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Hotels in Lumshory

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 09.02.2024 at 11:09 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

Rest in Lumshory is a great choice for true travel lovers. Here you can find excellent hotels, delicious food, natural beauty, attractions, and health programs. The reception service at this place has reached the highest level of quality.

Готелі в Лумшорах

Hotels in Lumshory and surroundings

For tourists who want to visit Lumshory, hotels with vats seem to be the most attractive option.

But there are very nice hotels with swimming pools here. Those who want to steam in a tank do not necessarily have to stay in a fully equipped hotel. The vats themselves and all related services can be found at any point in this small village.

One of the most striking examples is the Manor at Popa hotels and Manor over the Stream chalets, where travelers will be greeted by a bar and restaurant, picnic areas, a sun terrace and other amenities.

An equally profitable option will be the Vodogray mini-hotel, which provides vacationers with everything they need for a comfortable stay, including barbecue equipment.

The best Lumshor hotels offer vacationers everything a person needs on vacation. Therefore, tourists will definitely like “Davir” with spa services, and the hotel with vats “U Tsymbora” also has a health center.

There are also hotels with swimming pools, including the To Lem Ande guest house and the Voronin House chalet.

Садиба «У попа» Лумшори
St. Lisova, 3, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 100₴/day
Садиба «Над потоком»
St. Kamennaya, 1, village Lumshory
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Готель «Водограй»
St. Lisova, 5, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1075₴/day
To Lem Ande Hotel, Lumshory
Lumshory, Transcarpathian
+380 ....
from 700 ₴/night
Davir Resort & Spa, Lumshory
Lisova street, Lumshory
+380 ....
from 1650₴/night

All accommodation options on the map

A brief overview of the village of Lumshory

When traveling here, it is necessary to focus on the Uzhhorod direction. The settlement is located in a suitable area in the Polonina-Runa valley among the beauty of beeches and Christmas trees.

Most often, the area attracts vacationers with its numerous therapeutic tanks with hydrogen sulfide mineral water. Of course, most often the purpose of a trip to Lumshory is to bathe in the vats. But after undergoing a healing procedure, any person will be pleased to take a walk in the picturesque mountains or take a trip to local attractions. It offers a wonderful array of different options for dining, entertainment, accommodation and spa treatments.

The temperature in Lumshory now:

5.5o C   |   41.9o F

Other services close to Lumshory

On the Go-To.Rest website, it is easy to find the most comprehensive information about various services in Lumshory.

Here are expert reviews of the best resorts in Transcarpathia, as well as a service for booking a hotel room. It offers the most favorable options for accommodation, entertainment and excursions.

The Go-To.Rest resource is also worth a visit because it provides information on the main local advantages and nuances. It is equipped with a convenient search and has information without which it is difficult to go on a trip.

Leisure for adults and children

Kolyba "Lumshorsky vats"
Lumshori, street Luhova, 5, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Ресторан Давір-колиба в Лумшорах
Lumshory, Lisova Street, Zakarpattia region
+380 ....

Places for walks and rest

Tours and excursions

Detailed weather

Other resorts are close to Lumshory

Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.