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At a distance of several kilometers to the east of the village of Muzhieva, if you drive along the Vyrodiv highway, there is the village of Bene of the Berehiv district of the Zakarpattia region. The village was first mentioned in written sources in 1269. 1400 people live in the village. Until recently, this settlement was called Dobrosillia.

The restored, recently whitewashed majestic Church of the Heart of Jesus is located immediately at the exit from the village, where the road to Kvasovo separates from the highway. This masterpiece was built at the end of the 14th century in the Romanesque style.

Село Бене

The elegant finish of the dome, which was built later, gave the temple a lightness that is characteristic of the Gothic style that dominated Europe at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. In 1657, after a terrible fire, the temple lay in ruins. The temple was rebuilt, and in architectural terms, Baroque elements were added to the Romanesque and Gothic styles. It is easy to notice the small number of windows in the building: only three pointed windows are visible on the southern facade of the temple. And the windows of the tower are so small that they rather resemble loopholes. This may indicate that the temple was defensive at one time.

Bene attracts music lovers. Every year in August, the Arena open-air festival takes place on the banks of the Borzhava River, where Ukrainian, Romanian and Hungarian groups perform. Concerts within the framework of the festival are held over four days. During its holding, a festival tent city is being set up.

Temperature in Bene now:

2.2o C   |   36.0o F

Map of Bene attractions

The most interesting places near Bene

Курган Красуні
Not far from the village of Muzhyievo, Berehove district, Transcarpathian region, next to the Verke river, there is a lonely
Костел Іоанна Хрестителя в селі Кідьош
In the village of Kidosh, there is the Church of St John the Baptist, built in the 14th century on
Музей леквару в селі Ботар
The lekvar museum with a tasting room is located in the village of Botar, Beregovo district. This is one of
Боржавський замок
Borzhava Castle is one of the oldest monuments in Transcarpathia. The history of the legendary fortress can be found in
Руїни Квасівського замку
In the village of Kvasovo, Beregove district, there are ruins of a 12th-century feudal castle built in the Romanesque style.
Затисянський краєзнавчий музей
In the village of Tysobiken, Berehiv District, Transcarpathian Region, there is the Zatysyanskyi Museum of Local Lore, opened in the
Костел Воздвиження Святого Хреста
The tallest building in the city of Berehove is the church on Ferenc Rakoci Square. This temple appeared in the
Графський двір або палац Бетлена в Берегово
Behind the cathedral, in the shade of chestnut trees, there is another landmark of Berehovo - "Grafskyi Dvir". This is
Будівля колишнього імперського суду в Берегово
On Koshuth Square (Verbevtsiya) among the pretty two-story villas, the landmark Berehovo - a huge building of the former imperial
Руїни домініканського костелу
In 3 km. from the town of Berehovo in the direction of Vylok - Vynohradiv, after going around one of
Термальні басейни "Жайворонок"
The whole secret is that the water that fills the pools of the complex comes directly from wells 1,200 m
Державний термальний басейн у Берегово
Thermal springs in the area of the city of Berehovo, in the very south of Transcarpathian Region, are very rare
Озеро Дідове (Дийда)
In the summer, Dyida Lake is a favorite vacation spot for Transcarpathians and guests of the region. A sailing center

Tours and excursions

The best housing options


Вілла «Писанка» (Велика Бийгань)
village of Velyka Byihan
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Апартаменти «Будинок» у селі Запсонь
the village of Zapson
+380 ....
from 200₴/day
Вілла «Край Неба» (Запсонь)
46 Lesya Ukrainka str., Zapson village
+380 ....
from 2200₴/day
Mini-hotel Villa Mitades, Kosyno
M24, 80, Yanoshi, Berehiv district
+380 ....
from 3085 ₴/night
Kosyno Thermal Waters Hotel
village Koson, Tract 1
+380 ....
from 6000 ₴/night

Private sector

Садиба «Смерекова хата»
вул. Дачна, 77, с. Дийда , Берегівський район
+380 ....
Садиба “Хатинка Галинка”, Косонь
вул. Кошута, с. Косонь, Берегівський район
+380 ....
Садиба «Хатинка Іштвана», Косонь
вул. Барабаш 32, с. Косонь, , Берегівський район
+380 ....

leisure nearby