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Hotels in Shayan

With its unique charm and the magnificent beauty of the local nature, the Transcarpathian Shayan village is as good as the best European resorts. It is located in the bowl of the Vygorlat-Gutyn Mountains at an altitude of 200 metres above sea level. This relief helps to create unique climatic conditions here, providing an optimal atmosphere for rest.

Готелі у Шаяні

Hotels in Shayan and surroundings

Готель «Едельвейс» у Шаяні
62 Tsentralna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 650₴/day
Готель «Благодать»
Vahov tract, Shayan village
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Apartel Shayan Eco Resort
11 Tsentralna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 3500₴/day
Molfar Resort Hotel & Spa
10 Finova St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 4200₴/day
Санаторій «Шаян»
Shayan village (no number)
+380 ....
from 900 ₴/day
Санаторій «Карпатія»
with. Shayan, str. Tsentralna, 87
+380 ....
from 1080 ₴/day
Санаторій «Вісак»
St. Tsentralna, 63, p. Shayan
+380 ....
Temporarily closed

All accommodation options on the map

Features of the Shayan resort

It is better to get to the place by car, minibus or taxi. But it is also necessary to remind tourists that it is easy to get here by any means of transport from Mukachevo or Khust.

The village is home to a very popular resort offering sanatorium treatment using Shayan mineral waters. The local springs were discovered a long time ago, with the first information about them dating back to the mid-18th century. They have a balanced composition, which is similar in its characteristics to Borjomi and Essentuki.

The resort offers holidaymakers interesting hotel options, including those with swimming pools. The hotels are equipped with everything guests need, have their own bar and restaurant, and often provide spa services. Therefore, those who want to rent a room in the village of Shayan should book it in advance.

The temperature in Shayan village now:

8.3o C   |   46.9o F

Rest in the resort of Shayan: leisure

Mostly, holidaymakers come here to be treated by local mineral waters. In their leisure time, they like to climb the mountains and explore the neighbouring places. It’s hard to refuse a trip to the village Veliatyno with his thermal springs, to the centre of wickerwork – the village Iza, to Khust with its beautiful architecture and ancient castle, from a trip to various livestock farms or from learning about the art of cheese making.

Hotels in Shayan are always full, as holidaymakers are keen to explore the village and its surroundings. Not far from here, in the town of Kireshi, there is daffodil valley, in Vynohradiv are the ruins of a magnificent Kankiv Castle, and in Khust it is worth visiting the Cathedral of Cyril and Methodius.

The popular site Go-To.Rest offers holidaymakers a wide range of different offers for Transcarpathia, which helps to improve their collection of information about the most interesting tours in the region. The service is also useful because its pages provide absolutely accurate data on any destination and the most popular locations in the region.
Our experts know everything about Carpathians and are ready to share their experience with tourists. They will tell you where you can find hotels with swimming pools in Shayan village, what dishes to order in a restaurant first and what you should definitely see.

Visit the website and choose the best place to spend your holidays!

The most interesting locations nearby

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Костел святої Єлизавети у Хусті
The Church of St Elizabeth is located in Khust at the crossroads of Constitution and Carpathian Sich streets. The Reformed
Миколаївська церква в селі Сокирниця
In the very centre of Sokyrnytsya, next to the stone Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, tourists
Михайлівська церква в селі Крайниково
At a distance of 2 km to the south of the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, the neighbouring
Виноградівський замок Канків
If you walk up the path to the remains of the Kankiv Castle, you will see an incredible panorama of
Готична церква в селі Данилово
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Tours and excursions

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Where to eat delicious food?

Піцерія «Pizza» у Шаяні
Tsentralna Street, Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Озеро Сілоамська купальня»
1 Ozerna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Легенда Шаян»
27 Yabluneva str., Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Ерней Лаз»
14, Carpathian Sich Street, Shayan village
+380 ....
Кафе-кондитерська «Smakolini»
St. Tsentralna, 0, p. Shayan
+380 ....

Detailed weather