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Hotels in Rakhiv

Numerous tourists from all over Europe Rakhiv is known as a beautiful city with excellent recreational opportunities. Its well-developed infrastructure includes absolutely everything a modern traveller needs.

Готелі в Рахові

Hotels in Rakhiv

There are excellent hotels, including those with swimming pools, restaurants and gyms. Many of them offer a shuttle service to the desired destination. Therefore, holidaymakers who value comfort will find high quality facilities in Rakhiv at quite reasonable prices.

Готель «Rakhiv Hotel & Apartments»
St. Myru, 44, Rakhiv
+380 ....
from 650 ₴/day
Готель «Оленка»
St. Myru, 48, Rakhiv
+380 ....
from 480 ₴/day
Готель «Європа»
St. Myru, 42, Rakhiv
+380 ....
from 400 ₴/day

All accommodation options on the map

Attractiveness of Rakhiv

Here are the peaks of Bliznytsya and Hoverla. The weather is always good in their vicinity, and in winter, the depth of the snow cover allows holidaymakers to go skiing to their heart’s content. The city is rightly considered a paradise for holidaymakers. That’s why Rakhiv hotels are never empty.

This treasure trove of the Hutsul region pleases with the beauty of nature in any season.

In addition, from here you can go on a tour of the most interesting Transcarpathian tourist locations towards Uzhhorod and Mukachevo, famous for their architecture and history. And the stunning sights located nearby provide benefits not only for the body but also for the soul. That’s why holidaymakers often stay here for quite a long time, as inexpensive hostels help them enjoy peace and quiet without spending much money.

There are never any problems with good accommodation for visitors. For those who need decent hotels, Rakhiv is able to offer excellent conditions.

The temperature in Rakhiv now:

8.3o C   |   46.9o F

What to do in Rakhiv?

For the most part, holidaymakers come here to have a good time, go skiing and improve your health with the help of local mineral waters.

In addition, the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and the village of Dilove, which is the geographical centre of Europe.

Guests of the city will be interested in visiting the Museum of Hutsul carvings by Yuriy Pavlovych, Museum of mountain ecology, Church of St John Nepomuk and Orthodox churches.

Nearby are also objects of Hutsul architecture from the 17th and 19th centuries, beautiful mountain lakes and a trout farm.

The most interesting locations nearby

Скелі закоханих у селі Костилівка Рахівського району
The cliff-rock or Lovers' Rocks above the village of Kostylivka in the Rakhiv district of Transcarpathian region is a Ukrainian
Старі фото обсерваторії білий слон
From 1936 to 1938, on the initiative of the Polish government, an astronomical observatory was built on Black Mountain (Pip
Озеро Бребенескул
The water in the pond is very cold, despite its shallow depth, which reaches a maximum of 2.8 metres. The
Легенда гори Близниця
The highest mountain in the Svydovets range of the Carpathians is Mount Blyznytsia, which is 1881 metres high. One of
Церква святого Миколая Чудотворця
One of the largest villages in the Tyachiv district is Nyzhnya Apsha (until 2004, Dibrova). The population of the village
Верхня церква Миколи Чудотворця
Two historically valuable wooden churches have been preserved in the Romanian village of Seredne Vodiane (formerly known as Seredne Apsha,
Церква святого Миколая
In the Romanian village of Serednie Vodyane (formerly known as Serednie Apsha, population almost six thousand) in the Rakhiv district
Собор Зіслання Святого Духа
The temple with a majestic main facade was built on the central square of the city in the period from
Роза Вітрів (гора Лиса)
We recommend all visitors to Rakhov to climb Mount Roza Vitryv, from which you can see all the Ukrainian two-thousanders.
Римо-католицький костел св. Яна Непомука
One of the oldest buildings in the city is the Roman Catholic Church of St. John Nepomuk. The history of
Центр Європи біля Рахова
The geographic center of Europe, marked with a geodetic sign, is located between the settlements of Dilove and Kostylivka of
Музей екології гір та історії природокористування в Українських Карпатах
The territory of the biosphere reserve is located in Rakhiv district. The Museum of Mountain Ecology and History of Nature
Музей гуцульської Бриндзі
The Museum of Hutsul Bryndza in the Ukrainian Carpathians is based on a modern interactive approach. The premises of the
Музей гуцульської різьби Юрія Павловича
On November 14, 2014, the Yuriy Pavlovich Hutsul Carving Museum opened for visitors on the first floor of the Hotel
Chornogora is the highest mountain massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians, it includes the town of Hoverla, the highest point in

Tours and excursions

climbing the hoverla
18 hours
From 1690 ₴
Дорога на гору Говерла
2 days / 1 night
From 2550 ₴
Похід Чорногірським хребтом
6 days / 5 nights
From 4550 ₴
Гуцульське весілля в Прикарпатті
3 days / 2 nights
From 2740 ₴
дегустаційний тур по закарпаттю
4 days / 3 nights
From 3999 ₴
тур в закарпаття
2 days / 1 night
From 2391 ₴

Where to eat?

How can our service help?

Go-To.Rest will allow tourists to choose the most attractive destinations in Transcarpathia. The website contains information about the most interesting events, data on low-cost housing and welcoming restaurants. So, if someone is looking for a good hotel, Rakhiv will present the best hotels to the city’s guests.

How to get to Rakhiv?

The city is conveniently accessible by rail from Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Lutsk, Kyiv and Sumy.

Those who prefer to travel by car should follow the M-06 motorway leading to Chop and then turn towards Khust to Rakhiv. Driving from Kyiv, you should choose the road to Ivano-Frankivsk, and then turn onto the H09 highway.

The city’s motels are happy to accommodate motorists.

🧡 Rest in Rakhiv hotels will be an unforgettable moment in the history of travel in Ukraine!