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What to see in Mizhgirya

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 06.01.2024 at 11:46 p.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

Previously, Mizhhirya was a part of Mizhhirsky District. Now this mountainous region has moved to the expanded Khustskyi district. Until 1953, this settlement was called Volove.

One can talk endlessly about the interesting things a tourist will see in Mizhhirya. The most accurate description of the area will be the thought of its unity with nature, the wealth of healing mineral waters and the cleanest air in combination with numerous sights.

At all times, people have chosen the Ukrainian Carpathians for an ideal vacation. Such popularity of the region is due to the fact that there is a unique climate here, which has a healing and tonic effect on the human body.

Відпочинок в Карпатах: Міжгір’я та околиці

Types of recreation in Mizhhirya

There is no big question about where to go in Mizhhirya. It leaves a strong impression at any time of the year and offers many different outings, food tours, trips, hikes, walks, sports competitions, excursions and other activities.

Some people prefer to visit historical monuments. Others like extreme types of recreation. And active tourism in Mizhhirya is no less well developed than medical or educational tourism.

Winter sports are well represented at the ski resort, especially for skiers and snowboarders. And in the summer, it is suggested to choose bicycle tourism and 4×4 jeeping.

Those who want to improve their health are recommended to visit the large number of mineral springs and sanatoriums available here at any time of the year.

The Carpathian Mountains are no less beautiful in late autumn, but it is better to avoid climbing during the rainy season.

The temperature in Mizhhirya now:

3.6o C   |   38.5o F

Map of attractions of Mizhhirya

Interesting places and sights in Mizhhirya

The region is one of the most developed in Transcarpathia. Excellent ski slopes are equipped here, interesting hiking routes have been developed, and there are excellent hotels, sanatoriums and tourist centers.

Синевир з висоти

Address: Transcarpathian region, Ukraine

Working hours: it is possible to organize a tour for any day of the week by determining a convenient time and number conditions for gathering a group of 15 or more participants

Excursion price depends on the number of travelers:

  • from UAH 750

Telephone number of the National Natural Park “Synevyr”: +380314627740

Email: npp-synevyr@ukr.net

In the summer, every person must visit the largest mountain lake of Ukraine with the wonderful name Synevyr. It is located on the Tereblya River, at an altitude of about 1 km. The surface area of ​​the water mirror is almost 7 hectares.

The most interesting natural formation of the Carpathians arose more than 10,000 years ago due to the fact that, over time, numerous landslides completely covered the river valley. The resulting hollow was gradually filled with liquid from 3 mountain streams over the centuries. Various species of trout live in its purest water.

It is best to view Synevyr in the summer from the top of Mount Ozerna (about 1,500 m). From here, the lake looks like a blue eye.

The natural formation is the most valuable natural gem of the national park and has become one of the hallmarks of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The depth of the bottom in Synevyr reaches 10 m, and in the deepest points it reaches 22 m.

Tours to Mizhhirya necessarily include a visit to the wonderful National Park with the same name, the total area of ​​which exceeds 40,000 hectares. Any guide to the area indicates that several hundred species of wild animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine are registered here.

Excursion to Lake Synevyr
Водопад Шипот

Address: 48.6564, 23.269 (coordinates).

Working hours: around the clock.

Entrance prices:

  • adults – 20 UAH;
  • children from 7 to 16 years old – 10 UAH;
  • children under 7 years old – free of charge.

A visit to the uniquely beautiful Shypot waterfall will be no less impressive. It originates from a deep underground source located on the Borzhava plateau on the slopes of the Velikiy Verkh mountain.

The cascades descend from a height of almost 15 m. The most prominent point is the Stiy peak, located at almost 1,700 m.

There is a legend that those who have heard the Shypot waterfall at least once will never forget it.

In autumn, the waterfall looks especially luxurious, as it becomes especially full of water.

The stunning sight of such a natural phenomenon will provide any tourist with a lot of vivid impressions, allowing them to rest, relax and admire the beauty of the Mizhhirshchyna landscape.

Гірськолижний курорт Пилипець

Address: Transcarpathian region, Khust district, village Pylypets

Working hours: from 09:00 to 16:30.

Prices for lifts:

  • one-time chair lift (top, bottom) – UAH 100;
  • 1 ascent – from UAH 60;
  • day pass – from UAH 500;
  • 3 hours – from UAH 250

Phone: +380665406483

The tourist complex is located in a luxurious valley at an altitude of almost 800 m. It is famous for its exceptionally well-maintained tracks, which are more than 20 km of well-equipped modern ski routes of varying degrees of difficulty. All of them meet the strictest international safety requirements, which allows for large-scale competitions to be held here in winter.

Modern hotels with developed infrastructure will welcome travelers at any time of the year for the entire duration of their vacation. After all, Pylypets is also in demand in the spring. Green meadows, clear air of the highlands and coniferous thickets attract many lovers of hiking and green tourism.

Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя

Address: Transcarpathian region, Khust district, village Synevyr.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 18:00.

Ticket price:

  • adults – UAH 30;
  • schoolchildren – UAH 15;
  • students – UAH 15.

Phone: +380314627618.

Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only one in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe. The reserve occupies an area of ​​12 hectares and is located 4 km from the lake of the same name.

It has been operating since the end of 2011. Currently, 30 animals are housed here. The climate, landscape and nature of the Carpathians contribute to their existence and are perfect for full rehabilitation. Here, wild animals awaken their innate instincts and develop the ability to live in their usual habitat. Reviews of an excursion to the park are always particularly enthusiastic.

The largest of the individuals presented here is the Dury male, whose body weight reaches almost 400 kg. He used to entertain tourists in a tiny house in Rakhiv. The bear was picked up starving and fed only on waste. But now he receives 20 kg of food and 10 liters of clean water every day.

Employees of the center set themselves the goal of returning animals to the wild. Therefore, they constantly develop their skills to actively search for food. For this purpose, they scatter suitable products throughout the territory, having previously securely covered them and forcing them to search for them on their own.

The entire territory of the “Synevyr” nature reserve is reliably protected by a strong iron grid and effective electrical protection. Therefore, tourists at any time of the year can look at the bears without any fear for their safety.

Museums of Mizhhirya

If a tourist arrives in Mizhhirya, what should he see first?

Скансен у Колочаві

Address: village Kolochava, Khust district, Transcarpathian region.

Working hours: 9.00 – 18.00.

Ticket price:

  • adult – UAH 90;
  • students – UAH 60;
  • pensioners – UAH 60;
  • children – UAH 35
  • When conducting an excursion, the ticket price varies from 125 to 350 UAH. (depending on the number of people).


  • +380672380985
  • +380672150985
  • +380314624181

First of all, you need to visit the village-museum of Kolochava, where 10 unique objects of cultural heritage are located with a wide variety of thematic areas, which include:

  • architectural;
  • household;
  • military;
  • railway;
  • educational, etc.

In addition, there is a valley of saffrons unique in its beauty, the Shwegan Bird Park with a large collection of various exotic birds, the Shepherding School, 20 of the most interesting sculptures and other attractions that deserve the closest attention.

The Kolochava open-air museum has a dozen residential and commercial buildings with household items and samples of artistic crafts that belonged to local residents in the 19th and 20th centuries.

In summer, in winter, in spring, and in autumn, it is interesting to see various ancient monuments here:

  • forge;
  • weaving house;
  • Hungarian Gendarmerie;
  • school, etc.

If someone decided to visit Mizhhirshchyna, interesting places are presented here. In the open-air museum, the various cultural customs of the Boiks, Hutsuls, Lemkos, Hungarians, Jews, Germans, Romanians, Slovaks and Czechs merged together.

Етнографічний центр І. Ольбрахта

Address: str. Shevchenko, 78, village Kolochava, Khust district, Transcarpathian region.

Working hours: by prior arrangement.

Ticket price: charitable contribution (optional).


  • +380677132047;
  • +380673056024.

The ethnographic center of the famous Czech writer I. Olbracht, where he collected national material for his famous works, is very interesting. Expositions also include monuments of creativity, household items, as well as exhibits dedicated to rare customs and fascinating rituals of local residents.

Wooden temples in the villages

Дерев’яний собор Святого Духа

Address: Kolochava village, Khust district, Transcarpathian region.

Opening hours: the cathedral is currently closed to the public and visitors are invited to explore it in detail during a guided tour.

Entry is free (you can make a donation).

Phone: +380989665022.

A very interesting, rare and elegant high wooden Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, built in 1795. It was built on the site of an even more ancient temple of the 17th century. Its amazing tower, created according to the Baroque canons, always attracts the attention of visitors.

The church is in excellent condition, as, ironically, after the war, the museum of atheism operated here. The authorities took care of it and in the late 60s carried out a large-scale restoration. But now the cathedral is closed to everyone and visitors are invited to examine it in detail during the tour.

храм Благовіщення Пресвятої Богородиці

Church of Saint Michael

Address: Transcarpathian region, Khust district, town Mizhhirya, st. Shevchenko, 100.

Opening hours: only on weekends and during church holidays.

Free admission.

The magnificent stone Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael, built in 1803, will not leave anyone indifferent. Approximately 140 years later, a major reconstruction was carried out here.

When examining the religious building, a spectacular baroque tower 35 meters high and a luxurious iconostasis, made in the early 1990s by graduates of the Uzhgorod College of Arts, are striking. In Soviet times, they tried to destroy the church, but local communists expressed a strong protest against the proposals of the leadership of the district committee of the party. In 1981, the church was turned into a local history museum. And in the early 1990s, it was returned to the Greek Catholics.

Visitors are allowed here only on weekends and during church holidays.

собор Святого Миколи Чудотворця в Ізках

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Izky

Address: Transcarpathian region, Khust district, village Izky, 154.

Working hours: 10.00 – 18.00. Tuesday is a day off.

Entry is free

Even in winter, you should definitely visit the wooden cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Izky. It was built in 1798, although according to ancient chronicles, it was erected much earlier. Art historians attribute it to the Verkhovyna Baroque period. Here you can see a wonderful wooden chandelier and a carved iconostasis. Visitors also always seek to see the rare icon of the Mother of God “Transcarpathian Madonna”.

Tour of Transcarpathian monasteries
Озеро Синевир
12 hours
From 800 ₴
excursion to kolochava
1 day (14 hours)
From 850 ₴
nature synevir
14 hours
From 850 ₴
тур в закарпаття на вихідні
3 days / 2 nights
From 3691 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴

How to better build a tourist route?

Mizhhirya (Transcarpathian region) is a tourist center where most of the most interesting hiking routes converge.

Here are presented 53 healing springs of mineral carbon dioxide-chlorcalcium waters. History buffs are invited to take a detailed look at the famous Hungarian Árpada Line, built during World War II, and other important locations.

All attractions of Mizhhirya on the map are presented with:

A detailed description and color pictures of various places.
Detailed and accurate navigation.
By offering the most convenient route to the desired point.
Recommendations of experts in this direction, etc.

In order to learn about what numerous excursions offer, it is worth reading by following the link.

Routes in Mizhhirya

Where to stay in Mizhhirya?

Mizhhirshchyna has recreation centers, motels, hotels, sanatoriums and estates for every taste and budget. In other words, everything that the soul of even the most fastidious traveler could desire is provided here. All he has to do is follow the specified link – housing in Mizhhirya.

No one will have any doubts about what is worth seeing in Mizhhirshchyna in warm or cold weather. You can visit such a luxurious area in any season. But the Carpathian Mountains are most memorable in the period from June to September.

You must come here at least once in your life in order to gain strength for the whole difficult year, with pleasure to explore the most memorable local attractions, get to know the diversity of picturesque nature and take wonderful photos as a memory .

Accommodation nearby

Готель «Shulc»
Mizhhirya, str. Kotlyarevsky, 4
+380 ....

from 900₴/night
Санаторій «Верховина»
Mizhhirsky district, village Soymy, 1
+380 ....

from 450 ₴/day
Restaurant and hotel complex "Orion"
st. Shevchenka, 90, Mizhgirya
+380 ....

from 650 ₴/night
Restaurant and hotel complex "Non stop"
st. Nezalezhnosti 63, town Mizhgirya
+380 ....
from 589 UAH/night
Hotel "Fortuna" in Mizhhiria
Mezhhirya, st. G. Dobry, 30
+380 ....

from 1045 ₴/night
Еко готель “Ізки”, Міжгір’я
village Izky, Khust district
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/night
Ресторанно-готельний комплекс «Арніка», Міжгір’я
Synevyrska Polyana village, Krasnyi tract
+380 ....

from 1500

The luxury of Transcarpathian cuisine

Gastrotourism is an important component of travel in Transcarpathia. For those who visit Mizhhirya, the sights and their inspection take a lot of time and cause an increased feeling of hunger.

In order to exchange impressions from visiting the region, talk and just relax, you should visit the museum-bar of Transcarpathian wines. Lovers of Eastern European and Ukrainian cuisine should dine at Synevyr Pass Restaurant. The “Orion” restaurant offers an inexpensive and tasty menu to everyone.

It is recommended to have a snack between excursions at the “Frych” cafe, where excellent local dishes are prepared.

Mizhhirya cafes and restaurants
Ресторан «Фортуна» (Міжгір'я)
30, Heorhiya Dobry str., Mizhhirya, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine
+380 ....
Готель-ресторан «Оріон»
St. Shevchenko, 90, town Mizhgirya, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....
Spruce house
st. Turyanitsy, 6, town Mizhgirya, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....
Restaurant Grunok (Under the waterfall)
Pylypets, 343-a, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....
Restaurant brewery ZIP
st. Nezalezhnosti, 4, P21, town Mizhgirya, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....
Trembita Restaurant in Mizhhiria
Khustska Street, 62A, town Mizhgirya, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....
Restaurant of recreation center Kamyanka
Synevyr Pass, 1, town Mizhgirya, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine, 90000
+380 ....

What to see in Mizhhirya?
When visiting Mizhhirshchyna, it is recommended to visit the national park and Lake Synevyr, the Shipit waterfall, and the Brown Bear Rehabilitation Center. Our catalog will help you find all these locations
Where to go in Mizhhirya?
Mizhhirshchyna is a very diverse region with a huge number of natural and architectural monuments. We recommend starting your journey from Synevyr or Kolochava.
What interesting things can be seen in Mizhhirya?
There are a lot of interesting places in the highlands - one of them is the Brown Bear Rehabilitation Center, the only one in Ukraine. 30 animals live here in a close to wild nature. Also nearby is the highest mountain lake, Synevyr, and the Shypit waterfall.

Detailed weather

Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.