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The border village of Shayan is located on the slopes of the Vygorlat-Gutynsky ridge at an altitude of 210 metres. The population of the village is just over five hundred people. There are a large number of health facilities here. Nearby is the picturesque mountain Bolshoi Shayan. Nearby are picturesque lakes called Silaam baths. This area is rightly called “Ukrainian Switzerland”.


Why Shayan?

If you are planning a rest in Transcarpathia, many holiday destinations come to mind. Shayan is a good option for a relaxing holiday and recovery. This place is a unique combination of many recreational factors.

  1. Firstly, there are extremely healing mineral water springs here. The local mineral water, no matter how pretentious it may sound, can be effectively used to treat diseases of almost all internal organs. That is why Shayan has become a world-famous balneological resort that heals millions of people from all over the world.
  2. Secondly, the village of Shayan has a unique microclimate with high air humidity, which enhances the healing effect of local mineral water.
  3. Thirdly, the nature around Shayan village is extremely beautiful. In the local forests, you can find many mushrooms, berries and medicinal plants.
  4. Fourthly, the village of Shayan has excellent opportunities for a recreational beach holiday on the shores of the healing Siloam Baths Lake.
  5. Fifthly, despite the fact that Shayan is a great place to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city, it is not cut off from civilisation. There is access to the Internet and mobile communications everywhere. These factors are also an advantage for choosing Shayan village for remote work.
  6. Sixthly, it is very convenient to get acquainted with other tourist locations in Transcarpathia from the Shayan resort. Nearby are the thermal waters of Velyatyn, the Valley of Daffodils, the village-museum of Kolochava, Khust and Mukachevo castles, wooden temples of the Maramorosh Gothic style, ski slopes of the village of Osiy, etc. In addition, the largest river in Transcarpathia, the Tisa, is located very close by, which is a great place for fishing and boating.
  7. Seventh, Shayan has a well-developed tourist infrastructure with a large number of both large sanatoriums and hotels with medical treatments and spas, as well as mini-hotels and private sector estates.
  8. Eighthly, tourists are impressed by the extremely tasty local cuisine, which is prepared from environmentally friendly products by local talented master chefs.

All this in combination causes you to become truly addicted and have an irresistible desire to constantly come to Shayan for rest and recreation.

The temperature in Shayan village now:

8.8o C   |   47.9o F

Shayan village – the resort capital of Khust district

Due to the fact that the resort village of Shayan is surrounded by the slopes of the Carpathians on almost all sides, It has a unique microclimate characterised by an almost complete absence of wind. Shayan’s main asset is its springs mineral water. This water can not only be drunk, but also taken in healing baths. There are a large number of restaurants and cafes in Shayan.

One of the most popular local sanatoriums is called «Shayan». In its place, a holiday home was opened in 1952, and since 1957 it has been operating as a balneological sanatorium. It was opened on the basis of the Shayan mineral water deposit. The chloride-hydrogen carbonate mineral water extracted at the foot of the Malyi Shayan mountain was recommended for people with urological diseases back in the 1950s. One of the popularisers of treatment with this mineral water was the coryphaeus of Transcarpathian medicine, Oleksandr Fedynets (1897-1987). Carbon dioxide cold, low-mineralised siliceous sodium bicarbonate mineral water “Shayanska” has been bottled since 1964 from a depth of 250 metres. In terms of hydrocarbonate content, Shayanska is close to Borjomi (Georgia) and Vichy-Celeston (France). Due to the presence of metasilicic acid in the water, it is classified as a mineral water of the Dilijan resort (Armenia). Due to the presence of silicon in the mineral water, it inhibits excited intestinal motility. “Shayanska” is prescribed for the treatment of stomach diseases with high acidity, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, etc.

It is thanks to the healing mineral water that the Shayan sanatorium treats diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder, and metabolic disorders. The sanatorium has a rehabilitation department for diabetics, people with urinary and stomach diseases.

The sanatorium has two dormitory buildings, a mineral water pump room, a balneological hospital, an aerosolarium, an inhalation room, a physical therapy room, a canteen, a coffee shop and a library.

In addition to this sanatorium, tourists can stay at the Maramorosh boarding house, Blaktina Tysa hotel complex, Chervona Ruta hotel and the «Carpathiya»

In winter, the village has a 300-metre ski lift. In the neighbouring village of Velyatyno there is also one lift.

Map of attractions of Shayan village

Interesting excursions around Shayan

Near the village of Shayan, there are many different tourist locations to suit every taste.

First of all, you should take a tour of the local historical and cultural monuments. There are no historical monuments in Shayan itself. However, the village’s surroundings provide an opportunity to see and visit many architectural masterpieces of antiquity. The first place to visit is the district centre, the village of Khust. Here you will find the shrouded ruins of the local castle and local churches filled with spiritual energy.

It is also worth taking a short tour of the monuments of wooden church architecture. We are talking about unique examples of Maramorosh Gothic, represented by wooden churches in the villages of Danylovo, Kraynikovo, Sokyrnytsia and Oleksandrivka.

If you are interested in thermal waters, very close to Shayan, at a distance of just over 12 kilometres, there are wonderful swimming pools in the village of Velyatyno. This is the Tepli Vody recreation complex. The local bromine-chloride-sodium thermal water has a high iodine content. Its mineralisation is 33 times higher than sea water. All this gives it unique healing properties. Other locations with thermal waters that are located further away (up to 50 kilometres) from Shayan are the following sanatoriums “Borzhava” in the village of Dovhe and “Teplytsya” in the city of Vynogradiv. Their waters are not inferior to Velyatyn’s in terms of their healing properties.

The Tysa River, located next to the village of Shayan, is a great place for various types of recreation. It is a great place for fishing fans and kayaking and canoeing enthusiasts alike. In summer, you can swim here. But you should follow all safety rules and rationally calculate your strength. A mountain river with a fast flow is a very treacherous body of water for swimming.

The surrounding forests and mountains create excellent conditions for hiking. The local scenery is simply incredible. The forests are extremely rich in berries and mushrooms.

If you come to Shayan in spring, you should definitely make excursions to the Valley of Daffodils near the town of Khust. Thousands of tourists visit this unique habitat of the magical flower every year.

Other interesting options for excursions from Shayan include a visit to a deer farm in the village of Iza, contact zoo “Highland Ranch” in the village of Lypcha, a snail farm in the village of Zolotarevo and a buffalo farm “Paradise” in the village of Horinchevo. Children especially like such excursions.

Khust region provides a great opportunity to taste local eco-products. Local cheese dairies are particularly popular. The most famous of them are the Selyshche Cheese Factory in the village of Nyzhnye Selyshche and the Baranovo Farm Cheese Factory in the village of Iza. You will remember the taste of local cheeses for the rest of your life. And excursions to cheese dairies will enrich your knowledge of the magical process of creating local eco-cheese.

At the end of any trip, there is a strong desire to buy souvenirs. In this regard, wicker products created by local craftsmen in the village of Iza are a very good option. This village is the real capital of wickerwork in Ukraine. Here, a huge variety of products are woven from wicker: from baskets to furniture.

The most interesting places nearby

Вишківський замок
The village of Vyshkovo is home to the remains of a powerful medieval Transcarpathian castle. In historical sources, the fortress
Приватний музей «Сріберна земля» в Грушово
The amount of antiquities on display in three small rooms would probably be enough for ten halls. Some of the
Угольський монастир в селі Угля
The exact age of the monastery is unknown. Researchers believe that the monastery was founded in the pre-Mongol period. There
Костел святої Єлизавети у Хусті
The Church of St Elizabeth is located in Khust at the crossroads of Constitution and Carpathian Sich streets. The Reformed
Миколаївська церква в селі Сокирниця
In the very centre of Sokyrnytsya, next to the stone Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, tourists
Михайлівська церква в селі Крайниково
At a distance of 2 km to the south of the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, the neighbouring
Виноградівський замок Канків
If you walk up the path to the remains of the Kankiv Castle, you will see an incredible panorama of
Готична церква в селі Данилово
In the small village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, with a population of 1800 inhabitants, there is the tallest
Церква святої Параскеви в селі Олександрівка
Near the church in the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Zakarpattia region, the road turns right, leading past a hill
Палац-резиденція баронів Перені
Palace-residence of the Barons Pereni was built in the late 16th century. The one-storey building was built in the Renaissance
Хустський замок
Why should you visit the Khust castle? Because this is a place with an interesting and long history. A majestic
Кафедральний собор Святого Мартіна
On the coat of arms of the second largest city in Transcarpathia, there is an image of St. Martin, who
Мукачівська Ратуша
Mukachevo Town Hall is a three-story administrative building in the city of Mukachevo (Transcarpathian region). It was built at the
Центр Європи біля Рахова
The geographic center of Europe, marked with a geodetic sign, is located between the settlements of Dilove and Kostylivka of
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

Tours and excursions

Shayan: where to stay?

In Shayan and the surrounding area, you can find a wide variety of accommodation options to suit every taste and budget. There is a large number of rooms directly in the Shayan and Karpaty sanatoriums. There are a large number of large and small hotels. Among them, interesting options are Molfar, Apartel Shayan, Blagodat, Shayan Edelweiss and Khorinis.

Accommodation in private sector. The private sector allows you to save a lot of money, as prices are lower and you can cook your own food. Savvy tourists who want to save money stay in the private sector and pay only for medical and preventive procedures in sanatoriums. Prices for accommodation in Shayan, despite the resort’s popularity, are quite moderate. The cost of accommodation in sanatoriums starts from UAH 900 per day. Hotel accommodation costs from 650 UAH per day. The private sector in Shayan and the surrounding area can offer options from 1000 UAH for a whole house and from 150 UAH per room per day.

Hotels in and around Shayan

Готель «Едельвейс» у Шаяні
62 Tsentralna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 650₴/day
Готель «Благодать»
Vahov tract, Shayan village
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Apartel Shayan Eco Resort
11 Tsentralna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 3500₴/day
Molfar Resort Hotel & Spa
10 Finova St., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 4200₴/day
Санаторій «Шаян»
Shayan village (no number)
+380 ....
from 900 ₴/day
Санаторій «Карпатія»
with. Shayan, str. Tsentralna, 87
+380 ....
from 1080 ₴/day
Санаторій «Вісак»
St. Tsentralna, 63, p. Shayan
+380 ....
Temporarily closed

Accommodation in the private sector in Shayan

Готель «Хорініс»
8, Carpathian Sich Street, Shayan village
+380 ....
from 600₴/day
Садиба «Закарпатський Прованс» у Шаяні
10 Kotekhna str., Shayan village
+380 ....
from 1350₴/night

Where to eat?

There are many interesting places in Shayan where you can satisfy your hunger. The most popular restaurants in the resort are the Ernei Laz, Legend, Perlyna Zakarpattya and Lake Siloamska Kupalnya restaurants. The Smakolini cafe and confectionery and the Pizza pizzeria are also popular among tourists. The food in all of these establishments is surprisingly tasty and made from environmentally friendly local products. The quality of the products here is no worse than in Switzerland. And the local culinary traditions allow us to pass on the secrets of local cuisine from generation to generation, which make the dishes extremely tasty.

Піцерія «Pizza» у Шаяні
Tsentralna Street, Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Озеро Сілоамська купальня»
1 Ozerna St., Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Легенда Шаян»
27 Yabluneva str., Shayan village
+380 ....
Ресторан «Ерней Лаз»
14, Carpathian Sich Street, Shayan village
+380 ....
Кафе-кондитерська «Smakolini»
St. Tsentralna, 0, p. Shayan
+380 ....

How to get to Shayan?

It is not difficult to get to the village of Shayan. The resort has a regular bus service to Khust, Mukachevo and Uzhgorod.

As for the railway transport, the nearest city accessible by train is Khust. Khust itself can be reached by train from Solotvyno from Kyiv and Zaporizhzhya.

Upon arrival at the railway station in Khust, you can use the transfer service or take a bus.

If you are travelling by car, you should first get to Khust by the H09 or P21 highway, then take the T0737 road through the village of Velyatyno and, after passing it, turn right at the second turn to the village of Shayan.

Detailed weather