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Vats Yaremche

Yaremche is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, in the picturesque Carpathian valley of the most beautiful Prut River near the very beginning of the mountain range. That is why mountaineers often come here.

This small but attractive settlement is recognized as one of the most ecological in the country. There are no industrial enterprises here.

Чани Яремче

Rest in Yaremche

Yaremche vats have a long history. They are a real Hutsul spa. Since the times of Austria-Hungary, this direction of recreation was considered the most promising and nowadays it is offered at any time of the year, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews of travelers.

Rich people of the Austro-Hungarian Empire came here for a long time to fully relax, so a large resort infrastructure was actively developed in Yaremche. Now you can relax here at any time of the year, walking around the neighborhood, skiing or rafting on the river. Well-developed health tourism, which benefits the human body.

Vacationers are boiled here in a cast-iron cauldron. It is filled with water with the addition of Carpathian medicinal herbs or essential oils and heated over an open fire to 45 °C. The best vats in Yaremche are located right on the street next to a mountain river or stream, so after a steam room, you immediately rush into their cold jets.

The temperature in Yaremche now:

0.3o C   |   32.5o F

Map of Yaremche sights

Vats in Yaremche

The resort offers many of the best wellness procedures that have a positive effect on the entire body. Excellent options for carrying out this procedure, which the location is famous for, are presented here.

«У Вуйка»


Address: I. Petrasha Street, 76, the city of Yaremche, Nadvirnyan district, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Working hours: 24 hours a day.

Price for 4 people:

  • 1 hour – 1000 UAH;
  • 2 hours – 1500 UAH.

The vats placed on the hotel’s open terrace meet the highest standards and function at any time of the year. Carpathian healing herbs and needles are added to the water. And after they affect the body, guests dive into the cold pool.

Thanks to alternating bathing in hot and cold water, medicinal elements enter the blood through the skin, and harmful substances and decay products are removed. Therefore, afterwards a person feels great and feels that he has become many years younger. This contrast procedure has enormous benefits, increases strength and creates a feeling of renewal. And after it, tourists are offered excellent Hutsul herbal tea with honey.

«Яремчанські чани»

«Yaremchan vats» («Bear Forest»)

Address: str. Halytska, 126, the city of Yaremche, Nadvirnyan district, Ivano-Frankivsk region (entrance from B. Khmelnytskyi Street).

Working hours: around the clock.

Price for 2 hours: UAH 1,500. (5 people).

Here, travelers are provided with high-class service at reasonable prices.

  • barrels with medicinal herbs and needles;
  • Carpathian spa;
  • bathing in hot cast-iron cauldrons;
  • healing, health and preventive effect;
  • a wonderful view to admire during the procedure, etc.

In addition, for those who came to Yaremche, baths are provided in a complex with well-organized rooms, where it is recommended to rest after bathing.

«Чан у Яремче»

«Vat in Yaremche»

Address: 17 Vitovsky Street, the city of Yaremche, Nadvirnyan district, Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

Working hours: 10:00-22:00.

Price for 2-3 hours: UAH 1,500. (5 people).

“Vat in Yaremche” provides an opportunity to undergo a procedure that:

  1. Relieves fatigue.
  2. Has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Rejuvenates the skin.
  4. Normalizes the condition of the nervous system.
  5. Elevates mood.
  6. Helps fight depression.
  7. Relieves swelling.
  8. Contributes to the treatment of vascular diseases.
  9. Stimulates the work of the heart.
  10. Strengthens immunity.
  11. Improves the functioning of the body.
  12. Eliminates insomnia, etc.

In addition, bathing is excellent for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2024 prices for vats in Yaremche

Prices for tanks in Yaremche (Ivano-Frankivsk region):

  • “Vuyko” (Yaremche), 1 hour – 1000 UAH, 2 – 1500, (4 persons).
  • “Vat in Yaremche”, 2-3 hours – UAH 1500 (5 people)
  • “Yaremchan vats” («Bear Forest»), 2 hours – 1500 UAH. (5 people).

How to get to Yaremche

It is easy to get here by train from Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv and Lviv in just a few hours.

The Ivano-Frankivsk-Uzhgorod highway leading to Yaremche is the place for minibuses. They depart every 30 minutes and will deliver you to the resort in comfort.

There are also buses to nearby Ternopil from Vinnytsia, Kharkiv and Chernivtsi.


🧡 Vacation in Yaremche will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!

All services in the region

The region has many interesting offers. Resort guests will be comfortable here at any time of the year. Extreme enthusiasts often choose ATVs, mountain bikes or rafting. Both adults and children will enjoy cycling, horseback riding, mountain hiking and, of course, the Carpathian basins of Yaremche.

Accommodation nearby

Hotel “Edelweiss” is great for a secluded vacation and is located next to the ski lift.

Hotel “Premier” offers a bathhouse, accommodation with pets, shuttle service, bar and restaurant services.

Tourists are also invited to the hotel “Bear Mountain” with well-organized rooms, a children’s playground, excellent cuisine, a sauna and a fitness center.

Prices for accommodation start from UAH 1360. for a room at the Edelweiss Hotel.

Готель «Красна садиба» (Яремче)
6 Ivasyuka St., Yaremche
+380 ....
from 900₴/day
Санаторій «Карпати» в Яремче
St. I. Petrasha, 30A, Yaremche
+380 ....

from 900 ₴/day
готель «Срібні Роси»
with. Mykulychyn, Laz tract 54
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/day
Готель «Гірська соната»
Mykulychyn, str. Hrushevsky, 188 B
+380 ....
from 1698 ₴/day
Готель «Едельвейс»
St. I. Petrasha, 62, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 1700 ₴/night
Готель «Premier»
St. Svobody, 278/5, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 2250 ₴/night
готель «Ведмежа гора»
St. M. Hrushevskyi, 29, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 3700 ₴/night

Tours and excursions

Yaremche offers a large number of options for a wonderful vacation. Guests of the resort are offered:

  • acquaintance with wild boars and deer living in special enclosures;
  • sheep cheese tasting;
  • enjoying the beauty of Probiy waterfall;
  • health tour of mineral springs;
  • overview of wooden temples;
  • walking around the neighborhood;
  • visiting the museum of partisan glory;
  • hike along the path of Hutsul hero Dovbush;
  • involvement in beekeeping traditions;
  • romantic trips, etc.

Where to eat deliciously

For those who visited Yaremche, recreation, vats and excursions brought great pleasure. But after them you need to have a snack. The Vedmeja Gora restaurant serves Hungarian and Hutsul cuisine, including stunning banos, mushroom soup with cream or trout. It is recommended to drink them with well-prepared homemade tinctures.

The “Grazhda” restaurant is also an inexpensive and very good option.

Travelers should also visit the hut of the Chervona Sadyba hotel, where a great lunch is offered at budget prices. All dishes are prepared according to recipes of local cuisine.

Tourists are recommended to visit the “Hutsulshchyna” restaurant, which is located in a building built without nails with carved interiors. Excellent mushroom dishes are served here.

ресторан при готелі «Міленіум»
St. Hrushevsky, 140 G, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран «Пивниця»
St. Hrushevsky, 68b, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран «Гуцульщина»
St. I. Petrasha, 2, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран-ко­либа «Червона садиба»
St. Volodymyra Ivasyuk, 6, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Ресторан «Гражда»
St. Svobody, 280/1, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Ресторан «Ведмежа гора»
St. Hrushevsky, 29 B, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....

What else to see in Yaremche

There are many interesting activities and attractions in the region.

You can’t visit the resort and not go for a ride at the Wild Fire bike-rock motorcycle festival, a fun local festival or the international Hutsul festival. And on the last Sunday of July, you should join the special atmosphere of the City Day.

And, of course, everyone will enjoy bathing in the Yaremche vats.

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
This ethnographic museum is located in the village of Tatariv on the territory of the Koruna recreation complex. The museum's
Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
To get a deeper insight into the history and traditional way of life in Tatariv, it is worth visiting the
Гора Костел (Ґорґан)
Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn that is definitely worth a visit is the 1,216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain. It
Гора Рокита Велика
While holidaying in the village of Mykulychyn, you should definitely find time to travel to the top of the mighty
Гора Маковиця
If you intend to climb to the top, which was the scene of fierce battles, the best option near Mykulychyn
Чемегівський каньйон
The extremely picturesque Chemehivskyi Canyon has become a very popular natural location in the village of Mykulychyn. Instagram bloggers and
Водоспад Капливець
The Kaplyvets waterfall is located 5 km from the Mykulychyn railway station. It is located on the territory of the
Нарінецький водоспад
The Narinetskyi single-cascade waterfall is 10 metres high. It is located between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv in a
Велика карпатська гойдалка
On the outskirts of Mykulychyn village, you can ride one of the most famous swings in Ukraine. It is located
Броварня “Микуличин” (Гуцульське)
One of the symbols of Mykulychyn village is the famous Mykulychyn Brewery. It was opened relatively recently - in 2002.
Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Микуличині
In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was decided to build a new wooden church in Mykulychyn not far
Музей етнографії та екології Карпатського краю
At the end of your visit to the museums in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the Museum of Ethnography and
Музей мольфарства у Яремче
Fans of mysticism and magic should definitely visit the Museum of Molfarism in Yaremche. It features ancient household items used
Петропавлівська церква (Музей Шептицького)
While holidaying in Yaremche, tourists will be interested in visiting the modern wooden church of the Holy Apostles Peter and
Екопарк «Ведмежа гора»
Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, there is another interesting location with animals - an eco-park with a petting
Парк-музей «Карпати в мініатюрі»
This unique museum attracts tourists like a magnet. It was initiated in 2015 by the Carpathian National Park and the
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to
Гора Синячка
Mount Synyachka, with a height of 1400 metres, is located 20 km from Yaremche. It takes 6 hours to get
Скеля «Слон» у Яремче
At a distance of only 5.5 km from the centre of Yaremche, there is the Elephant Rock, which is formed
Скеля Білий Камінь
The White Stone Rock is located on the outskirts of Yaremche (the northern part of the city is called Dora).
Скелі Довбуша
The rock and cave complex Dovbush's Rocks is located 7.7 km from the central part of Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region, in
Міні-зоопарк «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»
If you come to Yaremche with children, you should definitely visit the local mini-zoo. It was established in 1992 with
Mount Hoverla is located within two Ukrainian regions - Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk, and it is 17 kilometers from the border
Озеро Молодості
In 2014, an artificial reservoir was built on the Hnylytsia River - the Lake of Youth, with an area of
Манявський Блаженний камінь
This miracle is located in the forest, about a kilometer from the monastery. The blessed stone is a huge block
Манявський скит
Manyava Monastery (Ukrainian Athos, Khresto-Vozdvizhenskyi Men's Monastery) is an Orthodox monastery founded by Jov Kniagynytskyi and Ivan Vyshenskyi in 1606
Музей звичаєвої символіки Гуцульщини
This museum is the most popular in Mykulychyn. Its visit is included in most excursion routes around the village. The
Карпатський національний природний парк
Carpathian National Nature Park is a national park in Ukraine, on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Created to preserve the
Водоспад Пробій
Probiy Waterfall is a popular tourist attraction. A 20-meter-high bridge has been built over the waterfall, from which the bravest
Чани Яремче
Yaremche is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, in the picturesque Carpathian valley of the most beautiful Prut River near the

Popular questions

Prices for vats in Yaremche
Those who want to visit the Yaremche vats will not be disappointed by the prices. "Vuyko" (Yaremche), 1 hour - 1000 UAH, 2 - 1500, (4 persons). "Vat in Yaremche", 2-3 hours - UAH 1,500 (5 people) "Yaremchan vats" ("Bear Forest"), 2 hours - UAH 1,500. (5 people)
The most popular vats in Yaremche
The best baths are represented by "Vuyko", "Vat in Yaremche" and "Yaremchansky vats" ("Bear Forest").
Who is not suitable for the vat procedure?
Hot tubs are not recommended for people with hypertension, cardiac pathologies, liver and kidney disorders, increased convulsive readiness, cancer and endocrine disorders.