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Manors and cottages in Kvasy

The village of Kvasy is located at an altitude of over 0.5 km above sea level. It is close to the town of Rakhiv and the village of Dilove, which is the geographical centre of Europe. For tourists, the main centre of attraction is the springs of unique arsenic mineral water. Therefore, cottages are always in demand here, and Kvasy can offer travellers the most interesting options.

Садиби та котеджі у Квасах

Cottages and private manors in Kvasy

This type of housing in Kvasy is the best, so no one complains about its somewhat high cost. This is the only way a large family or a youth group will be able to spend time with pleasure.

And for a newlyweds or a married couple celebrating their anniversary, such a surprise will be the most unforgettable in their lives.

We have a lot of options in our catalogue to choose from. All cottages and estates are serviced at a high level and offer conditions no worse than in a sanatorium. The owners provide tourists with everything they need, including a playground and a place for picnics. That is why many people try to rent a house in Kvasy.

Садиба «Сон на вуликах» (Кваси)
Kvasy village
+380 ....
from 700₴/day
Еко-садиба «Васкул»
Vaskul tract, 862, Kvasy
+380 ....
from 495₴/day
Гостинний двір «Лісова казка»
Tsentralna Street, 254, Kvasy
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Гостьовий будинок «Над Тисою»
Kvasy, 13, Transcarpathia
+380 ....
from 1350₴/day

All accommodation options on the map

Features of the village of Kvasy

The climate in the region is simply wonderful, so holidaymakers come here from all over Ukraine. The region, which is protected by mountains, is not blown by strong winds in winter and does not suffer from stifling heat in summer. Therefore, holidaymakers quickly regain their strength and improve their health.

This is precisely the reason for the functioning of the famous sanatorium “Hirska Tysa“. It was opened in the late 50s of the last century and was used to treat employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditions with mineral waters. In 2008, the healthcare facility was reconstructed and is now open for business again, offering the most modern services.

It is also very convenient to get to. Trains from Lviv, Lutsk, Kyiv or Sumy stop at the Kvasy railway station. The village of Kvasy is also easily accessible by bus from nearby towns.

The temperature in the village of Kvasy now:

-5.0o C   |   23.0o F

What to do in Kvasy?

Travellers come here to undergo a course of rehabilitation at the Hirska Tysa sanatorium. It provides services to patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Holidaymakers are happy to combine treatment with entertainment.

A local attraction, the Tsypa Brewery, where excellent beer is brewed, is a great success. Guests are always welcome here and are ready to show any features of the enterprise.

Many hiking routes to the Hoverla, Petros and other mountains. Therefore, those who want to rent private manors houses will be happy to do so.

The most interesting locations nearby

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Скелі закоханих у селі Костилівка Рахівського району
The cliff-rock or Lovers' Rocks above the village of Kostylivka in the Rakhiv district of Transcarpathian region is a Ukrainian
Обсерваторія “Білий слон”
From 1936 to 1938, on the initiative of the Polish government, an astronomical observatory was built on Black Mountain (Pip
Гора Близниця
The highest mountain in the Svydovets range of the Carpathians is Mount Blyznytsia, which is 1881 metres high. One of
Центр Європи біля Рахова
The geographic center of Europe, marked with a geodetic sign, is located between the settlements of Dilove and Kostylivka of
Церква «Введення до храму Пресвятої Богородиці»
The luxurious wooden temple "Introduction to the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos" of the end of the 20th century,
Озеро Івор
Dragobratske Lake (Ivor) is a high mountain lake of glacial origin in the Ukrainian Carpathians, in the Svidovets massif. It
Озеро Апшинець
Apshynets is a hydrological natural landmark of local importance, a high mountain lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is located
Озеро Герашаська (Догяска)
Gerashaska (another name is Dogyaska, Orati) is a high-altitude lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians, within the Rakhiv District of Transcarpathian
Озеро Ворожеска
Vorozheska (Vorozheske) is a high mountain lake in the Ukrainian Carpathians within the Rakhiv District of the Zakarpattia Oblast. Lake
Карпатський національний природний парк
Carpathian National Nature Park is a national park in Ukraine, on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Created to preserve the
Гірський хребет Чорногора
Chornogora is the highest mountain massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians, it includes the town of Hoverla, the highest point in
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

Tours and excursions

climbing the hoverla
18 hours
From 1690 ₴
Сходження на Говерлу та Петрос
3 days / 2 nights
From 2950 ₴
Похід Чорногірським хребтом
6 days / 5 nights
From 4550 ₴

Where to eat?

Ресторація «Гагарін та Бокораш»
163 Tsentralna Street, Kvasy
+380 ....
Піцерія «Гуцульська піца під газдівське пиво»
Vaskul tract, Kvasy, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....
Кафе «Гуцульська перепічка»
H09, 161, Kvasy, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....
Кафе «Крайна хата»
Kvasy, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....
Кафе «Дубок»
H09, 124, Kvasy, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....

How can our service help?

The Go-To.Rest website provides information on travelling in Transcarpathia. It highlights the most popular locations in the region with all their fascinating details.