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Church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker (Bilasovytsia)

The church in the village of Bilasovytsia, Mukachevo district, was most likely built by the same craftsmen as the church in the neighbouring village of Kotelnytsia. However, since no church community agreed to a direct replication of an existing church, the craftsmen had to show miracles of ingenuity in order not to repeat themselves. According to the old-time churchman Mykhailo Halus (born in 1921), whose father and grandfather were also churchmen, the church of St. Nicholas was built by Vasyl Lomaha and Vasyl Dalekorei, craftsmen from Lazy. The church was built in 1890.

Храм святого Миколая Чудотворця (Біласовиця)

Photo of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

A brief overview

🗺 Location N48°50′01″ E23°03′05″
🔰 Built 1890
🧭 Distance from Volovets 23 km
🚙 Road for Auto and on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Bilasovitsa, Volovets
☕ Cafes and shops Bilasovitsa, Volovets

How to get to the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village Bilasovytsia

 Walking route

🔰 Start From Bilasovytsia cheese factory
🚶 Walking distance 1.5 km
🕒 Approximate time 20 minutes
⬆ Rise Mostly without ups and downs

On the map

Description of the St. Nicholas Church in Bilasovytsia

The church in Bilasovytsia stands on a steep hillside surrounded by hundred-year-old trees against the background of Mount Pikuy. In order to level the building in a horizontal position, the craftsmen put the altar part of the building on a high foundation. The church is three-logged. The nave and nave are under one gable roof. Since the altar part is ribbed and semicircular, the roof above it is made of four triangles. Above the altar part rises a miniature square turret with a crown and a small cross. Above the nave, in the western part of the church, rises a rather massive square tower, crowned by a crown with a turret and a cross above it.

The church building is surrounded by an attic, which in the western part turns into a closed veranda. In the western wall of the nave, above the attic, there is a round window. A small window of the same shape is also located on the eastern wall of the altar part of the temple.

Not far from the central entrance, to the right of the church, there is a two-story square wooden bell tower. The first tier encircles the attic, and above the second there are voice boxes, on the column of which rests a four-pitched roof topped with a cross. The bell tower was built in the 1920s. There are three bells in it. Two bells do not contain any inscriptions. According to tradition, they were made in Uzhgorod. The third bell was made in Khomutov in 1924 at the Richard Herold company.

The first iconostasis in the church was moved from the previous church. The icons for the second iconostasis were painted by a mute artist from Galicia. The icons painted in the 1970s have survived to our time.

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Tours and excursions

excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴

Accommodation nearby

Садиба «Затишок у Йолани»
St. Gagarina, 2, Volovets
+380 ....

from 200₴/night
Мотель «Едем» у Воловці
St. Karpatska, 192A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 612₴/night
Туристичний комплекс «Грінвіч»
St. Shevchenko, 1A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 600₴/night

Where to eat deliciously

Кафе «Fortuna»
Volovets, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....