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Rest in Zhdeniyevo

Zhdeniyevo is located next to the majestic Pikuy mountain, where the same name ski resort. Tourists who come to Transcarpathia seek to visit it in order to improve their physical condition and strengthen their health. And the beauty of the local nature and a large number of attractions give vacation additional charm.

Відпочинок у Жденієво

Accommodation in Zhdeniyevo

In the village, tourists do not have any difficulties in finding a place to stay. Renting an apartment in Zhdeniyevo on a daily basis is not expensive at all, because the rental price is kept at a quite acceptable level.

Most travelers prefer to stay in hotels, as they provide the most essential services. In addition, hotels allow vacationers not to worry about accommodation and spend their vacation without fear, enjoying all its benefits. A wonderful vacation in Zhdeniyevo with a swimming pool will be remembered for a lifetime.

No less wide selection of housing in the private sector. Since local residents willingly rent it to guests, the choice of different options in the village is very large.

Hotels in the village Zhdeniyevo

Готель «Смерековий двір» у Жденієво
253 Shevchenka St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....

from 900₴/night
Готель «Жди Ня Єво» у Жденієво
251 Shevchenko St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....

from 950₴/night
Готель «VitaPark Карпати» у Жденієво
257 Shevchenka St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....

from 2131₴/night
Готель «Extreme»
St. Shevchenko, 257, Zhdenievo
+380 ....

from 805₴/night
Готель «Лісова казка» у Жденієво
Zbini village, 75A (Zhdenievo)
+380 ....

from 1000₴/night

Housing in the private sector Zhdeniyevo

Садиба «Вербовий двір» (Willow Yard) у Жденієво
58A Shevchenko St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....
Садиба "Курортна" в Жденієво
171, Shevchenko str., Zhdeniyevo village
+380 ....
from 2400₴/day
Садиба «Шепіт гір»
Shypit tract, Turya Polyana
+380 ....
from 350₴/day
Готель «Смерековий двір» у Жденієво
253 Shevchenka St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....

from 900₴/night
Готель «Жди Ня Єво» у Жденієво
251 Shevchenko St., Zhdeniyevo
+380 ....

from 950₴/night
Садиба «Мисливський двір» у Жденієво
St. Shevchenko, 158, p. Zhdenievo
+380 ....
from 75₴/1 person

All accommodation options on the map

Description of the area

The settlement, standing on the bank of the river, is surrounded by dense forests and is adjacent to the Watershed Ridge. Nearby is the city of Mukachevo, so it is better to get here from it or from the station “Volovets” by train or tram.

For those who come to Zhdeniyevo, rest seems like a real pleasure. Usually, people come here to pay tribute to the wonderful tracks, equipped at an altitude of almost 1 km.

Temperature in Zhdeniyevo now:

6.3o C   |   43.3o F

Entertainment near Zhdeniyevo

Mostly people come here in winter to improve their skiing skills. But there is something to do here in the summer as well. Wonderful hikes in the mountains or the most interesting trips to attractions help you get to know your native land better. Therefore, renting housing is always needed here.

There are many ancient churches in Zhdeniyevo itself and its surroundings. Also, no one will refuse to taste mineral water in the village and in the nearby Polyana. And in Podobovets is the ancient church of Mykola Ugodnik.

Lovers of architecture and history will definitely like the romantic Shenborn castle “Beregvar”, built in the village of Karpaty, Mukachevo district at the end of the 19th century century.

Those who are looking for adventure will find the best options here. Resort guests are invited to try their hand at driving ATVs, horse riding or conquering snowmobiles.

Go-To.Rest helps tourists heading to Transcarpathia to better navigate its spaces. The sites tell all about the peculiarities of the region, its infrastructure and entertainment. Each description has recommendations from local experts to help travelers make the best choice.

The most interesting locations are nearby

Церква Іоанна Предтечі в селі Сухий
A rather complicated version of the Boyko-type temple with 3 tops of two quadrants can be seen in the village
St Michael's Church in the village of Uzhok
The church was built and consecrated on 11.06.1745, as evidenced by the carved inscription on the doorpost. The church was
Церква святого Миколая в селі Гусний
In the village of Husnyi, there is a preserved Boyko three-storey wooden church of St Nicholas, which was built of
Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral
Гора Пікуй
The village of Zhdeniyevo is the starting point for an exciting climb to the top of Mount Pikuy, which is
Церква Введення Пресвятої Богородиці в селі Абранка
The village of Abranka, Mukachevo District, Zakarpattia Region, was founded in 1611. In 1692, historical sources mention a church in
Церква Вознесіння Господнього в селі Ялове
It is hard to imagine that a traditional Transcarpathian village did not have a church until the end of the
Церква святого Василя в селі Задільське
The current church of St. Basil in the village of Zadilske, Mukachevo district, Zakarpattia region, was most likely built by
Церква Вознесіння Господнього в селі Тишів
For the first time, the village of Tyshiv of the Mukachevo district of the Transcarpathian region was mentioned in historical
Ужоцький перевал
There are enough roads in Transcarpathia. All of them pass through the Carpathian passes, and each of them offers wonderful
Михайлівська церква у Сваляві
The Church of Archangel Michael (Svalyava) is a Lemki church in the Bystry suburb of the city of Svalyava (Bystryanska
Обавський камінь
The Obava stone is a unique natural monument of the Mukachevo district of the Zakarpattia region. It is the crater
Палац графів Шенборнів (замок Берегвар)
In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as
Хата-музей «Лемковская садиба»
This unique house-museum was created in 1985 in the village of Zarichevo. Perechinsky region. It reflects the life and way
Бункер «Лінія Арпада» у Колочаві
During the Second World War, the Hungarian government built a military defense line in the north-eastern Carpathians - the Arpad
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,
Водоспад Воєводин
The most powerful Transcarpathian waterfall is Voyevodyn, which is located 12 kilometres north of the village of Turya Polyana in
Полонина Руна
If the weather allows, be sure to make a climb to the rune (Rivne). During one day you can conquer

Where can you eat deliciously?

Особливості меню
251 Shevchenko Street, Zhdeniyevo village, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан «Смерековий Двір» у Жденієво
253 Shevchenko Street, Zhdeniyevo village, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан «Лісова Казка» біля Жденієво (с. Збини)
Zbyny village, 75A (near Zhdeniyevo)
+380 ....
«Колиба і Форель» у Жденієво
253 Shevchenko Street, Zhdeniyevo village, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан «VitaPark Карпати» (Reikartz)
257 Shevchenko Street, Zhdeniyevo village, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан «Жди Ня Єво»
251 Shevchenka street, Zhdenievo, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....

Tours and excursions

тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴

Detailed weather