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Rest in Volovets

Transcarpathia has always been an extremely popular destination for tourists, as it has excellent ski resorts. А Volovets village is famous not only for its infrastructure but also for the incredible beauty of its nature.

All conditions have been created here to attract holidaymakers and provide them with a large number of positive impressions. Nearby is Pylypets, where you can admire Shypit waterfall or take a ride on the ski lift. In winter, sports activities are unbeatable.

Відпочинок у Воловці

Where to stay in Volovets?

The village has a large number of offers for every taste. Therefore, it is necessary to list their main types, as holidaymakers come here throughout the year. For those who want to save money, it is better to rent an apartment for rent, Volovets has the best options for any type of accommodation.

Hotels in Volovets

Our website contains the most attractive offers from the best hotels. They are designed for holidaymakers who prefer a high level of service.

Our prices are lower than on other resources, although in winter the cost of renting a room increases slightly.

Мотель «Едем» у Воловці
St. Karpatska, 192A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 612₴/night
Туристичний комплекс «Грінвіч»
St. Shevchenko, 1A, Volovets
+380 ....

from 600₴/night

Private sector in Volovets

Our service contains a large number of budget accommodation offers on its pages. All of them are characterised by excellent conditions and affordable prices.

Such accommodation options are designed for a variety of categories of guests. Therefore, for those who come to Volovets, accommodation does not become a big problem.

Cottages in Volovets

The resource has prepared many amazing options for tourists to stay with a company or family.

The village has a huge selection of private houses and estates, so every traveller will be able to find the best accommodation option for themselves for any period of time. Volovets, rest and cosy cottages will leave the most pleasant memories for travellers.

Садиба «Затишок у Йолани»
St. Gagarina, 2, Volovets
+380 ....

from 200₴/night

All accommodation options on the map

What to do in Volovets?

Most people come to the village to go skiing. The sports complex is located near Mount Plai at an altitude of 0.5 km above sea level. All conditions are created here for winter sports enthusiasts, and in summer, tourists admire the beauty of the local nature. Therefore, very often, those who come to Volovets want to rent accommodation for a long time.

The temperature in Volovets now:

3.3o C   |   37.9o F

Entertainment near Volovets

The most interesting locations nearby

Церква святого Миколая в селі Верхній Студений
The wooden church made of spruce beams, which has been preserved in Verkhniy Studenyi, is the most developed type of
Церква Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці в селі Нижній Студений
According to the Bible, in the spring of 7 April, the archangel Gabriel brought the good news that the Virgin
Церква Святого Архангела Михайла в селі Буковець
The church complex was built in 1808, as evidenced by the inscription carved on the door frame. The church is
Гора Темнатик (Томнатик)
Temnatyk (Tomnatyk) is a peak in the Ukrainian Carpathians with a height of 1343 m, located within the Transcarpathian region.
Гора Плай
Mount Plai, or Borzhava as it is also known, is located in the Ukrainian Carpathians and belongs to the Borzhava
Церква Введення Пресвятої Богородиці в селі Абранка
The village of Abranka, Mukachevo District, Zakarpattia Region, was founded in 1611. In 1692, historical sources mention a church in
Церква Вознесіння Господнього в селі Ялове
It is hard to imagine that a traditional Transcarpathian village did not have a church until the end of the
Церква святого Василя в селі Задільське
The current church of St. Basil in the village of Zadilske, Mukachevo district, Zakarpattia region, was most likely built by
Церква Вознесіння Господнього в селі Тишів
For the first time, the village of Tyshiv of the Mukachevo district of the Transcarpathian region was mentioned in historical
Храм святого Духа (Котельниця)
There is an interesting wooden church - the Church of the Holy Spirit - in the village of Kotelnytsia, Mukachevo
Храм святого Миколая Чудотворця (Біласовиця)
The church in the village of Bilasovytsia was most likely built by the same craftsmen as the church in the
Палац графів Шенборнів (замок Берегвар)
In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Собор Святого Духа
The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was built in the 18th century with elements of the Baroque
Водоспад Шипот
A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypit waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground spring,

Tours and excursions

excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴

Where can you eat delicious food?

Кафе «Fortuna»
Volovets, Transcarpathian region.
+380 ....

How to get to Volovets?

The village is very conveniently accessible by rail. There is a station in Volovets, through which many trains and electric trains run from Lviv and other large settlements to which it belongs:

It is also convenient to get here by bus from Lviv and Uzhgorod.

That is why a large number of routes to the mountains and other interesting locations start from here.

🧡 Your rest in Volovets will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

How can our service help?

Go-To.Rest offers the most accurate information on Transcarpathia, which contains the most important answers to questions and descriptions of services for every traveller.

Popular questions

What are the housing prices in Volovets?
Any holidaymaker will be able to afford the rental price in the village. You can rent a room in a budget hotel for about 450 UAH, and the private sector offers accommodation starting at 300 UAH per day.
What accommodation options in Volovets do you have in your catalogue?
Our service offers accommodation in hotels, cottages and estates, as well as a wide range of private sector offers.

Detailed weather