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Tatariv – where to eat?

Tourists and holidaymakers all over the world are very happy to get to know the culinary traditions of other countries, peoples and ethnic groups. Even within a single country, there can be many different regional cooking styles.

Temperature in Tatariv now

8.8o C   |   47.9o F

The cuisine of the Ukrainian Carpathians is remarkably diverse. Numerous peoples and ethnic groups that have long inhabited this region have influenced the formation of local culinary delights. For generations, they have lived together and exchanged their culinary traditions, which over time has contributed to the creation of a unique local mix of traditions and cultures. Hutsul cuisine is particularly diverse and colourful. To learn more about Hutsul culinary delights, you should definitely visit the village of Tatariv. There are many different answers to the question of where to eat in Tatariv.

The best restaurants and cafes in Tatariv

Ресторан «Прут»
St. Nezalezhnosti, 14, Tatariv village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Білі Горвати»
St. Nezalezhnosti, 565a, Tatariv village
+380 ....
Колиба «Гуцульський двір»
St. Nezalezhnosti, 453, Tatariv village
+380 ....

If you are interested in traditional Ukrainian and Hutsul cuisine, you should definitely visit such establishments in Tatariv as the Hutsul Dvir restaurant, Kolyba Koloryt restaurant, Dykyi Med kolyba, Lavanda Country Club restaurant, Olga restaurant-kolyba, Suzirya Karpat kolyba, MANGALNA VATRA cafe, Kolyba Pryroda restaurant and Patska restaurant. All these establishments are distinguished by comfortable interiors, high-quality service and delicious dishes. They offer spacious banqueting halls, gazebos, live music and unsurpassed Hutsul flavour.

For those who like European cuisine, in Tatariv you should visit the restaurants Cufer, Prut, Tatars Deluxe, Pigi, Geldberg, Forest House, Coruna and Bili Horvaty. Modern interiors, friendly staff and extremely tasty dishes are the characteristic features of these restaurants.

An excellent fast food restaurant in Tatariv is the cafe “U Armena”. Here you can taste delicious Armenian shawarma at affordable prices.

If you want a delicious pizza, the best place for this is the 4×4 Coffee and Pizza pizzeria. The pizza here is simply bombastic and cooked on wood.

It is best to start the morning in Tatariv with a cup of strong coffee and a cake at the Kulchytsky Bakery cafe. In addition to coffee and sweets, you can buy high-quality bakery products for the road.

At the end of your acquaintance with the culinary delights in the village of Tatariv, you should definitely try the incredible homemade craft ice cream at JEREMY.

The main advantage of catering for tourists in Tatariv is that the prices here are much lower than in neighbouring Bukovel, and the quality of service and taste of the dishes are no worse.

Cafes and restaurants in Tatariv on the map

Tours and excursions from Tatariv

Екстремальний джип-тур “Повний круг”
3 hours
From 4500 ₴
Джипінг в Карпатах
4 hours
From 5500 ₴
Джип тури Карпатами
2 hours
From 2500 ₴
Джип-тур “Стеришора”
3 hours
From 3500 ₴
Джип-тур “Русанівка”
3 hours
From 3000 ₴

Where to stay in Tatariv?

The village of Tatariv offers excellent accommodation for tourists and travellers who come to the village from the most famous Ukrainian ski resort Bukovel, which is located very close by. Among the interesting options, you will find hotels and entire complexes, local cottages and manors, comfortable yet affordable options in the private sector.

Our catalogue of housing in Tatariv will help you choose the best place to spend your holidays in a quiet corner of the Carpathians.


Готельний комплекс «Під Хом’яком»
Tatariv village, st. Nezalezhnosti, 38
+380 ....
from 1580 ₴/night
Готель «Коруна»
Tatariv village, st. Pigivska, 660
+380 ....
from 2260 ₴/night
Villa Billa
st. T. Shevchenko, 753, Tatariv village
+380 ....
from 1195 UAH/day

Cottages and manors

Садиба «Дана»
83, Nezalezhnosti str., Tatariv village
+380 ....
from 750 ₴/night

The most interesting places near the village of Tatariv

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Арт-простір Zenko Foundation
A tourist attraction on the territory of the Koruna complex in Tatariv village is a wonderful contemporary art gallery -
Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
This ethnographic museum is located in the village of Tatariv on the territory of the Koruna recreation complex. The museum's
Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
To get a deeper insight into the history and traditional way of life in Tatariv, it is worth visiting the
Гора Костел
Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn that is definitely worth a visit is the 1,216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain. It
Гора Рокита Велика
While holidaying in the village of Mykulychyn, you should definitely find time to travel to the top of the mighty
Гора Маковиця
If you intend to climb to the top, which was the scene of fierce battles, the best option near Mykulychyn
Чемегівський каньйон
The extremely picturesque Chemehivskyi Canyon has become a very popular natural location in the village of Mykulychyn. Instagram bloggers and
Водоспад Капливець
The Kaplyvets waterfall is located 5 km from the Mykulychyn railway station. It is located on the territory of the
Нарінецький водоспад
The Narinetskyi single-cascade waterfall is 10 metres high. It is located between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv in a
Велика карпатська гойдалка
On the outskirts of Mykulychyn village, you can ride one of the most famous swings in Ukraine. It is located
Броварня “Микуличин”
One of the symbols of Mykulychyn village is the famous Mykulychyn Brewery. It was opened relatively recently - in 2002.
Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Микуличині
In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was decided to build a new wooden church in Mykulychyn not far
Музей етнографії та екології Карпатського краю
At the end of your visit to the museums in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the Museum of Ethnography and
Музей мольфарства у Яремче
Fans of mysticism and magic should definitely visit the Museum of Molfarism in Yaremche. It features ancient household items used
Петропавлівська церква (Музей Шептицького)
While holidaying in Yaremche, tourists will be interested in visiting the modern wooden church of the Holy Apostles Peter and
Екопарк «Ведмежа гора»
Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, there is another interesting location with animals - an eco-park with a petting
Парк-музей «Карпати в мініатюрі»
This unique museum attracts tourists like a magnet. It was initiated in 2015 by the Carpathian National Park and the
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to
Гора Синячка
Mount Synyachka, with a height of 1400 metres, is located 20 km from Yaremche. It takes 6 hours to get
Скеля «Слон» у Яремче
At a distance of only 5.5 km from the centre of Yaremche, there is the Elephant Rock, which is formed
Скеля Білий Камінь
The White Stone Rock is located on the outskirts of Yaremche (the northern part of the city is called Dora).
Скелі Довбуша
The rock and cave complex Dovbush's Rocks is located 7.7 km from the central part of Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region, in
Міні-зоопарк «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»
If you come to Yaremche with children, you should definitely visit the local mini-zoo. It was established in 1992 with
Яблуницький перевал
The grandeur of the Yablunytskyi Pass is impressive. It is one of the most picturesque in Ukraine. It is located
Женецький Гук
Zhenetskii Huk (Zhenetski Vodospad) is a waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians, on the Zhenets stream (a left tributary of the
Чани Татарів
The climatic resort of Tatariv has long been very popular among tourists. It attracts them with the majesty of the
Карпатський національний природний парк
Carpathian National Nature Park is a national park in Ukraine, on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Created to preserve the
Музей гуцульського побуту
At an altitude of 700 m above sea level. near an elegant wooden house, the honored worker of culture M.
Озеро Несамовите
Lake Nesamovyte, located on the slope of Mount Turkul, attracts the attention of tourists on the northeastern slopes of the

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