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Excursion through the streets of Khust

A tour of the sights of Khust should be started with the church of St. Elizabeth, which is located at the intersection of Constitution and Karpatska Sich streets. The Reformed church of the 13th-14th centuries consists of three parts: an independent tower, a nave and an organically united apse. The walls of the temple are decorated with Gothic windows. During the restoration in 2005, interesting frescoes of the 15th century depicting knights in armor were found inside the temple. A similar church of the 13th-14th centuries was preserved in the village of Vyshkovo, Khust district.

Температура в Хусті зараз

15.2o C   |   59.4o F

A two-hour walk through the city of Khust

From the Elizaveta Church, you should walk along Karpatska Sich Street in the direction of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anna, which is located at the intersection with Koryatovycha Street. At the end of the 18th century, building materials from the Khust Castle destroyed by fire were used for its construction.

Without changing the direction, you should walk a few more meters and turn left, continuing your walk along Repina Street. This is a kind of passage, on both sides of which there are counters of street vendors, showcases of cafes and small shops. The variety of colors and the turbulent flow of pedestrians create a feeling of the East. It grows when you go to Independence Square, which has been transformed into a city bazaar. The oriental flavor of the market is given by the golden domes of the Orthodox church.

In the square, you should turn left and after a few meters you can see the building of the Kabbalist Synagogue. At the beginning of the 20th century, a large Jewish community lived in the city. In the spring of 1944, when the fascists took Jews to concentration camps, they brought their spiritual literature to be stored in the synagogue building. Several hundred Jews who were lucky enough to survive and return home took their books back. After Khrushchev’s “thaw”, emigrating, they and their children again brought Talmuds to the synagogue, where the books are still kept. The Khust Synagogue impresses with its wealth, excellent condition of interior decoration, ornaments and furniture. In Soviet times, the building remained untouched. Fortunately, it was never converted into a warehouse or a gym in those days. This synagogue is active, it resumed its activities in 2000.

Nearby is the so-called Czech quarter, which was built by Czech colonists at the beginning of the 20th century. It consists of elegant houses with roofs covered with red tiles.

From the synagogue, the tour should continue in the same direction to the intersection, where you should turn left onto Constitution Street. At the end of it, you can see the already familiar Reformed church. From its walls, you should turn right, cross the road, and then walk along the street of the 900th anniversary of Khusta in the direction of Zamkova Gora. At the intersection with Pirogov Street, you can see the building of the City Council. It was in this building that the independence of Carpathian Ukraine was proclaimed in March 1939.

Then you should cross the Khustets River, after which you can start climbing to the left along the paved road through the city cemetery to the walls of the Khust Castle. After enjoying the panorama of the city and the views of the Rika and Tisza river valleys from the observation deck on the top of the mountain, you can go down the same road to the city. The ascent to the Castle Hill and the descent from it will take no more than an hour. The height difference is about 150 meters. The entire walk around the city will last a maximum of two hours.

Tours and excursions


Local experts and guides

Talk to the locals, it will simplify the trip and save you money. A local expert will be able to tell you where it is better to stay, in a hotel or in the private sector. You can learn about excursions and interesting places that are worth seeing and visiting. And the tastiest places in Uzhhorod
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Map of Khust attractions

Accommodation nearby

Premiere Hotel
St. Lvivska, 124, Khust
+380 ....
from 950₴/night
Санаторий «Трембита»
Dumyntsi tract, village Velyatyno
+380 ....

from 1500 ₴/day
Санаторий «Боржава»
Dovge, str. 15, Sichovyh Streltsiv
+380 ....
from 1240 ₴/day

Where is a good place to eat?

Ресторан «Huston»
St. Borkanyuka, 15A, Khust
+380 ....
Ресторан «Фокус»
St. Ivana Franka, 69, Khust
+380 ....
Ресторан V&P
St. V. Petenka, 5, Khust
+380 ....

What else to see in the city and its surroundings?

Річка Теребля
The Tereblya is a right tributary of the Tysa. The river is over 90 km long. During calm periods, the
Руїни Бронецького замку
In Khust district of Transcarpathian region, on a mountain between the villages of Bronka and Sukha, there are ruins of
Вишківський замок
The village of Vyshkovo is home to the remains of a powerful medieval Transcarpathian castle. In historical sources, the fortress
Довжанський замок
In the village of Dovhe, the castle-palace of the magnates Dovhaiv and Teleki has been preserved. It was built on
Приватний музей «Сріберна земля» в Грушово
The amount of antiquities on display in three small rooms would probably be enough for ten halls. Some of the
Угольсько-Широколужанський заповідний масив
Near the villages of Mala Uholka, Velyka Uholka and Uhlya, in the interfluve of the Tereblya and Teresva rivers, the
Угольський монастир в селі Угля
The exact age of the monastery is unknown. Researchers believe that the monastery was founded in the pre-Mongol period. There
Костел святої Єлизавети у Хусті
The Church of St Elizabeth is located in Khust at the crossroads of Constitution and Carpathian Sich streets. The Reformed
Миколаївська церква в селі Сокирниця
In the very centre of Sokyrnytsya, next to the stone Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, tourists
Михайлівська церква в селі Крайниково
At a distance of 2 km to the south of the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, the neighbouring
Руїни замку Нялаб (Королевський замок)
The remains of Nyalab Castle in Korolevo (formerly Kiralhaza), Vynohradiv district, are hard to miss. The hill on which the
Печера тамплієрів у Виноградові
The Templar Cave, locally known as the Sea Eye, is located on the top of the Black Mountain in Vynohradiv.
Ферма-сироварня ОСГ «Бараново» в Ізі
The Baranovo Private Farm honours the true traditions of Transcarpathian cheese-making. Here you will be told about the area, which
Сироварня в Нижньому Селищі
The Selyshche Cheese Factory is primarily a social project that helps the village to gradually develop. Milk is accepted both
Страусина ферма у Хусті
There are many interesting places to visit when travelling in Khust district. One of these locations is the Ostrich Farm,
Буйволина еко-ферма «Райський куточок»
In the village of Gorinchovo, there is a unique buffalo eco-farm and tourist complex "Raiskyi kutochok" - a place where
Пам'ятник «Пинтя Вєлєт» (Пинтя Хоробрий)
Grygor Pyntya (Pyntya the Brave) was born in the Romanian village of Megoazh on 25 February 1670. He came from
Термальні басейни «Теплі води»
The Tepli Vody tourist complex in Velyatyno is a unique and colourful location based on thermal mineral water pools. It
Виноградівський замок Канків
If you walk up the path to the remains of the Kankiv Castle, you will see an incredible panorama of
Міський парк в Хусті
The city park in the city of Khust is located at the foot of the mountain, and on the mountain
Готична церква в селі Данилово
In the small village of Danylovo, Khust district, Transcarpathian region, with a population of 1800 inhabitants, there is the tallest
Церква святої Параскеви в селі Олександрівка
Near the church in the village of Danylovo, Khust district, Zakarpattia region, the road turns right, leading past a hill
Реформатський храм
The most elegant church in Tyachiv is a stone Reformed church with a three-tier bell tower. A real clock has
Успенська церква
At the entrance to the village of Novoselytsia, Berehiv District, guests are greeted by the sign "Welcome to Novoselytsia" with
Синагога каббалістів
The variety of colors and the turbulent flow of pedestrians in the center of the city of Khust create a
Хустський замок
Why should you visit the Khust castle? Because this is a place with an interesting and long history. A majestic
Реабілітаційний центр бурого ведмедя
Children should definitely visit the rehabilitation center for brown bears in the Synevyr National Nature Park. It is the only
Долина нарцисів
Near the village of Kireshi (5 km north of Khust) is the most popular tourist attraction in Khust district -

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