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Mount Yahidna

Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn, The 1216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain is a must-see. It is a part of the Pokutsko-Bukovyna Mountains and the Lisnivskyi Ridge. When tourists climb to the top of Yahidna, they admire the incredible scenery as if they were spellbound Chornohora ridge. In good, clear weather, you can see the peaks of the Petros Mountains (2020 m), Hoverla (2061 m), and Mount Khomyak (1542 m) seems to be at arm’s length. The picturesque Gorgany Mountains can be seen on the south-western side.

The top of Mount Yahidna is equipped with comfortable gazebos. This gives tourists the opportunity to sit down and have a snack after the climb and enjoy the surrounding scenery in peace.

For those who want to spend the night in the mountains, there is a wonderful hut. From the top of Mount Yahidna, you will have to walk only 1 km to it. The kolyba is equipped with a table, benches, two sun loungers, a stove and a leak-proof roof. All this makes it possible to find shelter here even in the cold season.

Гора Ягідна

Photos and videos of Mount Yahidna

Brief overview

🗺 Location N48°21’31″ E24°36’13″
⛰ Height 1216 m
🏔 System of the Ukrainian Carpathians Pokutsko-Bukovyna Carpathians, Lisnivskyi Ridge
🧭 Distance from Mykulychyn 15 km
🚙 Road for Off-road vehicle, bicycle, motorbike, ATV, snowmobile, on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent Yes
🏡 Housing nearby Mykulychyn
☕ Cafes and shops Mykulychyn

How to get to the top of Mount Yahidna?

This peak is conveniently accessible from the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv.

From the centre of Mykulychyn, it is only 7 kilometres to Mount Yahydna in a straight line. However, the route to the top is 15 kilometres long. It starts near the local village council. From there, you should go south next to the Prut River. This route is very easy and simple. After the first 3 km, the road to Yahidna starts to climb upwards, and a little later it turns into a path that runs through the forest and is characterised by the absence of steep ascents. It is along this trail that tourists reach the very top of Mount Yahidna.

The main advantage of the route to this magnificent mountain is that it can be climbed at any time of the year. Even in winter, the 15 km walk can be completed in a maximum of 7 hours. In addition, you can climb Mount Yahidna by bicycle, or you can make your way to the start of the ascent by ATV or snowmobile. It all depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of tourists.

 Walking route

🔰 Start From Mykulychyn Village Council
🚶 Walking distance 15 km
🕒 Approximate time 6 hours
⬆ Rise From 592 to 1216 m
🔰 Climbing difficulty For beginners

On the map

What’s interesting nearby?

Other places of interest

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Гора Хом’як
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Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
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Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
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Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
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Гора Рокита Велика
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Гора Маковиця
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Чемегівський каньйон
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Водоспад Капливець
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Нарінецький водоспад
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Велика карпатська гойдалка
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Броварня “Микуличин”
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Музей мольфарства у Яремче
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Петропавлівська церква (Музей Шептицького)
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Парк-музей «Карпати в мініатюрі»
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Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
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Гора Синячка
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Скеля «Слон» у Яремче
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Скеля Білий Камінь
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Скелі Довбуша
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Міні-зоопарк «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»
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Природний заповідник Горгани
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Chornogora is the highest mountain massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians, it includes the town of Hoverla, the highest point in
Озеро Несамовите
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Tours and excursions

Екстремальний джип-тур “Повний круг”
3 hours
From 4500 ₴
Джипінг в Карпатах
4 hours
From 5500 ₴
Джип тури Карпатами
2 hours
From 2500 ₴
Джип-тур “Стеришора”
3 hours
From 3500 ₴
Джип-тур “Русанівка”
3 hours
From 3000 ₴

Accommodation nearby

Садиба «У Тарнавських» (Микуличин)
10, 1 Travnya St., Mykulychyn
+380 ....
from 2000₴/day
«Микулин Хутірець»
Horba plot, 163A, p. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day
готель «Срібні Роси»
with. Mykulychyn, Laz tract 54
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/day
Готель «Гірська соната»
Mykulychyn, str. Hrushevsky, 188 B
+380 ....
from 1698 ₴/day

Leisure activities nearby

ресторан при готелі «Міленіум»
St. Hrushevsky, 140 G, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран «Пивниця»
St. Hrushevsky, 68b, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....