Near the village Muzhievo Beregovsky district Transcarpathian region, near the river verke, stands a lone moun
Old-timers say that in ancient times, the Governor of Beregovo king (zhupan) Andrew Dobosh was amazingly beautiful daughter Ilka. Many noble guys wooed her, and especially tried to please the beautiful young good knight Valentine and the owner of the castle Nyalab (now the ruins of this castle are located in Korolevo village Vinogradovsky district). Dobosh himself wanted to see his son-in-law Njalab for political reasons, and Ilka was in love with the young knight Valentine with all her heart.
The father loved his daughter very much and therefore did not want to force her to marry. He acted wisely deciding that only the battle will show who will become the bridegroom of Ilka. It was at that time in the town of Beregszasz (now Beregovo) a jousting tournament was held. The final of the competition came Valentine, and Relab. Equal were their forces in the fight. Time after time, after the lance blows, they remained on the horse. Suddenly, Valentine managed to knock his opponent out of the saddle.
As promised Ilka came out for the beloved to get married, but could not come to terms with his loss Relab. The proud owner of the castle swore that he would get Ilka at any cost and raised a rebellion against the authorities. He destroyed and plundered villages and towns and terrified people from all over the area.
The insurrection became so widespread that the veryking I had to raise an army against the rebel. Valentine also went to battle with the robber. Took advantage of Relab, which treacherously attacked the estate of Valentine and stole LCO. Relab rapidly rushed with Ilkay to his castle. Valentine left for the campaign turned around and saw smoke from the side of his estate. He immediately returned and began to catch up with the treacherous Nyalab. But the worst thing happened, the dastardly robber realized that he would never get Ilka again, and killed her in front of her husband. After the crime, he tried to escape and jumped with a horse into the Werke river. However, getting entangled in the reeds, the horse along with Nyalab drowned in the river.
The beautiful Ilka was buried at the site of her death on the banks of the river Werke. Every soldier in the great Royal army gathered dirt into his helmet and poured it on her grave. This is how the Beauty mound appeared in Transcarpathia.
… по третьей легенде, обладатель Невицкого замка Упор отбил у герцога Горо невесту и, чтобы успокоить злость соперника, который взял крепость в длительную осаду, пообещал ему… Читать ⤷
Було це в розпал літа. Першовідкривачі подолали густі зарості лісу і вийшли до підніжжя гори. Але тут набігли темні хмари, здійнявся сильний вітер і пішов сніг… Читать ⤷