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Vats in Lumshory

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 06.11.2024 at 1:57 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

The village of Lumshory is located on the territory of the former Perechyn district of Transcarpathia (now part of the enlarged Uzhhorod district). The village is surrounded by the picturesque Carpathian beech-pine virgin forest. It has less than 100 inhabitants. This place has long been known as a spa resort and people come to Lumshory from all over Ukraine, as well as from abroad. People come here to “cook” in vats with healing mineral hydrogen sulfide water, which is sometimes jokingly called “Carpathian Jacuzzi”.

Чани в Лумшорах

The temperature in Lumshory is now:

4.6o C   |   40.2o F

Lumshory on the map


History of the Lumshory Vats

Lumshory resort is located at the foot of the picturesque Runa mountain meadow and has an interesting ancient history. As for the origin of the name of the village, the ancients say that “lum” used to be called tree branches, and the rows in which they were made for drying with further use in agriculture, were called in ancient times – “shory”.

Lumshory is the oldest resort area of ​​Transcarpathia. It was here, near the source of the mountain river Turitsa in 1600, that a water hospital was founded, to which nobles from all over Europe came for treatment. The first vat in Lumshory was located near a mineral water source with a high content of hydrogen sulfide and radon. This water is not suitable for daily consumption, but if you heat it and take a bath, it becomes very good for health, thanks to the activation and positive effect on humans of dissolved minerals. In the 18th century, thanks to the efforts of the Counts of Schönborn, the spa became a well-known in all of Europe “Lumshory Resort” – a favorite vacation spot for Austrian and Hungarian nobles. The picturesque hinterland is famous for its unique natural springs. It is known that more than 400 years ago, a holiday in Lumshory with its unique local water was simply indispensable and very useful in the treatment of musculoskeletal system (muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones) and had an extremely positive effect on the nervous system. In those days, vats looked like wooden barrels. They were heated by lowering hot stones into the water. When a metallurgical plant was opened in the nearby village of Turya Remeti, two quarter-ton cast iron vats were cast. After the end of the First World War, both vats were lost. Only in 1970 did Volodymyr Opiary manage to find and dig up one of the vats in the forest in the stream. The second is currently part of the exposition of the Vienna Museum. To this day, Lumshory has preserved and uses an ancient vat, which is located in the recreation complex “ U tsimbora “.

Лумшорські чани в наші дні

Lumshory vats nowadays

Today, vats are made of high quality cast iron, can “cook” up to a dozen people and promise amazing and unforgettable experiences. Locals throw firewood under the tub. People get into it only after the water reaches 36.6 degrees. Then it is slowly heated to 40-45 degrees. As soon as you feel that it is already hot enough – quickly jump into the local cool river, which is very close.

Such a seemingly crazy procedure will only consolidate the therapeutic effect. It really has little to do with vivid sensations and great well-being! The greatest extreme can be felt in winter, at an air temperature of minus 10ºC.

Nowadays in Lumshory and its surroundings you can find several dozen places where you can bask in the vat, but only one bath, which has existed here since ancient times, you can get a bath in hydrogen sulfide water with high radon content. Such vats are the most useful. All other baths offer vats with herbs and spruce branches, which is also useful, but does not have such a powerful health effect.


Чани «У Цімбора»

Vats “U Tsimbora”

This bath is located in the recreation complex “U Tsimbora”, located at vul. Pryozerna, 9.

Prices for vacations in vats depend on the number of people in the vats:

  • 6-8 people: 1000 UAH / year;
  • 8-12 people: 1200 UAH / hour

The private estate ‘U Tsimbora’ offers to rent both individual rooms and the whole house. Prices for accommodation vary. For example, the cost of a Standard room starts at UAH 1500 per day, while a Chalet house (for up to 8 people) costs UAH 6000 per day.

In addition, the U Tsimbora complex offers a wide range of other services:

  • relaxation in the bathhouse (up to 4 people) at a price of UAH 300 per hour;
  • rent of a gazebo with a barbecue for UAH 500 per day;
  • apitherapy with Lumshory bees at the price of 100 UAH/hour per 1 person;
  • excursions to the meadow on a buggy – 2000 UAH/hour;
  • banquet hall;
  • bar-cafe;
  • outdoor wedding on Polonyna Runa.

You can find out more about the conditions of rest by phone:  +38 (066) 680 30 70

“Hunting Estate”

The complex has 5 health vats, of which:

  • 2 vats for 4-6 people – UAH 550. in 1 hour,
  • 1 vat for 10-12 people with a diameter of 2.8 m – UAH 1,000. in 1 hour,
  • 2 vats for 7-9 people – UAH 800. in 1 hour.

Vat in Lumshory “Gapachok”

In this vat for 6 people near the river brew a variety of medicinal herbs collected in the clean Carpathian plains. These are chamomile, lemon balm, mint, thyme. Water together with herbs in the vat tones the skin, improves its respiration, improves the circulatory system.

+380501070878 Oksana (order at least in 1 day)

Чани «То лем анде»

Vats “To lem ande”

2 vats for 6 people. One near the hut, the other near the river. The cost of vats from 700 UAH.

Viber: +38 066 40 92 542 (Vasily)

Чани з травами в Лумшорах

🌿 Vats with herbs in Lumshory

If you prefer phytovats, the best options in Lumshory are complexes:

In all these complexes there is a possibility of settling in rooms and whole cottages.
Prices for housing and services do not differ much.

The range of services is about the same. In addition to the already mentioned, you can rent ATVs and snowmobiles, as well as admire the Carpathians while horseback riding or fishing. Tourists should book accommodation in Lumshory in advance, because the resort is extremely popular and the number of seats is limited. Prices for services change sharply depending on the season. They are especially high for the New Year and Christmas holidays and very busy in April – May.

2024 prices for vats in Lumshory and Transcarpathia

  • “U Tsimbora” (Lumshory village) – UAH 800 per hour (6-8 people), UAH 1000 per hour (8-12 people)
  • “Hunting estate” (Lumshory village) – UAH 550 per hour (4-6 people), UAH 800 per hour (UAH 7-9 people), UAH 1,000 per hour (10-12 people)
  • To lem ande (Lumshory village) – from UAH 700 per hour
  • Gopachok (Lumshori village) – UAH 700 per hour, UAH 1,300 for 2 hours, UAH 1,600 for 3 hours. Phytochan
  • “Forest Tale” (Zhdenievo village) – UAH 750-1500 UAH per hour;
  • Grand Hotel (Pylypets village) – UAH 700 per hour (4 people);
  • Belle Royale (Lisarnia village) – UAH 400 per hour (maximum 6 people);
  • Volnohora (Lisarnia village) – U400 UAH per hour in the first two hours, each next hour – 200 UAH (prices are indicated for accommodation in a vat for up to 10 people, if more than 10 people – 50 UAH for each next person);
  • Kateryna (Polyana village) – UAH 450 per hour (up to 4 people), UAH 350 each hour;
  • Ungvar Bath (Uzhhorod) – 1250 hryvnia per hour with a minimum order of 2 hours / 4 people. + 500 UAH surcharge for each subsequent visitor;
  • “Prague” (Uzhgorod) – 1500 UAH per 2 hours.
  • “Uzhanski kupeli” (Uzhok village) – 800 UAH for 1.5 hours in a small vat (additional hour from 200 UAH); in a large vat for 1.5 hours – 1000 UAH (additional hour from 400 UAH); in a new vat for 1.5 hours – 1200 UAH (additional hour from 400 UAH).

All services in the region

Accommodation nearby

Садиба «У попа» Лумшори
St. Lisova, 3, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 100₴/day
Садиба «Над потоком»
St. Kamennaya, 1, village Lumshory
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Готель «Водограй»
St. Lisova, 5, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1075₴/day
To Lem Ande Hotel, Lumshory
Lumshory, Transcarpathian
+380 ....
from 700 ₴/night
Davir Resort & Spa, Lumshory
Lisova street, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1650₴/night
Садиба «Лумшорські чани» у селі Лумшори (Закарпаття)
5 Luhova St., Lumshory village
+380 ....
from 2500₴/night
Котеджі «Едем» у Лумшорах
2 Kamyana Street, Lumshory village
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
Заміський будинок «Сонячний Лаз»
building 90, Yakivske village
+380 ....
from 1800₴/day
Садиба «У попа» Лумшори
St. Lisova, 3, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 100₴/day
Мисливська садиба
St. Luhova, 5, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Садиба «У Сергія» (Лумшори)
45 Kamyana Street, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1500₴/night
Садиба «Лумшори»
Lumshory village, 8
+380 ....
from 700₴/day
Садиба «Над потоком»
St. Kamennaya, 1, village Lumshory
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Садиба з чаном "У Цімбора"
street Prнozerna, 9, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1500₴/night

Tours and excursions

Where to eat

Explore all the beauty of Lumshory is absolutely comfortable and convenient on foot. Clean and fresh mountain air, healing peace, murmur of waterfalls and magnificent forest …

Contemplation of local beauty is already the most wonderful healing.

Kolyba "Lumshorsky vats"
Lumshori, street Luhova, 5, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан Давір-колиба в Лумшорах
Lumshory, Lisova Street, Zakarpattia region
+380 ....

In addition to the amazing scenery, beautiful waterfalls, skiing and swimming in unique vats with mineral water, there is another important reason to choose Lumshory as a place to relax. This is a lunch at the ethno-restaurant “Horseshoe”, which is located nearby in the town of Perechyn. Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Jewish and even Roma – all the flavors and aromas of international Transcarpathia in a single tasting menu. Meal in the “Horseshoe” – a real feast for the stomach: frog legs, cucumber, poprygashka, shovdar, picnic, lined beans, banosh, fragrant baked potatoes on the fire, pancakes with liquor … And what is worth the branded alcoholic beverage “Plum brandy from my grandfather “. As local guides like to say, if you haven’t been to Lumshory and bathed in vats and didn’t have Transcarpathian dishes in the Horseshoe – you haven’t been to Transcarpathia!

What else to see in Lumshory

How to get to Lumshory

Given the distance from major cities, getting to the village of Lumshory is quite difficult. The nearest railway passes through the town of Perechyn, which can be reached by train from Uzhgorod. From Perechyn you can use scheduled transport, the schedule of which in the winter there are interruptions. In addition, Lumshory can be reached by scheduled transport directly from Uzhgorod, namely from the so-called “Perechyn” bus station, which is located near Uzhgorod Castle. Most tourists come to Lumshory by car or sightseeing bus. Excursions to the vats are regularly organized from Polyana. Distance from Uzhgorod to Lumshory – 50 km, from Polyana – 45 km.

🧡 Holidays in Lumshory will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

Prices for vats in Lumshory 2024
One hour in vats will cost an average of 600-800 UAH per hour for 4-6 people. More detailed information can be read on the website
Lumshory: what is interesting and what to see
The most interesting in Lumshory are the ancient vats, but in addition you can visit the picturesque Lumshory waterfalls and the Runa Mountain
Where to stay in Lumshory
Our directory offers the most interesting accommodation offers in Lumshory and nearby

Detailed weather

Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.