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Church of the Ascension in the village of Tyshiv

For the first time, the village of Tyshiv of the Mukachevo district of the Transcarpathian region was mentioned in historical documents in 1648. It was a very small village that did not have its own church until the end of the 19th century, whose inhabitants went to pray in the neighboring village of Nizhny Veretsky (Lower Gate). It is believed that the current Church of the Ascension was built at the end of the 19th century on the site of an older one, of which no evidence has survived. This temple was and remains the only one in Tyshiv.

The church is located on the slope of the mountain on the right bank of the stream that flows into the Latoritsa River.

Церква Вознесіння в селі Тишів

The master chose a very good place not only for its construction, but also for inspection.

Comparing the Church of the Ascension in Tyshiv with the churches in Yalovy and Zadilskyi, one can conclude that they were all built by one master or one team of builders, and the oldest church of this style in Bystrom could serve as a model.

Photo of the Church of the Ascension in the village of Tyshiv

A brief overview

🗺 Location N48°48′37″ E23°04′19″
🔰 First mention 1898
🧭 Distance from Volovets 19 km
🚙 Road for Auto and on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Volovets
☕ Cafes and shops Volovets

Getting to the Church of the Ascension in Tyshiv village

 Walking route

🔰 Start From the Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
🚶 Walking distance 1 km
🕒 Approximate time 14 minutes
⬆ Rise Mostly without ups and downs

On the map

Detailed description of the Church of the Ascension in Tyshiv (Transcarpathian region)

The Church of the Ascension in Tyshiv is three-log, the log of the nave is wider than the rectangular log of the nave and the hexagonal altar part. Wooden spruce logs 16-18 cm thick are placed on stone slabs. The building is encircled by an attic, which stands on the outcrops of log cabins. The church is covered with one common tin roof.

The windows of the church are relatively large with an arched finish. There is one round window each on the eastern wall of the altar part and on the western wall of the nave. Although the porch was added later, it does not spoil the general appearance of the building. A low square tower rises above the babinets. The tower is crowned by a spherical dome, and the ridge of the roof above the altar ends with a hollow lantern with a head.

This church is distinguished from the neighboring ones by the presence of two lanterns with capitals above the eastern corners of the nave. Above the eastern part of the roof of the nave also rises a small square tower, which ends in a crown with a cross.

To the left of the church building, in the western part of the church yard, there is a wooden two-story square belfry with two arches. Vowels are located above the second tier. They are formed by eight columns, on which rests a tented roof with a head, which ends with a high cross. There are three bells in the belfry, the largest of which was made in 1924 in Chomutov (Czech Republic) by the company “Richard Herold”.

In the interior of the church, the nave and nave are separated by a high arch. The iconostasis has been preserved since the construction of the church, but the icons on the pine boards, unfortunately, have already been repainted.

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Tours and excursions

excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴

Accommodation nearby

Садиба «Затишок у Йолани»
St. Gagarina, 2, Volovets
+380 ....

from 200₴/night
Мотель «Едем» у Воловці
St. Karpatska, 192A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 612₴/night
Туристичний комплекс «Грінвіч»
St. Shevchenko, 1A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 600₴/night

Where to eat deliciously

Кафе «Fortuna»
Volovets, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....