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Trufanets waterfall

Trufanets (Trofanets) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians. A hydrological monument of nature of local importance. It is considered the highest natural waterfall in Transcarpathia. It is located on the southeastern slopes of the Svidovets mountain massif, within the Rakhiv district of the Zakarpattia region, not far from the southern outskirts of the village of Yasinya.

The total height of the waterfall is 36 m. The length of the stream is 2,830 m. In the forest zone, it partially (230 m) flows underground. Forms several cascades. It consists of numerous (more than 5) cascades. It was formed at the site of the outcrop of erosion-resistant sandstones.

Водоспад Труфанець

Photo and video of Trufanets waterfall

A brief overview

🗺 Location N48°12′51″ E24°18′32″
💧 Full height 36 m
💦 Number of cascades more than 5
🧭 Distance from Dragobrat 10 km
🚙 Road for Auto and on foot
🏕 Become a tent Yes
🏡 Unterkunft in der Nähe Dragobrat, Yasinya
☕ Cafes and shops Dragobrat, Yasinya

How to get to the Trufanets waterfall

 Walking route

🔰 Start From Sydovets railway station
🚶 Walking distance 3.5 km
🕒 Approximate time 44 minutes
⬆ Rise Mostly without ups and downs

On the map

What is interesting nearby

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Tours and excursions

Одноденна екскурсія в Кошице
17 hours
From 2300 ₴
Одноденна екскурсія у Будапешт
18 hours
From 3900 ₴
middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Міні-скульптура «Карпатія»
2 or 3 hours
From 750 ₴
climbing the hoverla
18 hours
From 1690 ₴
Палац-резиденція баронів Перені
1 day (10 hours)
From 700 ₴
blue lagoon
10 hours
From 600 ₴
excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴
middle-class castle
1 day (7 hours)
From 500 ₴
Чаны у Цимбора (с. Лумшори)
1 day (8 hours)
From 600 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
voivodship waterfall
1 day (10 hours)
From 600 ₴
uzhan valley
10 hours
From 700 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
тур похід
4 days / 3 nights
From 4200 ₴
дегустаційний тур по закарпаттю
4 days / 3 nights
From 3999 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴
ужгород в сакурах
2 days / 1 night
From 1571 ₴
three-day equestrian tour to the carpathians
3 days / 2 nights
From 5600 ₴
bicycle tour of uzhgorod
3 hours
From 85 ₴
excursion to the night city of uzhgorod
3 hours (on request)
From 1800 ₴

Accommodation nearby

Готель «ДАН» (Драгобрат, Ясіня)
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1900₴/night
Готель «Полонина» (Драгобрат)
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 750₴/night
Готель "У Румун" (La Romani) на курорті Драгобрат
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day
Готель "Оселя Драгобрат"
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day
Готель "Зелена дача"
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1100₴/day
Готель "Смерічка"
Dragobrat, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 910 ₴/day
Готельно-ресторанний комплекс «Адреналін»
Yasinya, Dragobrat resort
+380 ....
from 2400₴/day
Готель «Горизонт»
Dragobrat, 7, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day
Готель «Маріка»
Dragobrat tract, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 2200₴/day
Готель «У Стозі»
Dragobrat tract, Yasinya
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day

Leisure nearby

Ресторан «Скіфське полювання» у Ясіні
30 Ivan Franko Street, Yasinya
+380 ....
Ресторан «Зоряний» у Ясіні
19 Myru Street, Yasinya
+380 ....
Кафе-бар «Ліон» (Ясіня)
29 Ivan Franko Street, Yasinya
+380 ....
Кафе «Курятня»
Dragobrat resort, Black Tisza
+380 ....
Кафе «У Золтана»
Dragobrat tract, Yasinya village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Маріка»
Dragobrat tract, Yasinya village
+380 ....
Кафе-колиба «У Степана»
with. Yasinya, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....
Кафе «Шовкова Косиця»
with. Yasinya, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....