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Solotvyno – excursions and tours

The village of Solotvyno – is one of the main beach holiday centres in Transcarpathia. This is thanks to the unique Solotvyno lakes, which are similar in composition to the Israeli Dead Sea. Solotvyno is actively developing its tourist infrastructure, so it has all the necessary conditions for a good holiday at any time of the year.

Temperature in Solotvyno now

-0.6o C   |   31.0o F

In addition to the salt lakes, there are many interesting historical and cultural attractions in the village and its surroundings. First of all, the local wooden churches are of great interest. In autumn and winter, Solotvyno is a great location for spa tours to local vats, saunas and baths. Their healing effect, combined with healing salt water and healing mud, is simply incredible.

Solotvyno is surrounded by extremely rich Carpathian forests with berries and mushrooms. Therefore, it is one of the best places for mushroom and berry tours. The surroundings of Solotvyno are also a great place for fishing. There are many natural and artificial reservoirs that guarantee a great bite at any time of the year.

And finally, Solotvyno is a place where different cultures intertwine. For centuries, Ukrainians, Romanians, Hungarians and representatives of many other nationalities have been peacefully coexisting here. In addition, the village will surprise you with a large number of cosy cafes and restaurants with delicious Transcarpathian cuisine with a significant Romanian influence.

Unique salt lakes, Romanian flavour, warm climate, healing mud, delicious cuisine, ancient sights and hospitality of the locals make your holiday in Solotvyno a bomb.

The best excursions from Solotvyno

Active rest in Solotvyno

The village of Solotvyno is one of the most popular tourist locations in Transcarpathia. It is perfect for outdoor activities at any time of the year.

  1. Firstly, the village has unique recreational opportunities in the form of healing salt lakes and therapeutic mud. Local salt lakes are known all over the world. Thanks to them, Solotvyno is one of the most popular beach areas in Transcarpathia in summer.
  2. Secondly, Solotvyno and its surroundings can surprise you with a large number of unique architectural monuments and museums. Wooden churches deserve special attention in this regard. As for the museum collections, the most interesting are the Museum of Salt Mines in Solotvyno itself and the private museum “Sriberna Zemlya” in the nearby village of Hrushovo.
  3. Thirdly, this Transcarpathian village is a great location for gastronomic tours. Solotvyno restaurants and cafes serve delicious Romanian, Hungarian, Hutsul and traditional Ukrainian cuisine. The incredible taste of banosh and bograch in Solotvyno will be remembered for a lifetime. I am telling you this from my own experience.
  4. Fourthly, Solotvyno is a great location for mushroom and berry tours in the surrounding picturesque Carpathian forests.
  5. Fifthly, Solotvyno is a real paradise for fishing fans. Most fishermen choose a budget option on the banks of the Tysa River. And those who want to try to catch sturgeon, which is also called the “royal fish”, should visit the fish farm in the village of Bushtyno.
  6. And, sixthly, Solotvyno is a great location for spa tours to local vats, baths and saunas. A visit to local vats is especially useful, as they are a real elixir of youth.

Among all the tourist locations in Transcarpathia, Solotvyno is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations among tourists. The harmonious combination of Romanian flavour, the healing power of local nature, a large number of historical and cultural attractions and various health treatments makes your holiday in Solotvyno unforgettable.

Go-To.Rest helps you to make the most of your holiday time in Solotvyno. It will always help you not to get lost in the huge flow of information and form a clear plan of your trip to this wonderful Transcarpathian region. On our website you will always find up-to-date information about the best offers of tours and excursions in Solotvyno and its surroundings. All this will help you find your perfect holiday format.


Local experts and guides

Talking to the locals will make your trip easier and save you money. A local expert will be able to tell you where to stay: in a hotel or in the private sector. You can also find out about excursions and interesting places to see and be sure to visit. And of course, about the most delicious places in the resort village of Solotvyno!

The most interesting tours and excursions

Tours to Solotvyno

On our website you can get the best offers for group and individual tours in Solotvyno. Thanks to this, you will significantly save your time and holiday budget. If you are travelling with children in a family package, we will provide a list of the best Solotvyno facilities with children’s rooms and entertainment.

Tours to Solotvyno and its surroundings, posted on our website, allow you to save a lot of money in comparison with the independent search for accommodation and entertainment. On the Go-To.Rest website you can order both budget group tours and more expensive individual tours to Solotvyno. Here you can find great options that will allow you to see the most interesting tourist attractions in Solotvyno and its picturesque surroundings. Go-to.Rest will help you to take part in wonderful tours to Solotvyno, which allow you to get acquainted with the historical, cultural and natural riches of Transcarpathia.

Excursions in Solotvyno

It is better to visit churches, museums, salt lakes, vats, saunas, baths, restaurants, cafes and other tourist attractions in Solotvyno and the surrounding area on excursions. Solotvyno excursions, thanks to experienced guides and tour guides, provide an opportunity to learn about the most important historical facts, the most interesting stories and legends of the village and its surroundings. The inspirational stories of professional guides make it much more interesting to visit local museums and walk the streets of the village. The guides are creative in their approach to their work and always find a route for each group of tourists that perfectly matches their preferences, interests and desires.

Unforgettable places that every tourist should visit

Solotvyno can offer a variety of excursions. When choosing what to see in Solotvyno and the surrounding area, we recommend paying attention to the local historical, cultural and natural attractions. First of all, these are:

Озеро Кунігунда

Kunigunda Lake, or Kunikunda as it is also known, is the largest of the saltwater bodies of anthropogenic origin located on the western outskirts of the village. The karst lake with healing water is similar in mineralisation to the Dead Sea. The shore and the bottom of the reservoir are covered with a layer of black healing mud.

Солотвинська обласна алергологічна лікарня

Solotvyno Regional Allergy Hospital

The Solotvyno Regional Allergy Hospital, a municipal non-profit enterprise, was built in 1864 thanks to the efforts of Hungarian Bishop Pavel and served as the dignitary’s winter residence at the time.

Today, the hospital heals people with the help of specially equipped rooms and procedures, even though the underground section of the health resort, which was located at a depth of 300 metres, was flooded due to karst processes. The facility specialises in treating a wide range of respiratory diseases.

Музей історії солекопалень

This unique museum, founded in 1973, can introduce its visitors to the history of salt mining in Transcarpathia. Its founder was Karl Ivanovych Lukach (1924-2008). He devoted almost his entire life to the study of salt mining in the Transcarpathian region. Today, the museum of salt mines is run by his son.

Приватний музей «Сріберна земля» в Грушово

The number of antiquities on display in 3 small rooms of this private museum would probably be enough for 10 halls. The most valuable antiquities of the Sriberna Zemlya include a 16th-century manuscript Bible and dozens of books of sacred literature from the 18th century, an ancient church chalice, an icon by a Transcarpathian master, rare banknotes, and postage stamps.

Верхня церква Миколи Чудотворця

The Upper Church in the Romanian village of Seredne Vodyane (formerly known as Serednya Apsha) is one of the oldest churches in Transcarpathia. It meets tourists at the beginning of the village near the road. From the outside, it may seem that the ancient shrine has grown into the ground.

The church has been mentioned in historical sources since 1428. In 1760, a high frame tower was built over the entrance to the church. The church’s oak log cabins are considered to be the oldest in Ukraine. The Gothic architectural style can be seen in the narrow lancet windows of the monument.

Нижня церква Миколи Чудотворця в селі Середнє Водяне

The Lower Nicholas Church is located 1 km away from the upper church in the village of Seredne Vodyane, which lies near the border with Romania. The church is younger than its neighbour, dating back to the 17th century. The austere church has a high roof and stands out for its unusual entrance on the southern façade of the building. The roof of the lower church is covered with shingles.

Recently, in the course of repair work, ancient paintings were discovered in this architectural monument.

Церква святого Миколая Чудотворця в селі Нижня Апша

The main local landmark of Nyzhnya Apsha village, the wooden St Nicholas Church with a bell tower, is not visible from the road. To get to the church, you need to turn left at one of the village crossroads. The church was built in 1604. Later the church was rebuilt (XVIII century).

This ancient architectural masterpiece stands on a high hill and is a wonderful example of Maramoroska Gothic. In Soviet times, a museum of folk life was organised in the church, which saved it from destruction. In 1994, the church was returned to the ownership of the religious community.


A tour of Solotvyno should be complemented by a visit to the district centre – Tyachiv. During a walk around the central part of the city, you can see a large number of historical and architectural monuments. First of all, you should pay attention to the local churches: Church of the Holy King Istvan, Reformed church and Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. All of them are real architectural masterpieces and treasures of spirituality. In the warm season, you should definitely visit the Maryna water park in Tyachiv, which will give you a lot of positive emotions and entertainment.

The most interesting places near Solotvyno

Озеро Солоне
The area of Solone Lake, which is located on the outskirts of the village of Neresnytsia, is 1 hectare and
Скелі закоханих у селі Костилівка Рахівського району
The cliff-rock or Lovers' Rocks above the village of Kostylivka in the Rakhiv district of Transcarpathian region is a Ukrainian
Страусина ферма у Хусті
There are many interesting places to visit when travelling in Khust district. One of these locations is the Ostrich Farm,
Озеро Кунігунда
Kunigunda (also known as Kunikunda) is the largest of the salt lakes of anthropogenic origin located on the western outskirts
Музей історії солекопалень
This unique museum tells the story of the development of salt deposits in the Transcarpathian region. The museum was founded
Водоспад Труфанець
Trufanets (Trofanets) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians. A hydrological monument of nature of local importance. It is considered
Хустський замок
Why should you visit the Khust castle? Because this is a place with an interesting and long history. A majestic
Центр Європи біля Рахова
The geographic center of Europe, marked with a geodetic sign, is located between the settlements of Dilove and Kostylivka of
Водоспад Женецький Гук
Zhenetskii Huk (Zhenetski Vodospad) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians, on the Zhenets stream (a left tributary of the

Map of attractions in Solotvyno

Features of spring and summer rest

In spring, summer and autumn, Solotvyno is a great location for mushroom and berry tours. It is an extremely convenient location for quiet hunting. However, it should be remembered that you are in the border area, so movement in the forest in certain areas is prohibited or restricted. The best way to avoid difficulties is to use the services of local guides who know exactly where you can and should take tourists.

In summer, Solotvyno is one of the best locations in Transcarpathia for a beach holiday. Swimming in the local salt lakes is no different from the Dead Sea in Israel in terms of impressions and healing effects.

Another great way to relax in Solotvyno in the summer is fishing on the Tysa River. You can always go fishing here. And for sturgeon lovers, you should go to the fish farm in the village of Bushtyna.

Features of holidays in autumn and winter

In autumn, excursions to historical and architectural monuments are a great way to relax in Solotvyno and its surroundings. At this time, there is no more heat, and the yellow colour of the leaves on the trees is pleasing to the eye. These are ideal conditions for hiking in Solotvyno.

In autumn and winter, Solotvyno is an extremely popular location for health improvement with the help of vats, saunas and baths. In this regard, local vats are particularly popular, as they are a real elixir of youth.

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, another feature of Solotvyno is the opportunity to get to know Romanian Christmas traditions.

Where to stay in Solotvyno?

The village of Solotvyno and its surroundings offer tourists and holidaymakers a wide variety of accommodation options to suit different tastes and budgets. The range of offers varies from hotels, private manors and cottages to the budget proposals of the private sector. Prices for accommodation in the private sector in Solotvyno and the surrounding area start from 200 UAH per night. The cost of a room in a hotel in Solotvyno starts from 1700 UAH, and in the surrounding area there are options from 800 UAH. As for estates and cottages, the prices in Solotvyno start from 7500 UAH per night.

You can learn more about different options and offers in our catalogue of the best housing in Solotvyno and its surroundings.


База відпочинку «Едельвейс» у Солотвино
60A Haharina St., Solotvyno
+380 ....
from 200 UAH/person
Готель VILLA VLAD у Солотвино
47A Haharina St., Solotvyno
+380 ....
42 Kryange Street, Solotvyno
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/day
База відпочинку «Relax» (Солотвино)
Ozerna Street, Solotvyno
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/night
Готель «Solotvyno Resort» (Солотвино)
2 Rybnyk tract, Solotvyno
+380 ....
from 1200 ₴/day
Готель «Fiesta» у Солотвино
Kryange street, Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 700 ₴/day
Готель «Romantik» у Солотвино
42, Kryange str., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/day
Готель «Nikoletta» у Солотвино
Kryange street, Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 1200 ₴/day
Готель PRAHA у Солотвино
Kryange street, Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 1900 ₴/day
Готель «Lotus & SPA» у Солотвино
Kryange street, Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 1400 ₴/day

Cottages and manor

Гостьовий будинок Lumei
122 Ivan Franko Street, Solotvyno
+380 ....
from 446 ₴/day
Готель «Віола» у Солотвино
73, Kryange str., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 250 ₴/day
Садиба «Мімоза» у Солочині
95 Ozerna St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
from 300 ₴/day

Go to Solotvyno to feel like you’re at the Dead Sea, but without crossing the border. Here, everyone can get to know Romanian cuisine, improve their health with therapeutic mud, see ancient historical and cultural monuments, and gain a rare experience. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Romanian flavour – the whole village is saturated with it. We love this village, its traditions and beauty. Friendly guides will help you to feel the atmosphere of the Romanian extravaganza, and there are many of them in Solotvyno. Even if it’s not your first time here, they will show you the village from a different perspective.

Where to eat?

Ресторан-кафе Статус
1 Gagarina St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Кафе «Марамуреш» у Солотвино
6A, Kharkivska str., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Піцерія «Піца-Солотвино»
71, Sportyvna St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Ресторан-піцерія Family
59 Sportyvna St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Едера» у Солотвино
115 Sportyvna St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Diana» у Солотвино
18, Tyachivska St., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Ресторан "Віола" у Солотвино
73, Kryange str., Solotvyno village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Рибник»
Rybnyk tract, 2, Solotvyno village
+380 ....

How to get to Solotvyno?

Getting to Solotvyno is not difficult for any tourist.

The most popular way to get to Solotvyno is undoubtedly by rail. Trains from Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia and Dyakiv arrive at the local railway station every day.

The second place among the ways to get to Solotvyno is taken by intercity bus service. Buses from Rakhiv, Tyachiv, Velykyi Bychkiv, Seredne Vodyane, Khust, Mukachevo, Yasinya, Uzhhorod, Kolomyia, Beltsy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and other settlements arrive at the local bus station daily.

By car, Solotvyno can be reached via the H-09 highway, which stretches along the Romanian-Ukrainian border.

In any case, the road to Solotvyno is extremely picturesque and brings a lot of aesthetic pleasure.

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Where to go on an excursion from Solotvyno?
From Solotvyno, excursions to almost the entire Carpathian region depart. The most interesting are tours to the thermal locations of Transcarpathia in Velyatino and Vynohradiv; tours to the castles of Transcarpathia, which include such famous strongholds as Khust Castle, Palanok Castle (Mukachevo), St. Miklos Castle (Chynadiyovo) and Berehvar Castle-Palace (Karpaty Sanatorium); tours to the monuments of sacred architecture in Tyachiv region, and others. Our catalogue contains all the most interesting excursions from Solotvyno.
What are the best excursions around the village?
First of all, we recommend taking a tour of the central streets and squares of the village. There are also interesting excursions to the museum of salt mines. Tourists with children should definitely visit the wonderful water park in Tyachiv.
What are the Solotvyno sightseeing tours?
Our catalogue includes interesting excursions around the village, as well as all the most interesting historical and cultural sights of the village and the surrounding area, locations with salt lakes and swimming pools and delicious Romanian cuisine.

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