grandeur of the Yablunytskyi Pass is impressive. It is one of the most picturesque in Ukraine. It is located
Гора Близниця
The highest mountain in the Svydovets range of the Carpathians is Mount Blyznytsia, which is 1881 metres high. One of

Excursions to interesting locations in Transcarpathia

The surroundings of Lazeshchyna are extremely rich in unique nature and its riches, which are under the protection of the state. This is not surprising, because forests – the main wealth of the region – are now often subject to illegal logging. The village is considered to be a rare area for its beauty, which Transcarpathia is so rich in. It is not surprising that you can find a huge number of attractions near it.

These include:

  • Trufanets waterfall;
  • the highest mountain lake of the Ukrainian Carpathians – Berbeneskul;
  • picturesque Lake Nesamovyte;
  • abandoned observatory on Mount Pip Ivan “White Elephant”;
  • Yablunytsky Pass, through which the highest mountain road of Ukraine passes;
  • geographic center of Europe near the village of Dilove;
  • ancient wooden Strukiv church in the village of Yasinya, etc.
Екстремальний джип-тур “Повний круг”
3 hours
From 4500 ₴
Джипінг в Карпатах
4 hours
From 5500 ₴
Джип тури Карпатами
2 hours
From 2500 ₴
Джип-тур “Стеришора”
3 hours
From 3500 ₴
Джип-тур “Русанівка”
3 hours
From 3000 ₴
Гуцульське весілля в Прикарпатті
3 days / 2 nights
From 2740 ₴

Where to stay

Those arriving in Lazeshchyna find their vacation very comfortable. There are many offers for accommodation for tourists. There are private houses, cottages and hotels available.

We can say with confidence that nowadays Lazeshchyna attracts the attention of travelers both in snowy winter and in hot summer. In winter, many skiers stop here to ski the slopes of the surrounding ski resorts. Housing prices in Lazeshchyna are quite low, but accommodation here is a good base for visiting Bukovel, which is only 20 km away, and Dragobrat is less than 18 km away. In the summer, it is convenient to go hiking in the Chornohir massif from here.

For example, accommodation in the private 2-story estate “Smereka” will cost only 512 hryvnias. per day for two people. From the windows of this wonderful manor there is an unsurpassed view of the peaks of Hoverla and Petros. On the first floor there is a double room, a veranda, a corridor, a bathroom with a washing machine and a kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with a combined stove, refrigerator, coffee maker, kettle and a set of necessary dishes. On the second floor there are two double rooms equipped with a bed and a wardrobe. The territory of the estate is equipped with a gazebo, a barbecue and free parking for cars. Excursions, mountain hikes, mushroom and berry picking are organized here for an additional fee.

An excellent accommodation option in Lazeshchyna is the comfortable hotel “Myslyvska vezha”. The rooms have double or single beds, wardrobes, TVs and individual bathrooms (toilet, sink, shower). On the first floor, there is a dining room that can accommodate 26 people at the same time. Prices for accommodation here start from UAH 550. This price includes a wonderful two-course complex meal, which consists of unsurpassed dishes of Hutsul and Transcarpathian cuisine. Tourists also have the opportunity to prepare food on their own in the fully equipped kitchen. Travelers can, for an additional fee, take advantage of excursions, ski rental, hikes in the mountains, including Hoverla and Petros, picking berries and mushrooms, horseback riding or cart riding, and sleigh rides in winter. On the territory of the hotel you can also have fun with a sauna, a hot barrel, and in the yard – a gazebo and a barbecue. Guests have the option of a transfer to the nearest ski resorts. The nearest ski lift is only 200 meters from here, while Bukovel is 14 km and Dragobat is 9 km.

The most interesting housing options

Готель «Мисливська вежа»
with. Lazeshchyna, 788, Zakarpattia region.
+380 ....
from 1540₴/night
Садиба «Смерека» у Яблуниці
H09 road, Yablunytsia village
+380 ....
from 512₴/night

Where to eat in Lazeshchyna

Lazeshchyna fully provides travelers with a wide variety of food. All establishments correspond to a high level of service, it is always easy to find a free seat in them, and the service here is fast and gentle. The menu is based on the dishes of Transcarpathian and Hutsul cuisine, distinguished by great variety.

Here tourists will be served:

  1. Banosh.
  2. Bograch.
  3. Broth.
  4. Gulash.
  5. Solyanka.
  6. Stew stew.
  7. Shashlik.
  8. Beer, etc.

Travelers can enjoy a cozy atmosphere and a beautiful view from the window.

A wonderful institution where you can satisfy your hunger in Lazeshchyna is the “Crown of the Carpathians”. This is a large restaurant designed for 70-100 seats. Hutsul cuisine is served in this restaurant, there is a possibility of a complex meal. Such dishes as banoche, steak with mushrooms and cheese, duruna with mushrooms, meat in the Polony style are proud of the institution with special piety and consider it their signature. In addition, the restaurant boasts a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. And after eating to your heart’s content, you can have fun with billiards, karaoke and a disco. The restaurant operates at the hotel of the same name, where accommodation costs from UAH 886. per day Prices for meals in the restaurant are moderate and will pleasantly surprise even budget tourists.

Another option where you can eat in Lazeshchyna is the “Zlagoda” kolyba. It can accommodate up to 70 visitors at the same time. There are both complex meals and dishes according to the menu. Koliba cuisine is Ukrainian, Transcarpathian and Hutsul. Prices are affordable.

Колиба «Злагода»
986 Tsentralna St., Lazeshchyna village, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine, 90633
+380 ....
Ресторан «Корона Карпат»
St. Tsentralna, 1175, p. Lazeshchyna, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90633
+380 ....

How to get to Lazeshchyna

The village of Lazeshchyna is located in the Rakhiv district of the Transcarpathian region, namely on the river of the same name under Mount Petros.

The nearest airports to Lazeshchyna are in Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhhorod and Lviv. From there you can get to the village by bus or transfer.

The cheapest way to get here is by train. Lviv-Rakhiv and Ivano-Frankivsk-Rakhiv trains run regularly through the Lazeshchyna station. It should be remembered that Kyiv trains do not stop in Lazeshchyna, you should get off at Tatariv or Yasin, and get there by bus.

A convenient way to get here is by bus. Lazeshchyna has regular bus connections with Ivano-Frankivsk and Mukachevo.

You can get here by car along the highway N9 Ivano-Frankivsk – Mukachevo. If you go from Kyiv, you should go to Ivano-Frankivsk, and from there through Nadvirna, Yaremche, Mykulychyn, Tatariv, Yablunitsa to Lazeshchyna itself

🧡 Vacation in Lazeshchyna will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

Detailed weather