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Not far from the Dovgayiv Palace, the route SvalyavaHust turns east, towards the village of Lipetska Polyana, and to Irshavy leads another way, to the southwest, through the village of Pryborzhavske. Further, after the village of Lukovo, we turn left on the bridge over Borzhava to get to the neighboring village of Imstychova, Irshava district, Zakarpattia region. The first written mention of this village dates back to 1351, when it was still called Mistychevo. The population of Imstychev is almost three thousand people.

Водяний млин в Імстичово

The temperature in Imstychovo now:

-2.2o C   |   28.1o F

Map of attractions of Imstychovo

Imstychovo is the village of exorcists

Among the historical monuments, the stone cells of the monastery of the Vassilian Fathers (the walls are almost one meter thick) with deep basements and the St. Michael’s Church (XVIII century) in the baroque style, with paintings of the same era, have been preserved here. According to legend, the land for the monastery was provided by a local rich man, Ivan Zeykan, who later became a monk himself.

According to legend, the village got its current name thanks to the monastery: exorcism (expulsion of evil spirits) was practiced here long ago, “revenge” was given to the spirits. Over time, the first name of the village of Mistychevo was transformed into Imstychevo.

There are three churches in the village of Imstychovo, which are popularly called the lower, middle and upper churches. The lower one is dedicated to the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God (end of the 18th century). The upper one is the aforementioned St. Michael’s Church in the monastery. Later, the village community decided to build a third church and chose a place in the middle between the upper and lower churches. That is why this church was called the middle one.

On the outskirts of the village there is an old, but still operating, wooden water mill, which was built at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century.

Most of all, the monastery of the Vassilyan Fathers attracts tourists, which since 1994 has been in the register of monuments of architecture and urban planning of national importance of Ukraine.

Tours and excursions

The most interesting places near the village of Imstichovo

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