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Polyana – excursions and tours

🕒 Date of last update of the article: 24.07.2024 at 21:29 а.m   |  🖋 Author: Viktor Shatrov

The village of Polyana is a real paradise for lovers of sanatorium recreation and health improvement. All thanks to the healing properties of local mineral waters.It is the mineral waters that have turned Polyana into a famous balneological resort.

The temperature in Polyana now

5.2o C   |   41.3o F

While having a rest in the village of Polyana, you should definitely visit the churches in the vicinity of the village. These are real treasuries of spirituality. Visiting them fills your heart with positive emotions and helps you to forget about all worldly concerns.

To complement the admiration of the treasures of spirituality, you should visit the Svalyava Historical Museum.

In winter, the village of Polyana is a great location for a ski holiday. Local slopes are a good option for beginners. They are equipped with a drag lift, a multi-lift, a snow groomer and a snow cannon, which allows for comfortable skiing from December to March. The resort has a ski and snowboard school. Prices for lifts, equipment rental and instructor services are very affordable.

A fairly popular way to improve your health and relaxation in Polyana is to swim in the healing Carpathian vats with mineral water. The local mineral vats with mint, petals, pine needles and other useful additives are extremely pleasant and healthy.

In the warm season, Polyana is a great location for hiking in the Carpathians and mushroom and berry tours. You can explore the beauty of the local mountains not only on foot but also on horseback. Experienced guides will be happy to introduce you to the beauty of the Carpathian nature.

The village of Polyana is a great place for fishing. Fishing in the local fish ponds and reservoirs provides an opportunity to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature and catch a lot of delicious fish.

Beach lovers can relax in the summer in the village of Polyana on the local mountain beach near the outdoor pool on the territory of the Kateryna Hotel.

Walking around the village of Polyana, you should definitely stop for a break and satisfy your hunger in the wonderful local cafes and restaurants. The local Transcarpathian cuisine is extremely tasty and satisfying, and will help you quickly regain your strength after a long journey and walk.

The best excursions from Polyana

Active rest in Polyana

The village of Polyana is a real tourist Mecca of the Carpathians. It is a great location for active recreation and health improvement throughout the year.

  1. Firstly, the village of Polyana is famous for its healing mineral waters, which are an effective means of treating and preventing many diseases. It is thanks to the mineral waters that Polyana has become a real capital of health resort recreation in Transcarpathia.
  2. Secondly, the village of Polyana is surrounded by the mighty Carpathian peaks covered with dense forests, making it an ideal launching pad for hiking and mushroom and berry picking tours. Horse riding is a great option for such trips. Getting to know the Carpathians from above gives you a whole explosion of positive emotions.
  3. Thirdly, there are many historical and cultural monuments in the village of Polyana and its surroundings that are worth a visit. In addition, the Svaliava Historical Museum is of great interest, which will help you to learn more about the past of this wonderful place.
  4. Fourthly, this Transcarpathian village is a great ski resort, which is perfect for those who want to learn or have just recently learnt to ski.
  5. Fifth, the village of Polyana is a great place for spa tours. Local vats, baths and saunas provide maximum wellness benefits.
  6. Sixthly, the village of Polyana has excellent conditions for beach recreation and fishing. Local reservoirs and fish ponds, as well as a beautiful mountain beach, provide an opportunity for a wonderful outdoor holiday.

Among all the tourist locations in Transcarpathia, the Polyana destination is extremely popular. Thanks to the combination of healing properties of mineral waters, the beauty of the local nature, various entertainment and attractions, rest in Polyana is simply incredible.

Go-To.Rest will always help you to make the most of your holiday in Polyana. It will help you not to get lost in the huge flow of information and form a clear plan of your trip to this wonderful corner of Transcarpathia. On our website you will always find up-to-date information about the most favourable offers of tours and excursions in Polyana and its surroundings. All this will help you find your ideal holiday format.


Local experts and guides

Talking to the locals will make your trip easier and save you money. A local expert will be able to tell you where to stay: in a hotel or in the private sector. You can also find out about excursions and interesting places to see and be sure to visit. And of course, the most delicious places in the resort village of Polyana!

Most interesting tours and excursions

Tours to Polyana

On our website you can get the best offers for group and individual tours to Polyana. This will help you save time and money on your holiday. If you are travelling with children in a family package, we will provide a list of the best facilities in the village of Polyana with playgrounds and attractions.

Tours to Polyana and its surroundings, posted on our website, allow you to save a lot of money compared to the independent search for accommodation and entertainment. On the Go-To.Rest website you can order both budget group tours and more expensive individual tours to Polyana. Here you can find great options that will allow you to see the most interesting tourist attractions in Polyana and its picturesque surroundings.

Go-to.Rest will help you to take part in wonderful tours to Polyana, which allow you to get acquainted with the historical and cultural monuments, ski resorts, healing mineral water springs, vats and numerous entertainment of Transcarpathia.

Excursions in Polyana

The best way to visit the historical, cultural and natural attractions in Polyana and the surrounding area is to take a guided tour. Experienced guides and tour guides will show you the most interesting tourist locations of Polyana, introduce you to the most important historical facts, the most interesting stories and legends of the village. Professional guides will make visiting the tourist locations of Polyana even more interesting and useful. Local guides have a creative and inventive approach to their work aimed at maximising the satisfaction of tourists’ needs. For each group of travellers, they select a route that best suits their interests and desires.

Unforgettable places that every tourist should visit

When choosing tourist attractions worth visiting in the village of Polyana and its surroundings, we recommend paying attention to local historical and cultural monuments and museums. First of all, these are:

Дерев'яна церква святого Петра і Павла в селі Уклин

The village of Uklyn has an old wooden church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. It was built in the late 18th century. According to legend, this church was built from the wood of the previous church. Some researchers believe that this previous church was built in the XIV century.

Михайлівська дерев'яна церква 1588 року в місті Свалява

The church is located on a hill in the suburbs of Svalyava on Bystryanska Street. The village of Bystryi was a separate village before it became part of the city. The church’s log cabins and the nave ceiling with one break date back to 1588, when the church stood on a different site. The shrine is consecrated in honour of St Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Свято-Духівська мурована церква 1868 року в селі Солочин

Holy Spirit Church in Solochyn

The Holy Spirit Stone Church was built in 1868 in the village of Solochyn.

Санаторій “Поляна”

Polyana Sanatorium is located in the village of the same name in the Transcarpathian region and is a leading resort in the region specialising in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Here, holidaymakers have a unique opportunity to fully restore the body’s functioning, enjoy the closeness of nature, and taste healing mineral water.

Бювет “Поляна Квасова” 1965 року в селі Поляна

Pump room “Polyana Kvasova”

The mineral water pump room “Polyana Kvasova” was opened for visitors in 1965. The location is the village of Polyana.

Свалявський районний історичний музей

The museum is located in the centre of Svalyava in the building of the District State Administration. The museum exposition includes 1300 exhibits. The museum’s collection includes books, periodicals, documents, folk items, clothing and footwear typical for the local residents. Antiquities are of particular interest to visitors.

Бункер «Лінія Арпада»

Arpad line bunker

The Arpad Line Bunker museum exhibition is located in the village of Verkhnya Hrabivnytsia.

Територія санаторію "Квітка Полонини"

A trip to the village of Polyana should be complemented by a visit to the Kvitka Polonyna sanatorium in the village of Solochyn. This is a real masterpiece of landscape art. This place is a great holiday option for tourists with children. The resort has a mini-zoo, numerous playgrounds, an arena for horseback riding, numerous photo zones with various sculptures and even a market where you can buy souvenirs. Horse riding is especially interesting for children. Local horses are extremely calm and obedient, and instructors can teach both children and adults to sit confidently in the saddle and go on exciting journeys through the Carpathians in a short period of time.

Most interesting places near the village of Polyana

Чани Свалява
The peculiarity of the location is that Svalyava is considered not only a famous resort, but also a centre of
Чани Поляна
At any time of the year, vats in the village of Polyana are very popular, made with local healing mineral
Свалявський історичний музей
The museum is located in the centre of the city in the building of the district state administration. The exhibition
Михайлівська церква у Сваляві
The Church of Archangel Michael (Svalyava) is a Lemki church in the Bystry suburb of the city of Svalyava (Bystryanska
Церква святих Петра і Павла (Уклин)
In the village, the wooden church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul has been preserved. It was built in
Обавський камінь
The Obava stone is a unique natural monument of the Mukachevo district of the Zakarpattia region. It is the crater
Кирило-Мефодіївський жіночий монастир
Cyril and Methodius Women's Monastery of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate is a monastery of the UOC of the
Невицький замок
Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, "by coincidence" also an evil
Свято-Миколаївський жіночий монастир
The St Nicholas Women's Monastery of Mukachevo of the UOC-MP is an Orthodox monastery on Chernecha Hill in Mukachevo (
Кафедральний собор Святого Мартіна
On the coat of arms of the second largest city in Transcarpathia, there is an image of St. Martin, who
Замок Паланок
Palanok Castle, the main historical landmark of Mukachevo, can be seen just a few kilometers from the city. An extinct
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Бункер «Лінія Арпада» у Колочаві
During the Second World War, the Hungarian government built a military defense line in the north-eastern Carpathians - the Arpad
Водоспад Воєводин
The most powerful Transcarpathian waterfall is Voyevodyn, which is located 12 kilometres north of the village of Turya Polyana in
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

Map of attractions of Polyana

Features of spring and summer holidays

In spring and summer, there are many great options for recreation in and around the village of Polyana. The most popular among them is undoubtedly recreation in local sanatoriums. In this respect, Polyana is a real balneological paradise.

Mountain hiking is another great way to relax in the warm season. Polyana is the launching pad for many different routes covering the Synyak Ridge, Mount Dunavka, the Lug River Valley, Mount Krykha, Mount Velyka Yasenivka, Mount Vulkhova, Mount Lipchi, the Krasne tract, Mount Velykyi Vyzhen and many other picturesque locations.

Thanks to experienced guides, mountain hiking trips from Polyana are as comfortable and safe as possible. Each traveller is guaranteed an individual approach and advice on the best route. There are great options here that will suit both beginners and families with children, as well as lovers of multi-day gruelling marathons.

In spring, summer, and early autumn, Polyana is a great location for those who like quiet hunting. Mushroom and berry excursions in the local forests are an extremely pleasant adventure that will help you get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and feel completely united with nature.

Another great way to get in touch with nature in the village of Polyana and its surroundings in spring and summer is fishing. For this purpose, you can find many wonderful natural reservoirs and well-equipped fish ponds.

In the warm season, the village of Polyana and its surroundings are a great place for a beach holiday. The best locations for this are the mountain beach on the territory of the Ekaterina Hotel and the swimming pools of the Polyana Kupeli complex. In addition, many private estates in and around the village of Polyana also have their own comfortable swimming pools.

Spring and summer are also a great time for a variety of adrenaline-pumping activities in and around the village of Polyana. The most popular activities in this regard are cycling, quad biking, horseback riding, jeep tours and even hot air ballooning, which are organised in Svalyava.

Features of rest in autumn and winter

Autumn is a golden time for excursions to the historical and cultural attractions of Polyana and its surroundings. This is facilitated by the absence of heat and excitement associated with ski holidays. Local guides will help you learn many facts and legends about historical events in and around Polyana.

In autumn, Polyana is also a great place for mushroom picking. However, I don’t recommend going far into the forest without knowing the area, as you can get lost. It’s better to use the services of local guides for safety and to save time. With their wise guidance and support, you can collect real treasures of nature’s gifts.

In autumn and winter, the village of Polyana and its surroundings are a great place for spa tours to local vats, saunas and baths. Many of these locations are located near natural reservoirs, where you can dive in to cool off. Local vats are particularly popular. Each owner of a location with a vat has his or her own secret supplementation technology. In addition, many Michtseve vats use healing mineral water from local springs, which makes the healing effect even more powerful.

In winter, the village of Polyana and the surrounding area also attract skiing enthusiasts. The local ski slopes are perfect for beginners. All the necessary infrastructure is at their disposal.

Where to stay in Polyana?

In the village of Polyana and its surroundings, tourists and holidaymakers can take advantage of a huge variety of accommodation options provided by sanatoriums, hotels, estates, cottages and the private sector.

Local sanatoriums are quite a popular accommodation option, offering both comfortable accommodation and a wide range of health treatments. Prices for accommodation in sanatoriums in Polyana and the surrounding area start at UAH 650 per day, but average around UAH 1,000.

Regarding accommodation in local hotels, In Polyana itself, the price for a simple double room starts from 800 UAH per day, and in the surrounding area you can find options from 600 UAH.

For a comfortable holiday with a large family or a youth campaign, the best option would be local manors and cottages. Prices for a separate cottage start from 1500 UAH per day.

For those who are looking for significant savings on living in the village of Polyana and its surroundings, you should choose private sector – It is represented by a wide variety of apartments. This sector is growing rapidly, forcing owners to keep prices low. The cost of living in the private sector in the village of Polyany and its surroundings starts from UAH 300 per room. A significant advantage of many private offers is the possibility of self-catering directly in the accommodation. This allows you to keep your travel budget to a minimum and use the savings for entertainment and souvenirs.

For a detailed overview of our various accommodation locations, please visit our catalogue of the best accommodation in Polyana.


Апарт-готель «Polyana Aqua Resort» у Поляні
9 Kurortna Street, Polyana village
+380 ....
from 700₴/night
Готельно-оздоровчий комплекс  «Fantasia»
33A Evropeyska St., Polyana village
+380 ....
from 1510₴/night
Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270, p. Solochyn
+380 ....
from 650₴/night
Готельний комплекс «Славутич Закарпаття»
St. Kurortna, 1, village Polyana
+380 ....
from 535₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Долина»
with. Polyana, str. Kurortna, 10
+380 ....
from 2070 ₴/day
Санаторій «Кришталеве Джерело»
Solochyn village, 1V
+380 ....
from 1550 ₴/day
Санаторій «Квітка Полонини»
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day
Hotel Sribnyi Vodogray
St. Kurortna, 27, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 1700 ₴/day
Готель "Сольва"
Polyana, sanatorium "Sunny Zakarpattia", 7
+380 ....
from 1900 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячний»
Polyana, str. Kurortna, 3A
+380 ....
from 1080 ₴/day
Санаторій «Сонячна Поляна»
Soniachne Zakarpattia 6, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 940 ₴/day
Санаторій «Поляна»
St. Dukhnovycha, 104, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 882 ₴/day

Cottages and manors

«Уклинська садиба» (Уклин)
Uklyn village, 85
+380 ....
from 7000₴/day
Садиба «Європа» у Солочині
Solochyn village
+380 ....
from 750₴/night
Садиба "Августин" у Солочині
Solochyn village, 2A
+380 ....
from 750₴/night
Садиба «У Еріки»
Solochyn village, 266
+380 ....
from 350₴/night
Гостьовий будинок «Любава» у Поляні
St. Hirska, 5, p. Polyana
+380 ....
from 800₴/day
Заміський будинок «Сонячний Лаз»
building 90, Yakivske village
+380 ....
from 1800₴/day
Готель «У Макса»
Solochyn village, 290
+380 ....
from 450 ₴/day

Go to Polyana to improve your health with healing mineral waters, explore local attractions, enjoy the beauty of the mighty Carpathians and simply take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. At reasonable prices, you can get a comfortable holiday here that is not inferior to the best balneological resorts in the world. You will feel as if you are in Ukrainian Switzerland.

To get to know the local history and culture better, you should definitely use the services of local friendly guides, of which there are many in Polyana. Even if you visit Polyana not for the first time, they will be able to surprise you with interesting stories, incredible legends and little-known but extremely interesting locations and entertainment.

Where to eat?

Ресторан «Ельдорадо»
Bilasovitsa tract, 270/270a, village Solochyn
+380 ....
Ресторан «Лілея»
2A Kurortno-bichna St., Polyana village
+380 ....
Кав'ярня «Non Solo»
St. Kurortna, 1A, village Polyana
+380 ....
Cafe Elen
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Піцерія «Комора»
with. Solochyn, Transcarpathian region
+380 ....
Koliba над Потоком
with. Polyana, str. Diskovetska, 115
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Катерина»
Sonyachna Street, 55B, Polyana Street Sonyachna, 55B, Polyana
+380 ....
Ресторан при готелі «Квеле Поляна»
Dukhnovycha Street, 112b, Polyana
+380 ....

How to get to Polyana?

The village of Polyana is characterised by good transport accessibility for tourists.

The most popular way to get here is by intercity bus service. Buses from Uzhhorod, Mukachevo, Svalyava and many other settlements arrive here daily.

There is no direct railway connection to the village of Polyana. However, this is not a significant problem. Those who like to travel by train can get to the railway station in Svaliava, located 10 km from Polyana, and from there take a bus or transfer to Polyana itself.

In addition, sanatoriums in and around Polyana have their own buses and minibuses that pick up their tourists from the railway station in Svalyava.

Those travelling by car should follow the Kyiv-Chop M06 motorway to the turn-off to the village of Polyana to get to Polyana.

In any case, regardless of the chosen transport, the road to the village of Polyana is extremely picturesque and full of fabulous Carpathian landscapes that will be remembered for a lifetime.

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Where to go on an excursion from Polyana?
From Polyana, excursions are organised throughout almost the entire Carpathian region, the most interesting of which are tours of the castles of Transcarpathia (Schönborn, St. Miklos and Palanok); mountain hikes to the Synyak Ridge, Mount Dunavka, the Lug River Valley, Mount Krykha, Mount Velyka Yasenivka, Mount Vulkhova, Mount Lipchi, the Krasne tract, Mount Velykyi Vizhen; vat spa tours; tours of wooden shrines, and others. Our catalogue contains all the most interesting excursions from Polyana.
What are the best excursions in and around the village of Polyana?
First of all, we recommend visiting the wooden shrines in the village of Uklyn and the city of Svalyava, the Svalyava Historical Museum, the Arpad line bunker in the village of Verkhnya Hrabivnytsia and the territory of the Kvitka Polonyny sanatorium. Outdoor enthusiasts will be able to take part in exciting jeep tours, bicycle tours, horseback riding, quad biking and even hot air ballooning. And finally, Polonyna is a great place for lovers of skiing and bathing in the wonderful Carpathian vats.
What tours are there to see the attractions of Polyana?
Our catalogue includes interesting excursions around the village, as well as all the most interesting historical and cultural attractions in Polyana and the surrounding area.

Detailed weather

Віктор Шатров

Historian, publicist, blogger, public figure

Social media profiles:

Author of the article: Viktor Shatrov

Number of articles: 1100+

Knowledge of languages:: Ukrainian, English

Favourite quote: “Travelling – the only thing that makes you richer

He was born and lived all his life in Uzhhorod. He graduated with a gold medal from Uzhhorod School No. 1 named after Taras Shevchenko (now Uzhhorod Lyceum named after Taras Shevchenko). He studied at the History Department of UzhNU, graduating with honours in 2009. He worked as a senior researcher at the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life, a lecturer at the East European Slavic University.