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Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Kostryna

Another unique Boyko church has been preserved in the village of Kostryna, Uzhhorod district, Transcarpathian region. This is the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The church is located in the centre of Kostryna on a hill with a wonderful view (GPS: 48.9425633, 22.5841413).

The Kostryn church is as beautiful as the one in Uzhok. In addition, the Intercession Church is 100 years older.

Церква Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці в селі Кострина

Photos and video of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kostryna village

Brief overview

🗺 Location N48°56′31″ E22°35′25″
🔰 Built 1645
🛠 Status Satisfactory
⛪ Style Transitional from Boykivskyi to Lemkivskyi
🧭 Distance from Vyshka 9 km
🚙 Road for On foot
🏕 Stop with a tent No
🏡 Housing nearby Vyshka
☕ Cafes and shops Vyshka

Detailed description of the Intercession Church in the village of Kostryna

Despite the difficult historical circumstances, this church has managed to survive and be preserved to this day. The community of Kostryna village purchased this extremely beautiful church in 1703 from the community of Syanky village, which is located in the present-day Turka district of Lviv region. The Church of the Intercession itself was built in the village of Syanky in 1645. According to a folk legend, the residents of Kostryn could not choose its location for a long time. Therefore, the materials of the church were moved from place to place until they finally decided to build the church in the Doroshavytsia tract.

In 1865, the community of Kostryn decided to build a new brick church to replace the old wooden one. Funds for the new church were raised for almost 40 years. Construction began in 1914, but due to the First World War, the money quickly depreciated and the wooden masterpiece was saved.

In 1891-1901, Mykhailo Lendel served as a priest in the Church of the Intercession. He chronicled the spiritual and economic life of the villages of Kostryna and Sil. He was lucky enough to have a live conversation with Kostryna long-liver Heorhii Churei, who lived for over 130 years. According to Mykhailo Lendel, the first wooden church in Kostryna was built in 1451, the second in 1602, and the current Intercession Church is the third.

The Church of the Intercession is of great interest to researchers because it is a transitional type of church from Boyko to Lemko, acquiring the dynamics of gradually increasing volumes.

How do I get to Kostrynka Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

 Walking route

🔰 Start From the wooden steps leading up to the temple
🚶 Walking distance A walk through the church grounds

On the map

What’s interesting nearby?

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Tours and excursions

uzhan valley
10 hours
From 700 ₴

Accommodation nearby

Туристична база «Едельвейс»
Sil village, 1
+380 ....

from 1300₴/day
Готель «Новий Сезон»
Vyshka village, house 288
+380 ....
from 950₴/day
Готель «Верховинський двір»
the village of Kostryno
+380 ....
from 1200₴/day
готель «перлина красії»
resort Krasiya, village Vyshka
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Готель «Alpen House»
with. Vyshka, 1, Zakarpattia region.
+380 ....
from 1700₴/day
Готель «Mont Blanc Family Sporthotel»
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Садиба «Ерташ»
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Приватна садиба «Теремок»
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Приватна садиба «Ліщина»
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