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We understand how important it is to make family holidays unforgettable and exciting for every member of the family. In our catalogue, you will find the best locations in the Carpathians where your children can get a lot of interesting experiences. We have chosen places that offer a variety of excursions, active entertainment and fun attractions to ensure the most vivid memories for your family.

In our catalogue, you will find everything you need for an unforgettable holiday in the Carpathians with children. From fun rides and entertainment centres to exciting excursions to picturesque places of nature. Every day of your holiday will be filled with fun and excitement for your child. Choose our locations for the best family holidays in the Carpathians and give your children the brightest moments of a happy childhood.

Екопарк в комплексі «Ведмежа гора»
Руїни Бронецького замку
In Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on a mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukha, there are ruins of
Ужгородський замок
The museum was founded on 20.06.1945 in Uzhgorod. At that time it was called the People's Museum of Transcarpathian Ukraine
Вишківський замок
The village of Vyshkovo is home to the remains of a powerful medieval Transcarpathian castle. In historical sources, the fortress
Довжанський замок
In the village of Dovhe, the castle-palace of the magnates Dovhaiv and Teleki has been preserved. It was built on
Руїни замку Нялаб (Королевський замок)
The remains of Nyalab Castle in Korolevo (formerly Kiralhaza), Vynohradiv district, are hard to miss. The hill on which the
Боржавський замок
Borzhava Castle is one of the oldest monuments in Transcarpathia. The history of the legendary fortress can be found in
Руїни Квасівського замку
In the village of Kvasovo, Beregove district, there are ruins of a 12th-century feudal castle built in the Romanesque style.
Виноградівський замок Канків
If you walk up the path to the remains of the Kankiv Castle, you will see an incredible panorama of
Ужгородський замок
After the need for the defensive function of the Uzhgorod landmark disappeared, a seminary was established in the castle. Today,
Середнянський замок тамплієрів
Uzhhorod and Mukachevo are separated by 42 km, and the center of this distance is marked by an urban-type village
Палац-резиденція баронів Перені
Palace-residence of the Barons Pereni was built in the late 16th century. The one-storey building was built in the Renaissance
Палац графа Плотені
Count Nandor Ploteni was one of the greatest violinists of the nineteenth century. In 1896, Ferdinand Ploteni and his large
Графський двір або палац Бетлена в Берегово
Behind the cathedral, in the shade of chestnut trees, there is another landmark of Berehovo - "Grafskyi Dvir". This is
Хустський замок
Why should you visit the Khust castle? Because this is a place with an interesting and long history. A majestic
Невицький замок
Once upon a time, a Turkish princess settled in the valley of the Uzh river, "by coincidence" also an evil
Замок «Сент-Міклош» (Чинадіївський)
The austere Chynadiyevo castle with two corner towers, with meter-thick walls and mysterious dungeons, was built in the 14th century
Палац графів Шенборнів (замок Берегвар)
In 1840, the owners of the Mukachevo-Chinadiyovo dominion, the Counts Schönborn, built a wooden house in the Berehvar tract as
Замок Паланок
Palanok Castle, the main historical landmark of Mukachevo, can be seen just a few kilometers from the city. An extinct
Палац князів Ракоці (Білий дім)
The Palace of the Rakoczi Princes (also known as the White House, White Palace) is a former palace of the

Transcarpathian castles on the map


Садиба еко-ферма «Дивосвіт»
A rather interesting tourist location on the outskirts of Kosiv is the Sanduliak family eco-farm Dyvosvit. This format of private
Гуцульська сироварня в селі Яворів
A great location for gastronomic tourism in the vicinity of Kosiv is the Hutsul Cheese Factory eco-farm in the village
Контактний зоопарк «Зоотрополіс» у Моршині
The Zootropolis petting zoo in Morshyn is a popular location for children, located on the territory of the Marble Palace
Дельфінарій «Оскар» у Трускавці
Families with children who come on holiday to Truskavets should definitely visit the Oscar Dolphinarium, which is the only such
Парк «Підгір'я» в Трускавці
A great place for a walk in Truskavets is the Pidhirya Dendrological Park with its various plantings, paved paths, zoo,
Ферма-сироварня ОСГ «Бараново» в Ізі
The Baranovo Private Farm honours the true traditions of Transcarpathian cheese-making. Here you will be told about the area, which
Екопарк «Ведмежа гора»
Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, there is another interesting location with animals - an eco-park with a petting
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to
Міні-зоопарк «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»
If you come to Yaremche with children, you should definitely visit the local mini-zoo. It was established in 1992 with
Страусина ферма у Хусті
There are many interesting places to visit when travelling in Khust district. One of these locations is the Ostrich Farm,
Буйволина еко-ферма «Райський куточок»
In the village of Gorinchovo, there is a unique buffalo eco-farm and tourist complex "Raiskyi kutochok" - a place where
Садиба еко-ферма «Дивосвіт»
A rather interesting tourist location on the outskirts of Kosiv is the Sanduliak family eco-farm Dyvosvit. This format of private
Гуцульська сироварня в селі Яворів
A great location for gastronomic tourism in the vicinity of Kosiv is the Hutsul Cheese Factory eco-farm in the village
Ферма-сироварня ОСГ «Бараново» в Ізі
The Baranovo Private Farm honours the true traditions of Transcarpathian cheese-making. Here you will be told about the area, which
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to
Страусина ферма у Хусті
There are many interesting places to visit when travelling in Khust district. One of these locations is the Ostrich Farm,
Буйволина еко-ферма «Райський куточок»
In the village of Gorinchovo, there is a unique buffalo eco-farm and tourist complex "Raiskyi kutochok" - a place where

Farms on the map

Сироварня «Росохата»
A wonderful cheese dairy is located in the Polonyna Rosokhata near the village of Sheshory, 19 km from Kosiv. The
Сироварня «Далекі Гори»
The fantastic Daleki Hory cheese factory is located 25 km from Kosiv in the village of Snidavka. It opened its
Садиба еко-ферма «Дивосвіт»
A rather interesting tourist location on the outskirts of Kosiv is the Sanduliak family eco-farm Dyvosvit. This format of private
Гуцульська сироварня в селі Яворів
A great location for gastronomic tourism in the vicinity of Kosiv is the Hutsul Cheese Factory eco-farm in the village
Ферма-сироварня ОСГ «Бараново» в Ізі
The Baranovo Private Farm honours the true traditions of Transcarpathian cheese-making. Here you will be told about the area, which
Сироварня в Нижньому Селищі
The Selyshche Cheese Factory is primarily a social project that helps the village to gradually develop. Milk is accepted both
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to

Private cheese dairies on the map

Ужанський національний природний парк
The Uzhansky Nature Park stretches along the upper reaches of the Uzh River from the Uzhok Pass to the village
Заказник «Зачарована долина»
The Zacharovanyi Krai National Nature Park in Khust district of Transcarpathian region is home to the Zacharovana Dolyna Nature Reserve,
Угольсько-Широколужанський заповідний масив
Near the villages of Mala Uholka, Velyka Uholka and Uhlya, in the interfluve of the Tereblya and Teresva rivers, the
Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Курортний парк у Моршині
The Resort Park is an extremely valuable monument of landscape art. The park is decorated with neat lawns, lush flower
Парк «Підгір'я» в Трускавці
A great place for a walk in Truskavets is the Pidhirya Dendrological Park with its various plantings, paved paths, zoo,
Тур’є-Полянський заказник
The Turya Polyana Reserve is located on the northern outskirts of the village of Turya Polyana and is a general
Орнітологічний заказник «Соколові скелі»
A very picturesque natural monument near Turya Polyana is the unique ornithological reserve Sokolovi Skeli, founded in 1978 in the
Дідо-дуб у селі Стужиця
The grandfather oak tree grows on a hill near the church in the village of Stuzhytsia, Velykyi Bereznyi district (
Курортний парк «Адамівка» у Трускавці
Adamivka (formerly known as Resort Park) is a park-monument of landscape art of national importance in Ukraine. It is located
Екопарк «Ведмежа гора»
Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, there is another interesting location with animals - an eco-park with a petting
Парк-музей «Карпати в мініатюрі»
This unique museum attracts tourists like a magnet. It was initiated in 2015 by the Carpathian National Park and the
Міський парк в Хусті
The city park in the city of Khust is located at the foot of the mountain, and on the mountain
Етнопарк «Гуцул Ленд»
Hutsul Land Ethnopark is a fascinating story of the life and way of life of the highlanders of the Ukrainian
Місто-фортеця Тустань
Tustan is a medieval rock fortress-city and customs house of the XII-XVI centuries, an ancient Russian rock defensive complex, the
Природний заповідник Горгани
"Gorgany" is a nature reserve in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is located in the southwestern part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region,
Карпатський національний природний парк
Carpathian National Nature Park is a national park in Ukraine, on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Created to preserve the
One of the most interesting and attractive places for tourists in Transcarpathia is the magical high-mountainous Lake Synevyr. It is
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -
Voivodyno resort is interesting at all times of the year. Since the resort is located right in the mountains and

Map of parks in the Carpathian region

The best resorts for families with children