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Yaremche is located in Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The location of the lowland resort of Yaremche is surprisingly good – between picturesque mountains on the banks of the Prut River. It is through this settlement that you need to go to get to Hoverla, the highest mountain in the Carpathians. The town was first mentioned in 1787. It used to be popular as a summer cottage. Artists often came here for plein airs.

Nowadays, Yaremche is a well-known tourist centre, where people go not only to relax but also to improve their health.

The main attraction is the Probiy cascading waterfall, located in the heart of the city. The water falls from a height of eight metres. A pedestrian bridge has been built nearby, so you can admire the beauty of the waterfall from above. The most popular hiking route is the Dovbush Trail. And also, the Gejo Legends Park near the market.


A large souvenir market is located nearby. Here you can buy herbs and honey, embroidered clothes and pottery, wool and wood products.

There are many different museums in Yaremche to suit every taste and interest. The most famous among them are the Carpathians in Miniature Park Museum, the Museum of Molfarism, the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities, and the Museum of Ethnography and Ecology of the Carpathian Region. In addition, Yaremche has its own mini-zoo, the Aviary Farm of the Carpathian National Park.

You can also see the small waterfall “Maiden’s Tears”. It is surrounded by a beech forest and moss-covered rocks.

Wooden churches located in Yaremche attract the attention of tourists, namely: St Michael’s Church of 1844, St Elijah the Prophet Church of 1937, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of 1884, St John the Merciful Church and the modern Peter and Paul Church of 2000, which houses the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Museum.

The temperature in Yaremche now:

10.2o C   |   50.3o F

Map of attractions in Yaremche

Historical and cultural attractions in Yaremche

Yaremche residents have always cared about their history and traditions. The careful attitude to the heritage of their ancestors has become the key to the preservation of the city’s architectural monuments. When you arrive in this charming Hutsul town, you should definitely go on a tour of the city’s wooden churches to feel its spiritual power.

Церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці в Яремче

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

You should start your tour of wooden churches in Yaremche with the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is located in the very centre of the city next to the railway crossing half a kilometre north of the railway station. It was built in 1884 (according to other sources, in 1911). To this day, this masterpiece of wooden church architecture has survived almost unchanged. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a one-storey, cruciform church. Its iconostasis was made in the second half of the XIX – early XX century. Visiting the church, tourists are struck by the richness of the decor and the bright polychrome of the iconostasis decorated with diamond patterns with floral ornaments.

In 1938, a two-tiered bell tower was built near the church, which organically complements the architectural ensemble of the church with its simplicity. During the Soviet era, the church was hardly ever used for its original purpose. Memorial services were held here only occasionally. It was only in the days of independent Ukraine that the church was returned to the Greek Catholics and regular services began to be held there again. The church can be easily seen from a distance, as there are no large trees around, and it is located on a hill.

Церква Святого Іоана Милостивого в Яремче

Church of St John the Baptist

On the very outskirts of the city of Yaremche (formerly Yamna village) there is a unique wooden church of St John the Baptist. It was built in 1663, following the canons of early Hutsul sacred architecture. The walls of the church are made of wooden beams. The layout of the church is cruciform. The church is single-domed, with a well-defined main log house, above which rises a hipped chapter crowned with a cross with an onion. Next to the church is the bell tower, which has been fully preserved in its unique architecture from the era of the church’s construction.

The interior of the church is decorated with an iconostasis, a huge number of different handmade embroideries and old icons.

Today, the church is not only an architectural complex, but also a functioning shrine of the city’s Greek Catholic community, where services are regularly held.

Церква Чуда Святого Архистратига Михаїла

Church of the Miracle of St Michael the Archangel

One of the oldest wooden churches in Yaremche is St Michael’s Church, built in 1844. The full name of the church is the Church of the Miracle of St Michael the Archangel. Originally, the church belonged to the community of the neighbouring village of Dora. Today, Dora village is part of the city of Yaremche. According to many researchers, this church was founded in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1844, due to a significant increase in the number of believers, the church was rebuilt and expanded according to the project of architect V. Hnishyk. This masterpiece of sacred architecture was built in the Hutsul style. Unfortunately, the original shingle roof of the church has not been preserved. Currently, its top is covered with tin.

However, the interior of the church impresses connoisseurs of iconography with a highly artistic carved iconostasis and icons of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Ornamental paintings of the early twentieth century have been preserved on the walls of the church. The church originally belonged to Greek Catholics. After the advent of Soviet rule, it was transferred to the Orthodox, and in 1990 it was returned to the Greek Catholic community. Today, this wooden church is an architectural monument of national importance.

Церква Святого Пророка Іллі 1937 року

Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in 1937

Another architectural masterpiece is also located on the territory of the former village of Dora, which is now part of Yaremche. It is a wooden church of the Holy Prophet Elijah. It was built in 1937-1938 thanks to the tireless work of local craftsman Ivan Yavorsky on the territory of the Studium Monastery. The monastery itself was founded with the blessing of Andrei Sheptytsky at the end of August 1935. The land plot and buildings for the monastery were donated by a couple of Lviv educators, Ilya and Ivanna Kukurudza.

St Elias Church was built of wood and without the use of nails.

The interior of the church was decorated with a unique oval-shaped iconostasis. The ornamentation of the icons was created by burning and decorated with carvings.

In Soviet times, the Studite monks were persecuted, and the authorities tried to dismantle the church. However, local residents saved the shrine from destruction by boycotting it.

In 1990, St Elias’ Church was returned to the Studites, who immediately restored the church and resumed worship. However, what the Soviet authorities failed to do was done by a fire. The original church building burned down on 15 March 2014. However, the church was rebuilt very quickly. It took only 9 months. On 18 October 2015, the church was consecrated. The new church was built in accordance with the traditions of Hutsul sacred architecture. It is larger than its predecessor and, unlike it, is located far from the main road.

Петропавлівська церква (Музей Шептицького)

While exploring the masterpieces of sacred architecture in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the modern wooden church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. This shrine was built in 2000, following the canons of the classical Hutsul style. It is located on the territory of St Andrew’s Monastery. The church houses a museum of the prominent church leader Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky.

The famous Greek Catholic missionary, collector, and priest Yaroslav Svyshchuk was largely involved in the creation of the Peter and Paul Church and the Sheptytsky Museum. He was the initiator of this project, looking for sponsors and benefactors for its implementation.

In general, a tour of the wooden churches of Yaremche will fill your holiday with a spiritual component and give you peace of mind.

Getting to know any city should start with local museums. It is in museums that you can learn about the history, life and traditions of the city’s residents. In Yaremche, the museum infrastructure is at a high European level and can satisfy any tourist interest. Therefore, when visiting Yaremche, you should definitely visit the unique local museums.

Музей Андрея Шептицького у Яремче

Address: Yaremche, st. Kamyanka

Working hours: The Andrey Sheptytsky Museum in Yaremche does not have a clear working schedule, so you should arrange a tour in advance by phone.

(03434) 3-33-99

The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Museum is located directly in the middle of the lower level of the Peter and Paul Church in Yaremche. Andrei Sheptytsky is one of the most prominent figures in the history of Ukraine in the 20th century. He made great efforts to develop education, culture and art in the most difficult times for the Ukrainian people.

The Sheptytsky Museum exhibits a large number of different masterpieces of sacred art, represented by images, portraits, scenes, sculptures and mosaics.

Музей Андрея Шептицького у Яремче

Address: Yaremche, st. Mykhailo Hrushevskoho, 29.

Opening hours of the park-museum:

  • Monday from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm;
  • Tuesday – Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Ticket prices:

  • adults – 50 UAH;
  • children – 20 UAH;
  • children under the age of 6, orphans, combatants, disabled people, and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident – free of charge.

The ticket price includes the right to take photos and videos and a free guided tour.

Organised groups of more than 6 people should inform the museum about their visit in advance to arrange a tour by phone +38 (099) 192 52 00.

This unique museum attracts tourists like a magnet. The initiators of its creation in 2015 were the Carpathian National Park and the NGO Centre for Social and Business Initiatives. It is located on the territory of the Carpathian National Park in Yaremche in the middle of the Zhonka River tract. The museum’s exhibits are 25 times smaller copies of the famous tourist attractions of the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Музей мольфарства у Яремче

Address: Yaremche, st. Svobody, 278 B.

The Museum of Molfarism is open according to the following schedule:

  • Monday – Friday: from 09:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Sunday: day off.

An excursion to the museum can be arranged by phone ☎ +38 (093) 219 75 55

Fans of mysticism and magic should definitely visit the Museum of Molfarism in Yaremche. It is represented by ancient household items used by Carpathian magicians – molfars. This private collection is located in the courtyard of the private estate of Mr Mykhailo, who is the founder of this unique museum.

Музей «Українська старовина» в Яремче

Museum “Ukrainian antiquity”

Address: Yaremche, st. Svobody, 325.

Working hours:

  • Monday-Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m;
  • Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Tours of this museum should be arranged in advance by phone:

To get acquainted with the life of the Boyky, Lemkos, Hutsuls and other ethnic groups of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathians in the 19th and early 20th centuries, you should definitely visit the Ukrainian Antiquities Ethnographic Museum in Yaremche. It was established in 2007 thanks to the efforts of collector Maria Medyk.

The museum’s exhibition halls are filled with a large number of well-preserved antiquities, including crockery, various household tools, outerwear for festive and everyday women’s and men’s clothing, colourful leather boots, bags, rare books, old photographs of prominent and not-so-prominent representatives of the local population, icons, portraits, paintings of Carpathian nature, still lifes, carved dowry chests for rich and poor brides, various musical instruments, shackles from the Austro-Hungarian prison, etc.

Музей етнографії та екології Карпатського краю у Яремче

Address: Yaremche, st. Svobody, 269.

Working hours: the museum is open every day, except Monday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Entrance fee is:

  • for adults – 25 UAH.;
  • students – 15 UAH.;
  • children – 10 UAH.

Additional costs:

  • excursion service for adults is 80 UAH, and for children and students – 50 UAH;
  • excursions in a foreign language (EN, FR, PL, RU) – 100 UAH.

At the end of your visit to the museums in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the Museum of Ethnography and Ecology of the Carpathian Region. Here you will learn a lot of interesting things about the ethnography, history and development of folk crafts of the Carpathian region. This museum was officially established in 2007, but it has an interesting history.

Nowadays, this museum has become the true heart of Yaremche’s cultural life. Its life is filled with exhibitions of Hutsul folk art, festivals, thematic roundtables and seminars, ethnography lessons for pupils and students, as well as meetings with famous artists of the region.

Contact phone numbers of the museum:

What else is worth visiting in Yaremche?

Міні-зоопарк в Яремче «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»

Address: Yaremche, st. Mykhailo Hrushevskoho.

Working hours: the mini-zoo in Yaremche is open daily from 09.00 a.m to 6.00 p.m.

Prices for visiting it are quite affordable:

  • tickets for adults cost only 30 UAH.;
  • children – 15 UAH;
  • feed for feeding animals costs 20 UAH per portion.

If you come to Yaremche with children, you should definitely visit the local mini-zoo with them. It was created in 1992 with the aim of preserving the population and promoting the reproduction of wild animals of the Carpathian National Nature Park. It is located in the middle of the beautiful nature in the city of Yaremche on an area of 5.3 hectares. This place is a much better option for fauna than classic zoos. This was achieved by creating the most natural conditions for animals. For this purpose, extremely spacious enclosures have been arranged here and large areas of the picturesque natural territory of the Carpathians have been fenced with metal mesh.

For more information about visiting the mini-zoo in Yaremche, please call:

Екопарк в комплексі «Ведмежа гора»

Address: 29 Mykhailo Hrushevskoho Street, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, the Aviary Farm of the Carpathian National Nature Park, there is another interesting location with animals – an eco-park with a contact menagerie located on the territory of the Vedmezha Hora family resort. There are real red deer, wild boars, raccoons, ornamental goats, rabbits, birds of prey, peacocks and many other fauna representatives. The eco-park has equipped playgrounds, a picturesque mountain lake and the incredible nature of the spruce forest.

Winter rest in Yaremche

Yaremche has many opportunities and options for recreation at any time of the year. In winter, it is primarily visited by skiing enthusiasts.

Гірськолижний курорт «Багрівець»

Ski slopes

There are two ski lifts in Yaremche itself. One of them is located on Mount Bagrivets, and the other is on the territory of the Carpathian Watercolours complex.

The ski slope on Mount Bagrivets is located in the Carpathian National Park and is 250 metres long with a height difference of 60 metres. Prices here are quite affordable. The cost of one lift is only 30-50 UAH. A day pass costs 500 UAH. Ski equipment rental costs UAH 200-250, and sled rental costs 100-150 UAH.

The rope tow lift at the Carpathian Watercolours complex is 250 metres long with a height difference of 30 metres.

For more information about the conditions of its visit, please call:

Both ski slopes are a great option for beginners. They have excellent professional instructors who will help both children and adults learn to ski. Prices for lessons start from 90 UAH per hour.

Fans of more extreme ski slopes can visit the Yaremche ski resort, located 30 kilometres away Bukovel or visit the more affordable Dragobrat.

Чани Яремче

Vats in Yaremche

In addition to skiing in Yaremche in winter, you should definitely take a bath in the incredible local vats. The Carpathian Jacuzzi will restore your strength and youth. More information about the vats in Yaremche can be found at the following link.

Інші зимові розваги в Яремче

Other winter activities

In winter, you can have a great time in Yaremche by going on excursions to local museums and wooden churches, and you should definitely get acquainted with the traditions of Christmas celebrations of the locals.

Summer rest in Yaremche and interesting places nearby

In summer, Yaremche has an incredible number of different recreational opportunities. First and foremost, it is visited by hikers. For them, Yaremche becomes the starting point for many routes in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The most popular locations for hiking in and around Yaremche are the Probiy Waterfall, Dovbush Rocks, Elephant Rock, Mount Sinyachka and White Stone Rock.

Водоспад Пробій

Probiy waterfall

Probiy Waterfall is located in the city of Yaremche on the Prut River. Its height is 8 metres, but it is considered to be one of the most full-flowing and powerful in the Ukrainian Carpathians. For the convenience of tourists, there is a 20-metre pedestrian bridge from which it is very convenient to admire this natural wonder. More information about the waterfall can be found at the following link.

Скелі Довбуша

The Dovbush Rocks Cave Complex is located 7.7 km from the central part of Yaremche and is protected by the state as a historical and natural monument. It is a labyrinth of rocks up to 80 metres high, located in the middle of a spruce forest in the Carpathians. At one time, it was used as a refuge by the Opposition rebels led by Oleksa Dovbush.

Скеля Слон

A little closer, at a distance of 5.5 km from the centre of Yaremche, is the Elephant Rock, which is formed by chalky flysch rocks. They are not covered with forest and from a distance resemble the skin of an elephant, which gave the rock its unusual name.

Гора Синячка

Mount Synyachka is 1400 metres high and is located 20 km from Yaremche. It takes 6 hours to get here on foot from Yaremche. This mountain is so called because of its blue colour. Locals believe that this mountain can predict the weather. Before a significant weather deterioration, it changes colour and appears black. There are oilfields nearby, and the mountain itself is full of mushrooms and berries. From the top of this mountain, you can enjoy an unusually picturesque view of the Carpathians.

Скеля Білий Камінь (Яремче)

The White Stone Rock is located on the outskirts of Yaremche. The height of this unique natural monument is 29 metres. It is shaped like a giant’s head. It is a popular place for photo shoots. From the top of the rock, the brave souls can enjoy an incredible view of the surrounding mountains and the picturesque Prut River valley.

Рафтинг у Яремче


A popular summer activity in Yaremche is rafting on the Prut mountain river. Rafting down the rapid current will be an unforgettable adventure for a lifetime.



There are many opportunities for gastronomic tourism in Yaremche. In addition to a large number of restaurants serving traditional Hutsul cuisine, you should definitely visit the farm’s cheese dairy to taste locally produced cheeses “Polonyna Makovytsia”.

Пляжний відпочинок у Яремче

Beach rest

For those who like beach rest, many hotels in Yaremche have swimming pools and the opportunity to relax on the banks of the Prut River. In addition, not far from Yaremche in Bukovel located Lake of Youth with well-equipped beaches and water activities.

Інші літні розваги у Яремче

Other summer activities

For lovers of outdoor activities, Yaremche organises horseback riding, quad biking and cycling tours in the mountainous terrain.

Fishing is a more relaxing way to have a rest. Yaremche has all the necessary conditions for it. There are wonderful trout farms with incredible ponds equipped for fishing. Among them are such well-known farms with ponds as “In the middle of the Carpathians”, “Wild Forest”, “Pstrug” and many others.

Сувенірний ринок у Яремче

Souvenir market

In conclusion rest in Yaremche, Before you leave, you should definitely buy some local souvenirs as a souvenir. To do this, visit the Souvenir Market in Yaremche. Here, warm socks, slippers, scarves and mittens, winter coats and caps of various styles, handmade woollen blankets, colourful embroideries, towels, Hutsul woven carpets and tablecloths decorated with bright original ornaments, gerdans and wicker beaded decorations are actively sold every day, traditional Hutsul dishes, souvenir vessels with the inscription “Yaremche” as a reminder of the holiday, wooden mugs, plates and candlesticks decorated with traditional ornaments, natural mead or Kalganovka, dried mushrooms, various types of jam, nuts and herbs, etc.

The most interesting places near Yaremche

Етно-парк «Полонина Перці» в Яблуниці
"Polonyna Pertsi" is the most interesting place for a family rest in Yablunytsya. This incredibly picturesque meadow has become a
Гора Хом’як
Mount Khomyak is located at a distance of almost 6 km from the village of Tatariv and is part of
Музей гуцульського побуту у Татарові
This ethnographic museum is located in the village of Tatariv on the territory of the Koruna recreation complex. The museum's
Музей історії та старожитностей Татарова
To get a deeper insight into the history and traditional way of life in Tatariv, it is worth visiting the
Гора Костел (Ґорґан)
Among the mountain peaks around Mykulychyn, the first one worth climbing is the majestic Mount Kostel (also known as Horhan
Гора Ягідна
Another mountain peak near the village of Mykulychyn that is definitely worth a visit is the 1,216-metre-high Yahidna Mountain. It
Гора Рокита Велика
While holidaying in the village of Mykulychyn, you should definitely find time to travel to the top of the mighty
Гора Маковиця
If you intend to climb to the top, which was the scene of fierce battles, the best option near Mykulychyn
Чемегівський каньйон
The extremely picturesque Chemehivskyi Canyon has become a very popular natural location in the village of Mykulychyn. Instagram bloggers and
Водоспад Капливець
The Kaplyvets waterfall is located 5 km from the Mykulychyn railway station. It is located on the territory of the
Нарінецький водоспад
The Narinetskyi single-cascade waterfall is 10 metres high. It is located between the villages of Mykulychyn and Tatariv in a
Велика карпатська гойдалка
On the outskirts of Mykulychyn village, you can ride one of the most famous swings in Ukraine. It is located
Броварня “Микуличин” (Гуцульське)
One of the symbols of Mykulychyn village is the famous Mykulychyn Brewery. It was opened relatively recently - in 2002.
Церква Пресвятої Трійці у Микуличині
In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was decided to build a new wooden church in Mykulychyn not far
Музей етнографії та екології Карпатського краю
At the end of your visit to the museums in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the Museum of Ethnography and
Музей мольфарства у Яремче
Fans of mysticism and magic should definitely visit the Museum of Molfarism in Yaremche. It features ancient household items used
Петропавлівська церква (Музей Шептицького)
While holidaying in Yaremche, tourists will be interested in visiting the modern wooden church of the Holy Apostles Peter and
Екопарк «Ведмежа гора»
Not far from the mini-zoo in Yaremche, there is another interesting location with animals - an eco-park with a petting
Парк-музей «Карпати в мініатюрі»
This unique museum attracts tourists like a magnet. It was initiated in 2015 by the Carpathian National Park and the
Фермерське господарство «Полонина Маковиця»
When you are on holiday in Yaremche, you should definitely visit the cheese dairy of the Polonyna Makovytsia farm to
Гора Синячка
Mount Synyachka, with a height of 1400 metres, is located 20 km from Yaremche. It takes 6 hours to get
Скеля «Слон» у Яремче
At a distance of only 5.5 km from the centre of Yaremche, there is the Elephant Rock, which is formed
Скеля Білий Камінь
The White Stone Rock is located on the outskirts of Yaremche (the northern part of the city is called Dora).
Скелі Довбуша
The rock and cave complex Dovbush's Rocks is located 7.7 km from the central part of Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region, in
Міні-зоопарк «Вольєрне господарство Карпатського національного природного парку»
If you come to Yaremche with children, you should definitely visit the local mini-zoo. It was established in 1992 with
Mount Hoverla is located within two Ukrainian regions - Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk, and it is 17 kilometers from the border
Озеро Молодості
In 2014, an artificial reservoir was built on the Hnylytsia River - the Lake of Youth, with an area of
Манявський Блаженний камінь
This miracle is located in the forest, about a kilometer from the monastery. The blessed stone is a huge block
Манявський скит
Manyava Monastery (Ukrainian Athos, Khresto-Vozdvizhenskyi Men's Monastery) is an Orthodox monastery founded by Jov Kniagynytskyi and Ivan Vyshenskyi in 1606
Музей звичаєвої символіки Гуцульщини
This museum is the most popular in Mykulychyn. Its visit is included in most excursion routes around the village. The
Карпатський національний природний парк
Carpathian National Nature Park is a national park in Ukraine, on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Created to preserve the
Водоспад Пробій
Probiy Waterfall is a popular tourist attraction. A 20-meter-high bridge has been built over the waterfall, from which the bravest
Чани Яремче
Yaremche is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, in the picturesque Carpathian valley of the most beautiful Prut River near the

Accommodation in Yaremche

There are many accommodation options for tourists in Yaremche and the surrounding area. For lovers of family holidays with maximum comfort, the Vedmezha Gora complex will be a good option in Yaremche. Prices here start at 3700 UAH per day. A cheaper rest will be in hotels “Premier” (from 2250 UAH per day) and “Edelweiss” (from 1700 UAH per day). If you need maximum recovery during your stay in Yaremche, a wonderful Karpaty sanatorium. The cost of accommodation starts from 900 UAH per day. For a large company, the options of private estates or cottages are suitable. The most economical options can be found among a huge number of offers private sector. Prices here start from 200-250 UAH per day.

Готель «Красна садиба» (Яремче)
6 Ivasyuka St., Yaremche
+380 ....
from 900₴/day
Санаторій «Карпати» в Яремче
St. I. Petrasha, 30A, Yaremche
+380 ....

from 900 ₴/day
готель «Срібні Роси»
with. Mykulychyn, Laz tract 54
+380 ....
from 1000 ₴/day
Готель «Гірська соната»
Mykulychyn, str. Hrushevsky, 188 B
+380 ....
from 1698 ₴/day
Готель «Едельвейс»
St. I. Petrasha, 62, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 1700 ₴/night
Готель «Premier»
St. Svobody, 278/5, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 2250 ₴/night
готель «Ведмежа гора»
St. M. Hrushevskyi, 29, Yaremche
+380 ....
from 3700 ₴/night
Садиба «333» у Яремче
333 Svobody str., Yaremche
+380 ....
from 1000₴/day
«Микулин Хутірець»
Horba plot, 163A, p. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
from 500 ₴/day

Food in Yaremche

There is a huge selection of different restaurants and cafes in Yaremche and the surrounding area where tourists can satisfy their hunger.

The most popular restaurant in Yaremche is “Hutsulshchyna”, “Krasna Sadyba”, “Grazhda” and “Vedmezha Gora”.

The “Hutsulshchyna” restaurant is a kind of restaurant-museum. It was built in 1965 by Ivan Bondarchuk without a single nail in the best Hutsul architectural traditions. The restaurant’s interior primarily attracts visitors’ attention with its authentic wood-burning stove, which is lined with ancient Kosiv tiles, a highly artistic wooden clock with mechanical figures, and weaving products made from natural sheep’s wool. In addition, the restaurant uses unique ceramic sets with painted designs made by craftsmen from Kosovo as tableware. All this creates an incredible atmosphere in which it is extremely pleasant to taste masterpieces of Hutsul cuisine.

The restaurant-kolyba “Krasna Sadyba” is a great place for various celebrations and banquets. The dishes here are extremely tasty. In addition, there is live music presented by authentic troisty musicians.

A good place with affordable prices and friendly staff is the Grazhda restaurant located next to the Probiy waterfall. The food and drinks here are extremely high quality and tasty.

In the restaurant ” Vedmezha Gora” you can taste delicious dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisine. The restaurant is located in an unusually picturesque place among the Carpathian forest. While relaxing there, you get the impression that you are in Switzerland.

ресторан при готелі «Міленіум»
St. Hrushevsky, 140 G, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран «Пивниця»
St. Hrushevsky, 68b, c. Mykulychyn
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран «Гуцульщина»
St. I. Petrasha, 2, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Рес­то­ран-ко­либа «Червона садиба»
St. Volodymyra Ivasyuk, 6, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Ресторан «Гражда»
St. Svobody, 280/1, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....
Ресторан «Ведмежа гора»
St. Hrushevsky, 29 B, Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk region.
+380 ....

Tours and excursions

Екстремальний джип-тур “Повний круг”
3 hours
From 4500 ₴
Джипінг в Карпатах
4 hours
From 5500 ₴
Джип тури Карпатами
2 hours
From 2500 ₴
Джип-тур “Стеришора”
3 hours
From 3500 ₴
Джип-тур “Русанівка”
3 hours
From 3000 ₴
Гуцульське весілля в Прикарпатті
3 days / 2 nights
From 2740 ₴

How to get to Yaremche?

If you are using your own car, you should go from Kyiv via Zhytomyr, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, from which you should take the H09 highway to Yaremche. From the city Uzhgorod you should follow the road through Mukachevo, Khust, Tyachiv, Rakhiv, Kvasy and Tatariv, from which the same H09 road will lead us to Yaremche.

Yaremche has a regular bus service. Buses from Lviv, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Uzhhorod and other cities of Ukraine arrive at the local bus station every day.

It is also easy to get to Yaremche by train. The city has its own railway station with trains arriving daily from Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia and Lviv, Rakhiv and other cities of Ukraine.

The closest airport to Yaremche is in Ivano-Frankivsk, but it is currently closed due to Russian aggression.

🧡 Your rest in Yaremche will be one of the best and will be remembered for a lifetime!