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A few kilometres south of the village of Bronka, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, is the unique ancient village of Dovhe. It was first mentioned in historical sources in 1383. The population of the village is almost seven thousand inhabitants. If you come to the centre of the village, you can see a real parade of churches: four out of five village churches are lined up in a single line. The youngest of them is the Roman Catholic church, built in the early 21st century in the Art Nouveau style.

Село Довге

What is unique about Dovhe village?

Dovhe is home to the Vasyl Yakub Higher Economic College, which is the only higher education institution in Ukraine located in the village.

Dovhe is also known for the fact that the famous Transcarpathian writer Maria Pidhiryanka lived and worked here. She raised Ivan Franko grandchildren in the village.

The temperature in Dovhe is now:

17.9o C   |   64.2o F

Map of attractions of Dovhe

What to see in the village of Dovhe?

Палац-фортеця графів Телекі

In the village of Dovhe, the castle-palace of the Dovhai and Teleki magnates has been preserved. It was built on the site of a 15th-century fortress. The walls of the cellars have been preserved from the old castle. In the mid-eighteenth century, the palace was enclosed by a defensive wall. Behind the walls there is a small park with benches, outbuildings and a modest one-storey residential building decorated with a risalit and pilasters. It doesn’t look like a classic castle, but more like a nobleman’s palace. Perhaps that’s why locals are surprised when asked how to get to the castle and advise them to go to Khust. Nowadays, the castle-palace is home to a tuberculosis sanatorium.

Інші пам'ятки села Довге (Закарпаття)

Other attractions

Opposite the complex (in the park) there is a column decorated with a turulus, which was erected in the early twentieth century to mark the anniversary of the first battle of the Kurucs under the leadership of Tomasz Esse against the Habsburg troops, which took place on the outskirts of Dovhe on 7 June 1703. Under the column is a mass grave of fifty dead rebels.

Dovhe: interesting excursions around the area

The most interesting places nearby

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Tours and excursions nearby

Where to stay in Dovhe?

Санаторий «Боржава»
Dovge, str. 15, Sichovyh Streltsiv
+380 ....
from 1240 ₴/day

Where to eat?

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