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Lower Church of St Nicholas in the village of Serednie Vodyane

In the Romanian village of Serednie Vodyane (formerly known as Serednie Apsha, population almost six thousand) in the Rakhiv district of Zakarpattia region, two historically valuable wooden churches have been preserved. Both shrines are dedicated to St Nicholas the Wonderworker: Lower and Upper.

The Lower Church of St Nicholas is located one kilometre away from the Upper Church. It is younger than its neighbour, built in the seventeenth century. The harsh-looking church has a high roof and stands out for its unusual entrance: on the southern facade of this ancient building. The roof of the lower church is also covered with shingles. Ancient paintings were recently discovered in the church during repairs.

Церква святого Миколая

Photos and video of the lower church of St Nicholas

A brief overview

🗺 Location N47°59′05″ E23°54′34″
🛠 Construction time Mid 17th century
⛪ Style Wood architecture
🧭 Distance from Solotvyno 6.8 km
🚙 Road for Auto and on foot
🏕 Stop with a tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Solotvyno
☕ Cafes and shops Solotvyno

How to get to the lower church of St Nicholas

 Walking route

🔰 Start From the parking lot
🚶 Walking distance Walking around the territory of the temple

On the map

What is interesting nearby

Other interesting places

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Верхня церква Миколи Чудотворця
Two historically valuable wooden churches have been preserved in the Romanian village of Seredne Vodiane (formerly known as Seredne Apsha,
Церква святого Миколая
In the Romanian village of Serednie Vodyane (formerly known as Serednie Apsha, population almost six thousand) in the Rakhiv district

Tours and excursions

middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Міні-скульптура «Карпатія»
2 or 3 hours
From 750 ₴
climbing the hoverla
18 hours
From 1690 ₴
Палац-резиденція баронів Перені
1 day (10 hours)
From 700 ₴
blue lagoon
10 hours
From 600 ₴
excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴
middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Чаны у Цимбора (с. Лумшори)
1 day (8 hours)
From 600 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
voivodship waterfall
1 day (10 hours)
From 600 ₴
uzhan valley
10 hours
From 700 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
тур похід
4 days / 3 nights
From 4200 ₴
дегустаційний тур по закарпаттю
4 days / 3 nights
From 3999 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴
ужгород в сакурах
2 days / 1 night
From 1571 ₴
three-day equestrian tour to the carpathians
3 days / 2 nights
From 5600 ₴
bicycle tour of uzhgorod
3 hours
From 85 ₴
excursion to the night city of uzhgorod
3 hours (on request)
From 1800 ₴

Detailed weather